Another story that proves guns make people safer

Did no one ever get robbed, murdered, pillaged, and enslaved before guns were invented? If you want to fight, fight for mental health. The root of all of societies problems. You can scream all day about guns, im sure the families of those murdered at the Christmas parade don't give a fuck what killed their loved ones.
Did no one ever get robbed, murdered, pillaged, and enslaved before guns were invented? If you want to fight, fight for mental health. The root of all of societies problems. You can scream all day about guns, im sure the families of those murdered at the Christmas parade don't give a fuck what killed their loved ones.
Thread is about guns, not your diversionary argument.
It's a great answer, you just don't have a logical response, because criminals inherently don't follow the law. If every gun in America was outlawed today, would they disappear?
Rhetorical fallacy, how so? I'm showing that irresponsibility involving products that are inherently dangerous, has tragic consequences. Call it a purple elephant if you want, doesn't mean it isn't true.
I didn't deny the facts.

Just saying it has no bearing on the point that guns don't make people safer. The opposite is true.

But OK, so you are talking about a risk that is real. So are car accidents. I'll indulge you in your logical fallacy. It is very, very rare for people to successfully use their gun in an act of self defense.

  • In 2017, the FBI reports there were only 298 justifiable homicides involving a private citizen using a firearm. That same year, there were 10,380 criminal gun homicides. Guns were used in 35 criminal homicides for every justifiable homicide.
  • Intended victims of violent crimes engaged in self-protective behavior that involved a firearm in 1.1 percent of attempted and completed incidents between 2014 and 2016.
  • Intended victims of property crimes engaged in self-protective behavior that involved a firearm in 0.3 percent of attempted and completed incidents between 2014 and 2016.

About 40% of households in this country own a gun. 123 million households in US makes for about 49 million households. 298 successful incidents of self defense. 298/49,000,000 is a very small number. If you own a gun "for protection" because you are afraid somebody with a gun will come after you, why aren't you afraid to drive a car, where you are much more likely to be killed?

I don't really care if you own a gun. I'm just saying if your rationale is that you own if for protection and there are no special circumstances then you are a fool.
Did no one ever get robbed, murdered, pillaged, and enslaved before guns were invented? If you want to fight, fight for mental health. The root of all of societies problems. You can scream all day about guns, im sure the families of those murdered at the Christmas parade don't give a fuck what killed their loved ones.
You can scream about it all day but doesn't change the fact that gun ownership makes most gun owners less safe and raises risk to the people around them. Almost the definition of cowardice.
Is this thread about the tragedy of a child dying, or guns? I hate to see any innocent loss of life. Little dicked assholes? Get out of your feelings and use your head.
So because you've never encountered it, you assume it's rare. There were over 33k robberies at gunpoint in 2020. My girlfriends daughter in law was robbed at gunpoint 3 weeks ago. "It's rare" doesn't cut it.
Menacing, mayhem, and murder have been going on for centuries. Let me know when you figure out a solution to that. How many people around the world are murdered every day, with a weapon that isn't a gun. Why even mention suicide? One of my best friends growing up jumped in front of a semi to commit suicide. He was gonna do it one way or another. That's a mental health issue, not a gun issue.
Me, owning a gun when I grow weed :lol: But *if* I did own a gun, it would be locked in a gun cabinet, unloaded, with a trigger lock, while I wasn't home.
And you own 5 guns, that's rich. Your dick must be microscopic bongsmilie
just kiss my ass, every argument you use is nothing but bullshit, and i'm not buying one stinking, blame dodging word of it, and no one else is anymore either.
first off, wtf are you talking about, it's rare? think you have two posts run together in your head...
what your friends did is irrelevant. what you say is pretty much irrelevant...
all of this misery is caused by a permissive gun policy...but none of that is as important as your "right" to carry a gun...none of those lives lost matters one shit compared to your right, but you or no one else wants to take any responsibility...there needs to be a lot tougher controls on firearms, period, no more person to person sales, in any way, shape, or form, ALL weapons registered, all thefts have to be reported immediately, all gun owners are responsible for crimes committed with their weapons, if the theft isn't reported within 2 more "constitutional carry, period, if you want to carry, you have to be licensed, which includes training. no more ammo sales of calibers you don't have don't have a 5.56 registered? no ammo for ghost guns, bump stocks, high capacity mags...fuck a bunch of goddamn cowboys, we're supposed to be a civilized society, it's about fucking time we start acting like one
Did no one ever get robbed, murdered, pillaged, and enslaved before guns were invented? If you want to fight, fight for mental health. The root of all of societies problems. You can scream all day about guns, im sure the families of those murdered at the Christmas parade don't give a fuck what killed their loved ones.
sure they did, but it took a lot more people to do it, and it took a lot longer...but who the fuck is talking about that? we're talking about people being murdered and committing suicide by handgun...fighting for better gun laws is a fight for mental health, it's an attempt at keeping weapons out of the hands of those not competent to carry them, and make it harder for suicidal people to take a quick and easy way out.
no one here is screaming, you must be hearing the echos of all those dead people cries...
i'm pretty sure all those families do indeed give a fuck how their loved ones were killed...although that was an suv, and not a handgun...
you want to put stricter controls on cars? i can go for that, most of the motherfuckers driving now shouldn't be...and definitely not ones with no license
sure they did, but it took a lot more people to do it, and it took a lot longer...but who the fuck is talking about that? we're talking about people being murdered and committing suicide by handgun...fighting for better gun laws is a fight for mental health, it's an attempt at keeping weapons out of the hands of those not competent to carry them, and make it harder for suicidal people to take a quick and easy way out.
no one here is screaming, you must be hearing the echos of all those dead people cries...
i'm pretty sure all those families do indeed give a fuck how their loved ones were killed...although that was an suv, and not a handgun...
you want to put stricter controls on cars? i can go for that, most of the motherfuckers driving now shouldn't be...and definitely not ones with no license
Suicide by gun is separate. It’s not the same as a death by gun when the victim wasn’t expecting or intending it.