Atheism & Spirituality


New Member
Heres the joys of this one. Its all about belifs. You cannot really prove there is or isnt a god. It is all about ones belifs. Some one bleives in god or they dont. If you belive in god and i dont well just have to agree to disagree. You cant prove to me there is a god just like i couldnt prove to anyone else there is no god.
NO, what debates like these do is get people to question their beliefs, get them thinking. Even you couldn't help but post. If you really believed what you'd written you wouldn't have bothered posting, merely flicked over to the next thread.


Well-Known Member
I can't see the relation.

I say fairies and magical creatures as this is the same thing as belief in gods. In what way was there a direct assault? I did not verbally abuse or attack anyone... what are you talking about?
Hell, I don't know anymore :?
I need to put the keyboard away after lighting up.

I'm an atheist as well so I get where you're coming from. I usually just leave peoples religious beliefs alone.

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
No, that's because religion is like a veil. It's thrown about ones head and their vision is blurred. Religion is a con, likewise belief in fairies or whatever magical things you believe in.
Tell me why you believe in these gods, if you can.
I already did.

No, that's because religion is like a veil. It's thrown about ones head and their vision is blurred. Religion is a con, likewise belief in fairies or whatever magical things you believe in.
and this 'fairy' belief IS faith. which is what I was talking about before. you see it as fairy tales and I see 'it', being God and intelligent design, a higher power even, as the truth.. and that is faith. You may think I'm veiled.. I think my eyes are wide open. and that is the point. You're blinded by the human reaction to anything it can't understand or explain as something that doesnt exist or is trivial. You have the right to feel that way. I choose to believe in something that is greater than humanity because I see the greatness and beauty and potential IN humanity.. and nothing around shows me where that comes from. except when i look at the WORLD and the beauty that it is... and that is God. But I honestly don't expect you to care or understand and that's fine.


New Member
I already did.

and this 'fairy' belief IS faith. which is what I was talking about before. you see it as fairy tales and I see 'it', being God and intelligent design, a higher power even, as the truth.. and that is faith. You may think I'm veiled.. I think my eyes are wide open. and that is the point. You're blinded by the human reaction to anything it can't understand or explain as something that doesnt exist or is trivial. You have the right to feel that way. I choose to believe in something that is greater than humanity because I see the greatness and beauty and potential IN humanity.. and nothing around shows me where that comes from. except when i look at the WORLD and the beauty that it is... and that is God. But I honestly don't expect you to care or understand and that's fine.
Faith and truth are two different things completely, in fact the word faith implies belief in something to which there is no proof.

When I asked the reasons why you believe in a god, I meant in a logical sense. You see this is UNDERSTANDING. I understand many things, including why you people believe in such bullshit.

I see the beauty in the world, all different aspects of life surviving and evolving in it's own individual way. I see what has adapted best to the environment and what will soon become extinct. I see the world changing, on a scale mankind has yet to fully comprehend. I see life, why ruin it with magic?


Well-Known Member
Heres the joys of this one. Its all about belifs. You cannot really prove there is or isnt a god. It is all about ones belifs. Some one bleives in god or they dont. If you belive in god and i dont well just have to agree to disagree. You cant prove to me there is a god just like i couldnt prove to anyone else there is no god.
another bullshit thread. whether you call yourself atheist or not, you are defining yourself by god. get off the short bus.
these two posts are exactly the same in their nature. we've had several threads like this is the past (i assume a few before i ever joined the forum too) and theyre alwase being cluttered up with this shit. some ppl love talking about this sort of thing, a day or two will pass and then every body has to read thru 4 pages just to catch up. do everybody a favor and dont bother posting if ur not going to add something constructive. please?


okay. i call out anybody reading this to challenge what they believe. fuck what uve learned or been taught, if ur view of the universe is so great it should be able to stand solid against the ideas of a 19 yr druggie suffering from borderline personality disorder. but to fully understand my argument u need to read thru it all (and it probly will be lengthy) without putting up mental walls every two seconds because an assumption uve made a while back conflicts with one of my sentences. read thru it all and then post ur rebuttals. this is how true debates are done.

believing something without rational reason is called gullibility. (sure, faith is nice and all, comfort is a good thing for children who need to learn societys rules the easy way, but its time to grow up.) for the time being, pretend that ur wiping ur assumptions of the universe clean. u dont know anything. -----------------------------------------------------------done?
so what do we got? a clean slate, a blank page- represented by infinite existence and immeasurable nothingness with no lines to differentiate between the two. dont continue unless u can fathom this. everything is the same.

years ago man believed that the other planets in the solar system were godly beings because from what theyd experienced, that seemed a logical conclusion. to logically start breaking down our model of the universe without the use of faith, we need supreme knowledge. but we dont have that. we know nothing.

but, hey now, what did we just say? nothing is the same as everything. congratulations, you are now "god". how does it feel? in this theoretical universe we just "created" moments ago, we know all. but remember, our universe still doesnt actually exist. creation is no different than destruction. in our model there is no beginning, there is no end. our model now has a perdurable, limitless time line.

now to see how well our model stacks up in representing the "real" world.
1. time, creation, and destruction are only illusions
2. you are "god"

throughout the ages, mankind has relied on labels to function productively in daily life. languages are just complex systems of labeling. what ur staring at right now is not "monitor". monitor is what we have agreed to call this object. when we do away with these types of labels, it becomes easy to see that the "real" universe is all connected. its all the same. labels are used to describe all things tangible. objects, life forms, ideas, places in time, patterns of movement, whatever. what is this monitor? when u break it down a bit, its a collection of atoms. what separates the atoms of the monitor and the air surrounding it? its function. what determines function? perception. u say this machines purpose is to display a visual representation of the information provided by ur computer. the small spider that has layed its eggs inside it says its a warm shelter for its unborn offspring. the electricity powering it says its just another section of the network its cycling thru. its all relative. so when u say that this monitor was created, it really wasnt. it has changed from what it once was, in a way, but it was never created. and it will never be destroyed.

what is time? time is the transition between two points in our forth dimension. the present is the destruction of the future (what will be) and the creation of the past (what has been). can we pin point where the present is? not unless we can pin point the past and future. is any type of measurement infallible? no, because everything is made of something.

monitor-components-molecules-atoms-subatomic particles-quarks, etc... everything has to be made out of something. if something was made of nothing, it would be nothing. (btw, antimatter is something else completely. antihydrogen would be made of a antielectron and a antiproton. and even if the monitor ur looking at is made of antimatter at a small enough scale its still made of something. anitmatter is something, even if its anti-something) so the scale to which the physical universe exists is infinite. numbers can go on forever. ( 1,111,111,111,111,111,... ; .033333333333...) a mere second is infinite in nature. a mere atom never ends in depth. it all depends on perception. so from what we can measure, there is no present. but we know its here right? in fact, the present is the only thing that we truly experience.

infinite existence and immeasurable nothingness with no real lines to differentiate between the two.

all u creationists out there start tp lose ur argument right here. sorry. "if theres no god, than how did this all come to be?" it didnt. there was no beginning. to assume a beginning u rely on faith and we've done away with faith for the time being, remember? faith is a tool of delusion. adopted by the ignorant; exploited by those with "power".

"but look how pretty and amazing everything is! look how intricate and elaborate this shit is! god must be out there!" nope. "pretty" and "amazing" are just labels to describe human ideas. these ideas describe personal emotion, a product of perception. these ideas are experienced differently by everybody. just as subjective as everything else. and the words "elaborate" and "intricate" describe the perception of the person, not what they are perceiving. how do i figure? all worldly knowledge is subjective. just as the romans concluded the planet mars was a spiritual being of war, all of our collective knowledge may very well be obsolete in the future. and the actual nature of all ideas (and the labels that describe them) are specific to every individual that holds them, because we all see things differently. we say that the structure and function of a living tissue cell is intricate now, but what we see it as now is going to be considered simple in a few centuries. everyone sees things differently. everybody has a different reality.

we are all god.

we are the creators of the worlds around us. when u consider something true or false, u form your mental model of the world u live in. and what u experience is not the external world (your keyboard, your house, your spouse). the phenomena u experience is a product of your senses, senses that are specific to ur limitations. (colorblindness, mental retardation, etc.)

im sure uve noticed me quoting "real" in "real world". to assume that anything but ur sensory perception actually exists is a matter of faith. solipsism, or external world skepticism, proves to be a very lonely mindset tho. this is where i draw the line. i consider it true (everything i have ever known or experienced has literally been "all in my head") but i refuse to live life that way. the first line drawn. this is one half of my faith.

the other half: i live life as tho i have choice over what i do. it is impossible for anybody to say that they truly control their actions. when u were born, it was the doing of ur parents. ur very existence was not ur doing. from then on, u developed as an individual. ur personality (which determines ur opinions and choices) was influenced by ur surroundings. anything u have ever done to influence ur surroundings is irrelevant.

say u are some type of buoyant rock and ur reality is a jar of water. when u were dropped in the jar (birth) u sent ripples outward. these ripples travel outward and eventually make it make to u after bouncing off the wall of the jar. now, these ripples will be effected by u this time around, possibly keeping u moving for years and years, but the origional ripple was not your doing.

choice is an illusion

finally the metaphysics of it all. how is the universe shaped? circles. circles are perfect by nature. pi is never ending. knowing that choice is an illusion, u can picture ur life as a straight line. the planets orbiting the sun dont actually travel in a circle, they move in one direction, but a force larger than them alters their course. (theists, chill out. theres always a larger force. even if there was some big bearded dude wearing a white robe that created us somehow, there had to be somebody who made him. "what came first? the chicken or the egg?" dont be stupid. an egg is just a baby chicken. its all the same)

i figure that the cosmic destiny that determines all action in ones life moves in a straight line, but this straight line is altered by other lines of destiny. ever hear of the golden rectangle?

we are all connected; are are all utterly alone. we are all ONE.

hail satan


New Member
Preo', you yourself will be the first to admit that perceptions change. One day your whole outlook on life will change preo'. For me it happened exactly 5 years later than the age you are now.

It's our environment that causes us to think the way we do. I was an angry motherfucker before I met my wife. One day you'll meet a girl, people used to say this shit to me too and I used to think I meet fucking lots of them, but I mean THE girl. The one that is going to change your outlook on life, make you realise that there's more to life than personal satisfaction.

I don't mean this in a patronising way but a lot of things you say are things I used to say. You don't have a borderline personality disorder you're just becoming an adult. Always a difficult transition for an intelligent teenager.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
the very fact that there is so many religions all thinking there god is the only one proves religion is BS to me.
religion is like a guide to life ,but not todays life it just dosent work anymore ,think about it when the bible etc was wrote the world was a totaly different place ,people burnt witches ,if there was a thunderstorm people believed it was god etc etc etc humans have got got cleverer than they where back then science has proven these things to have nothing to do with god .
nowadays religion is just used as a front to fight over oil ,land etc .its stupid and it makes me angry that people are killed every day because of beliefs of people 100s of years ago

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
the very fact that there is so many religions all thinking there god is the only one proves religion is BS to me.
Its all the same God. There's just different prophets for each religion and that's what makes most organized religion 'BS' to me because if you're really trying to connect with God, you'd use the best way possible to make that happen. Thats why I'm Sufi because it draws the best knowledge from all the prophets of all the major religions, leaving the non-sensical, sectarian/denominational shit on the side because real love for God isnt about that... it slows your walk on 'the path', breaks focus.


New Member
Its all the same God. There's just different prophets for each religion and that's what makes most organized religion 'BS' to me because if you're really trying to connect with God, you'd use the best way possible to make that happen. Thats why I'm Sufi because it draws the best knowledge from all the prophets of all the major religions, leaving the non-sensical, sectarian/denominational shit on the side because real love for God isnt about that... it slows your walk on 'the path', breaks focus.
Do you believe in an afterlife? lol (sorry the very word makes me laugh).

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
yeah man i do. But it's manifestation, I'm not sure. I'm not going to pretend liek I have all the answers or understand everything I believe in. that's why it's called 'the path'.. because I'm searching for it, learning it, you know? But anyway the afterlife.. I believe in an existance after life just because I believe human energy is so powerful and real that it continues even after our physical frames are done. 'Energy isnt created or destroyed, it's changed.'
Actually I just thoguht of this: So if God created the Universe, I'm going to call him/her this infinite energy and we are a piece of him that he changed to this likelyness. So once we die, we go back to him in another transfer of energy. so maybe thats the concept of 'going to heaven'? Idk just a thought.
But what I usually consider the afterlife to be is whatever you want it to be. If you don't believe in an afterlife there wont be one. If you believe you lead a meaningful life that deserves a tranquil existance after this life, maybe thats what you'll have. If you were raised super christian and die feeling guilty for letting some fucking 12 yr old suck you off last week, maybe you'll go to 'hell' .. it's what you make it in other words.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
religion is just something humans have created in there mind ,animals dont worry about religion the dinosaurs didnt worry about religion ,at the end of the day we are animals too but we have bigger brains capable of thinking this crap up.
i want to know if dinosaurs are in heaven and cave men who didnt even know fuck all about our religions ,if they sinned did they just get let off ?and let into heaven anyway ?


Well-Known Member
Just be and you will eventually see the truth that is you and me...

When one finds truth then what need is there for faith, because faith is something one only needs when one is still searching for truth. So when one finds truth then one has no-doubt, not faith!

To see the truth when it appears to us we need to let go of the belief that is blinding us.

Reality is not a state of mind, it just is... Where as belief is just a state of mind...

Just be and you will be happy.:mrgreen:

If we believe we are going to heaven then don't forget that our mind at the time of death is the mind we will have to live with in our heaven (or should we call it hell :evil:)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
sorry to be blunt but when you die you just rot away end of .no little thing ,energy ,ghost or anything else floats up and flys off to heaven .
but hey you can believe in what you like the same as me ,i just like to believe in science (something you can see and do ) .