You're dense AF. If there's ever going to be a race war, which I highly doubt, but if, it will be from those like you.
You keep saying, "white privilege," "racist capital punishment, I wish it would kill just the white devils, so if I ever kill whitey out of my unjustified rage one day, they don't fry my ass as the hypocrit I am," "racism againat whites is a lie because they started it, so meh

"I will blame all of why my life sucks on a 'fake' Asian Buddhist on a forum because he just make oh so mad that I'd grrrr, let me go cry a bit before I recompose myself," "one person drove over a fat AF white devil she bitch who I'm secretly glad died, but I will posture about it to death, because it's all I got."
Bro I'm none of those things, but you are and stoke out over them. I only think it's funny you and your kind like UncleBuck do. Because you want to dictate how I should act, what I say, and what I do, otherwise you accuse me of all sorts of hilarious shit that's beyond ridiculous.
In reality I medidate about 30 to 45 minutes a day, chant Namo Amituofo, eat right, a complete pacifist(against death of all kinds:euthanasia, capital death, abortion, eugenics), my actual job is convincing capital fucks to be just a little bit more humane even if it's a lie to maintain that image for PR, and go to Buddhist church.
To let off steam I come here. It's not my faul you and UncleBuck make ridiculous AF claims and accusations that I respond to the challenge. At times I admit, sometimes it takes for me quite the mental gymastics to try and beat you, because what you claim seems unbeatable, but I don't give up.
So now that my "secret" is out, which wasn't really one if any of you could actually read. You make fun of Sky, but ahe must be the genius of the group because she PM'd me saying she liked my MO of my TRUE message all of you ar2r too dense to get, which is: kindness begets kindness, not taking revenge to force them to "admit" what their ancestor did or be the whippin' boy for the capitalist bourgeois overlords because you're too weak to stand up to them directly.
Because we're all in this together here on this site, no matter how much you deny that and want to take the glory all for your kind only.
Now, we can move on, and discuss real issues, not your white devil conspiracy theories we both know are complete lies, or you can keep up living in your fantasy land which I'll keep mocking you over because no one besides people online or at those Antifa rallies can keep up the lie in real life.
Your choice.