ive been anti, religion, , since i been on here, so, i not trying to change teams, but it seems to me that if there is a god i wouldnt blame him for keeping his distance,
i have kids and when they good at home every things sweet, but when they start fighting, over a toy, or something, i say "come kids share and play nice with each other"
sometimes it works and peace is restored, other times, they keep fighting, and crying, and hurting eachother, over a toy.
then i have to get up, n say, something like if you keep fighting i'll give you all a smack .
usually that works,
but occassionally it dont,,,, so the third time they fighting i get real mad, and perhaps send them to their room, with a smack or a grumpy lecture
i can easilly understand why if there is a God hes, done with Police ing us. and just given us a bible to read.
you cant go round smacking your children all day, it achieves nothing, so i can understand why God keeps his distance from us
it would be like if you had a teenager that, when you said "be home by 11pm, sneeks in at 4am, pissed and stonned"
with a month full of abuse for mom, and dad that were waiting for them, in the kitchen.
so if we all lived by gods rules, im sure the world would be great,
the problem, i have, is the bible clearly states, that we not to smoke weed or any drugs at all,
and ive tried not growing weed and its boring as hell, im just not happy when i got no weed, and my lights are off
my question to all those smokers out there that claim to be belivers is, in Gods System will he let us Smoke weed, and dance arround high as a motherfucker????
i think not, so why are you doing it now? if you such a christian,