Are you Capitalist or Socialist?

Are you Capitalist or Socialist?On a scale of 1 to 10

  • 1

    Votes: 9 33.3%
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    Votes: 1 3.7%
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    Votes: 3 11.1%
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    Votes: 1 3.7%
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    Votes: 2 7.4%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
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    Votes: 2 7.4%
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    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • 9

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 10

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Exactly my point! Try reading The Communist Manifesto by Marx. He even explained how the different sects of communism are causing its collapse. Which effects us, do this day. What do you think all the Occupy protests where for?!
I love how it's so obvious you don't know wtf you're talking about. Marx wasn't the sole author of Communist Manifesto.

Anyways, fuck that garbage. Communist sand Marxists have sold out the working class time and time again, it's like an obsession of theirs'.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Marxism falls under the umbrella of Socialism. As a Marxist, you should know this already.
socilaism is the interstial phase of the marxist revolution where the proletariate is conditioned to become radicalized and indoctrinated into the "science" of marxism, with an end goal of true communism.

a stateless society with no ownership, no money and no transactional economy. simply sharing everything in a utopian dreamland.

read more marx and engles homey. you dont want to be on the wrong side when the Popular Font for the Liberation of Communist Thought puts the counter-revolutionaries against the wall.


New Member
I think capitalist and socialist are misleading because there are so many different flavors of each.

For instance, I could say I'm a capitalist but what I might mean is that I'm a State Capitalist, which actually sounds a lot like communism:

Or I could say I'm a socialist, but what I really mean is I'm a libertarian socialist, which would eliminates the state bureaucracies altogether.
yea it ignore the whole up or down factor in left or right, idk what to put on this thing so I just vote 4 I guees lol, I am a left leaning libertarian and borderline anarchist. I am very capitalist, infact times in my life where I believed that we should privatize litteraly everything but then I understand the evils of capitalism as well.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
libertarian socialist myself.
a contradiction in terms, like being a pacifist murderer.

socialism must by it's very nature eliminate the freedoms that allow a libertarian to exercise the liberty he claims as his birthright.

socialist governments inevitably descend into police states or caste systems. even now scandanavia is slipping further into the oppressive caste system of the middle ages where wealth and poverty are ones lot in life at birth, and upward mobility is nearly impossible due to government restrictions on innovation and industry.they have not indulged in oppression of the populace yet, which is good, but they are becoming a seriously stratified economy with the perpetual underclass surviving solely on the good graces of their overlords.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'd rather have free healthcare than our current free freedom.
i also would have preferred a single payer system with a plebiscite to authorize it and the taxes which would pay for it, sadly thats not what obama served up. we're getting an insurance mandate, much like the car insurance mandate in california. prices will skyrocket with a captive market and the threat of penury or prison for dissenters, medical costs will climb to unimagined heights since insurance companies only pay a percentage of what medicare pays, and the long established medicare system will be disassembled and a new less regulated bureaucracy of do-nothings will take it's place. all medically necessary treatments will undergo a commissar's screening to determine if its politically prudent, (sex changes for murderers, check, prostate cancer treatments, meh, not so much) and only the insurance companies will be laughing in the end.


Well-Known Member
i also would have preferred a single payer system with a plebiscite to authorize it and the taxes which would pay for it, sadly thats not what obama served up. we're getting an insurance mandate, much like the car insurance mandate in california. prices will skyrocket with a captive market and the threat of penury or prison for dissenters, medical costs will climb to unimagined heights since insurance companies only pay a percentage of what medicare pays, and the long established medicare system will be disassembled and a new less regulated bureaucracy of do-nothings will take it's place. all medically necessary treatments will undergo a commissar's screening to determine if its politically prudent, (sex changes for murderers, check, prostate cancer treatments, meh, not so much) and only the insurance companies will be laughing in the end.
I am liking the new Chesty avatar.


Active Member
yea it ignore the whole up or down factor in left or right, idk what to put on this thing so I just vote 4 I guees lol, I am a left leaning libertarian and borderline anarchist. I am very capitalist, infact times in my life where I believed that we should privatize litteraly everything but then I understand the evils of capitalism as well.
I'm actually with you. I have to admit that the more I read about anarchy the more I like it, but I lean libertarian socialist. I want the best of both worlds. The reason I'm against privatizing everything is because of what happened in Bolivia when they privatized the water supply. The corporation that built the water delivery system was charging 1/3 of people's income for the service. It was a monopoly so people had no where to turn. They started collecting rain water. The corporation colluded with the Bolivian gov't to make it illegal to collect any rainwater. Riots ensued and eventually that corporation was forced out. But they sued Bolivia first to get there money back. I don't mind some things being public especially when it's a natural monopoly like water and power.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Give me free freedom or give me death. Give me free death or give me a blowjob. Give me a free blowjob or go back to you husband. Free freedom isn't free just as a free blowjob isn't free but requires reciprocation unless you pay for it and then it isn't free.

I freely give freedom to anyone that asks for it but they must ask and that is a payment to me thus it isn't free anymore. If I offer you anything that is free then you know that I am lying to you and you will eventually pay me for you freedom. I give this advice freely.

I hope this fits in nicely with all of the other blathering about free and/or costly freedom in this thread. Don't fuck titties unless you are an alcoholic.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'm actually with you. I have to admit that the more I read about anarchy the more I like it, but I lean libertarian socialist. I want the best of both worlds. The reason I'm against privatizing everything is because of what happened in Bolivia when they privatized the water supply. The corporation that built the water delivery system was charging 1/3 of people's income for the service. It was a monopoly so people had no where to turn. They started collecting rain water. The corporation colluded with the Bolivian gov't to make it illegal to collect any rainwater. Riots ensued and eventually that corporation was forced out. But they sued Bolivia first to get there money back. I don't mind some things being public especially when it's a natural monopoly like water and power.
dont believe the re-branding. anarchy is not the 32 flavours icecream parlour of peace love and understanding that it is portrayed as today,, anarchy is brutal, violent and selfserving. the anarcho-fill-in-the-blank-isms began in the 70's as a re-branding of marxism to reduce the marxist negatives among people who saw naked marxism up close and escaped to tell the world what stalin, castro and pol-pot were really like.

all these anarcho-whatever-sells-best-in-this-market-isms propose demolishing and dissolving all existing social structures until only anarcho-whatever-makes-the-sale-ism remains, which of course immediately dissolves into true anarchy, which is the intermediate goal. once getting stabbed in the neck for a crust of bread, grand theft somalia style becomes the day to day, the people will turn to anything for some order and less neck stabbings, and hopefully a few more crusts of bread. thats when the marxists step up and declare that they have just the thing to cure your ills, a panacea for all your troubles, what that you ask? MARXISM! thats right! we've sold Marxism in Brockway, Ogdenvlle and North Haverbrook, and it sure put them on the map...

next thing you know your living better than you were under the previous anarcho-shoot-you-in-the-face-ist regime, but now your locked into the socialist nightmare and our constitution is gone forever.

anarcho-have-I-got-a-deal-for-you-ists dont give a squirt of piss for the second half of the hyphenated New Coke rebranding of their old worn out dogma, they just want to sell you the magic elixir that will wash away your constitution, and allow them to replace it with their failed ideas from the 19th century which have never worked. ever. listen closely to the real message that comes wrapped up in the pretty anarcho-bow and youll see the same old shit. the bourgeois/the rich/the 1% are keeping you down, and yoiu have to TAKE from them the wealth that they STOLE from the more deserving members of worker's party/proletariat/middle class, and we must overthrow the bourgeois regime and return income inequality to income EQUALITY like it should be, because nobody should ever do better than me. no matter how lazy i am, or how hard you work.

the anarcho-fill-in-the-blank-isms are just the latest attempt to convert the unbelievers to the true doctrine of marxism, after the last missionaries made no headway with their poorly mimeographed socialist newsletters and handing out maoist little red books. now they are doing what the catholics learned in the 10th century, adopt the ways and ideals of your target audience, and incorporate what they love, and their holy days into your religious panoply, then they can slip right into the catholic faith without even noticing that they were converted until it's too late and the wise women, and traditional elders have been burnt at the stake for heresy! awesome, one more notch on jesus' pistol belt. onward christian soldiers, next stop, the americas!

the "new Marxism talks a great game about fairness and equality for all, and no more rich bastards getting richer off the sweat of your brow, but the RECORD of marxists shows that they are even more duplicitous and greedy than the capitalist pig-dogs they seek to overthrow. thats why the workers live 8 to a flat in run down industrial service workers quarter district apartment buildings (think american subsidized housing projects, but for everybody, not just the urban poor) while the politburo members have dachas on the black sea and take vacations in the south of france or miami beach. this pattern repeats everywhere marxism takes hold, casto lives like a machiavellian price, while the average cubano is willing to swim 90 miles of open ocean swarming with hungry sharks just to sell oranges on the side of an overpass. kim jong un resides in palaces with serving girls, hookers and concubines, just like daddy and granddaddy did while the people eat tree bark and grass from the roadside.

anybody who claims to be a socialist is either a dumbass, a deluded dreamer, or a nefarious schemer with dreams of dictatorship. choose the brush with which to be tarred homey.