Atheism & Spirituality


New Member
for the record: science does not 'prove' evolution. but all of science 'supports' evolution. to the point that it is now as much a fact as gravity. (though both are still called theories)

since evolution has occured: then EVERY story of the creation of man by EVERY religion's god is false. therefor: mankind has invented their gods. all of them.

IF god exists: he is UNLIKE any god described by these religions. if their holy books are no good, he is therefor unprovable and unknowable.

conclusion: why believe in any god invented by our fathers thousands of years ago? and if you choose one, why NOT believe in the others? there are many things we now know, which they didn't.

think about this:
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
...Stephen F Roberts


New Member
for the record: science does not 'prove' evolution. but all of science 'supports' evolution. to the point that it is now as much a fact as gravity. (though both are still called theories)

since evolution has occured: then EVERY story of the creation of man by EVERY religion's god is false. therefor: mankind has invented their gods. all of them.

IF god exists: he is UNLIKE any god described by these religions. if their holy books are no good, he is therefor unprovable and unknowable.

conclusion: why believe in any god invented by our fathers thousands of years ago? and if you choose one, why NOT believe in the others? there are many things we now know, which they didn't.

think about this:
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
...Stephen F Roberts
Gotta be a plus rep', just for sharing the S. Roberts quote. I agree with everything you've said and I don't say that lightly.

God is the singularity that sparked the big bang, a non entity and merely a catalyst for the birth of life. A guy on this site called 7xstall and, funnily enough, a book by stephen hawking have reminded me of this.

To worship a non entity is quite frankly insane, to worship even the birth of the universe is insane... it would be okay to celebrate it, maybe we should earmark a special day... and to believe that when we die we don't really actually die is crazier still. The fear of death is so finely ingrained.


New Member
true, skunk.

plus, even if a mighty god somewhere took credit for the birth of our universe, and ultimately us, why does he deserve our worship? our thanks, maybe, just for having life. but worship? i don't think so. look at all the injustice to thinking, self aware persons.

besides, if he really had the attributes that religion claims he has he would be so far above the level of cognition that humans possess, that worship would be (should be) meaningless to him. it would be like demanding the sativa seed we have sprouted to worship us, because without us, that plant would never exist.



Well-Known Member
besides, if he really had the attributes that religion claims he has he would be so far above the level of cognition that humans possess, that worship would be (should be) meaningless to him. it would be like demanding the sativa seed we have sprouted to worship us, because without us, that plant would never exist.
So that must mean that God worships us! Because I know I worship my plants. (Especially the medical ones.)

This would also explain why God picks people to cast into the hell fire.. Don't you get it people!? He just wants to smoke us to get high! Hell is really God's bong!

Ah.... Enlightenment.


New Member
whoa. that is some deep shiz.

and has just enough footing in irrational metaphorical irony as many other beliefs.

you should start a religion. one that your congregants would all have to get high everyday to reinact the fate of souls. i'd join that religion.


Well-Known Member
This is simply poor logic. Using your train of thought I can say I'm a Broncos fan because I define myself as not being a Raiders fan (yup, I'm watching the draft right now). Obviously, although I could be a Broncos fan, I could be a fan of one of thirty other teams without being a Raiders fan.
Broncos own the nfl


New Member
im glad someone started this thread....i have read this page only so ill jump in here....when talking of faith an non i would look at it like this...with belief you are never alone for always with you is your faith...with non-believers this cannot be said...but what can be said is there inhanced knowldge of things of this world for this is all they care of...really the issue comes down on how you want to live this life and the next...


New Member
if you read the post i didn't feared being alone..personally i just dont like fact i dont know anyone who wants to be truely alone....all i stated were the facts why one believes in god or not....


New Member
I'm still waiting for a post from you that makes a point, or moves a conversation forward. You seem to have no real idea of what you're talking about at least 75% of the time.


Well-Known Member
if you read the post i didn't feared being alone..personally i just dont like fact i dont know anyone who wants to be truely alone....all i stated were the facts why one believes in god or not....
i did read the post. ill admit that being alone is my biggest fear, but ive never been so weak as to create an unimaginably powerful imaginary friend that will whisk me away to paradise if i kiss his ass enough.

maybe thats why YOU believe in god, others have different reasons. u wouldnt be losing anything if u just gave up believing in this stuff and let urself be reborn. theres nothing factual that supports the idea that somebody created all this.

u are god. come to the dark side:mrgreen:

no but seriously explain ur reasoning behind ur beliefs. im going to retire from the forum after this one i swear, do me this favor.


Well-Known Member
we create, we destroy. we have alwase existed because nonexistence doesnt exist. (remember that one time before u were born? no? yeah me neither)

everybody has a different view of the world. everybody has a different reality. everybody is god in their own personal, solipsistic universe.

im sure this sounds like jumbled up, weak points to nothing. this all points to the same thing. its impossible to explain what it feels like because existing in such a way does not have room for language or thought.

if god has unlimited knowledge and is all-powerful, he must be omnipresent. such a being would not have the ability to differentiate himself from anything because he is everything. god cant think.

allow urself to stop thinking. instead of analyzing and reflecting, simply take in everything around u. the present is all u ever have. when u do this successfully u take away ur superficial identification and exist only as (dot)(dot)(dot)

i try to live like this 50% of the time. i use my mind when it is productive/ and i completely enjoy life when i can. ive spent all my adolescence trying to figure out the big one only to find that the answer does not exist in the same realm as the question.

maybe thats not what ur looking for depending on what ur definition of god is. this is the truth tho


Well-Known Member
all right, I just had to get in to this one, what makes a wheel to be usefull? it is an empty space where the axle would go, what makes the ship useful? it is the empty space within it, if you just empty your mind and make it useful, you will see that which is without a shape and cannot be named or described bearly there, it will occupy that empty space you have provided for it, it is the begining of heaven and earth, and if you mantain no thought (way more difficult than one might imagine) it will show you the sistem to the chaos that we call life...


Well-Known Member
right on krime! its quite easy to maintain no thought during downtime, but to act with the mind turned off is quite different. i find verbally communicating to others without the mind to be impossible. they say that body language is the most important part of communication anyway, talking is overrated.


Well-Known Member
Why act, I find it alot more beneficial to quiet the mind and just observe,but then again, the one who speaks does not know, the one who knows, does not speak...