Aussie Growers Thread

cool i love that compeny i knew the dif between them lol im thinking i wanna try and make my own nutrient based on what want to acheave if i know iv got the npk there im wanting to put in the micros and macros and minirols ands shit but ye i love nts im thinking of dropping the 150 and getting there microbe tea brewer kit thing for the out door soil im thinking but idk i despretly need 2 start saving money n shit idk i just to make a custom nute like everything the plant can use mycrobes included i also dont want 2 have 2 buy crobes i want 2 try and ad myceobes that are local if i can
If you can’t properly test your homemade nutrients how do you know it’s any good ? That’s the question I always get stuck on whenever I think about doing more of my own stuff,
. That’s why doing compost,ferments,and extracts to me are a better idea for doing at home than trying to make a base type nutrient. Compost can cost nothing or next to nothing to do and with ferments and extracts the only real cost is the sugar.
well i know what use will say but if my plants are growing better and im not thinking about yeild n shit that npk doas im more focesed on taste n shit if my indoor weed and my outdoor vegies taste and smell better than thats how u know buy reading the plant i know what ur gunna say not have ing a base line well my base line for the weed is not needing tobbacco and getting a harvest i just know theres not enough good shit in the soil anymore like trace elements micros macros lol well iv allready bough the one way air lock thing i bought 2 of em so ill be doing somthing fermantative i gues ill try n make somthing foccesed on terpine and cannbinoid production n shit its also for my outdoor raised bed to tho like ill defenetly be getting a soil test in the futere
heres my worm bin these potatos havent started 2 beaek down or any thing ill be using the shit for germing tho holy shit check this out like the potato peelings are doing tje exact oppisate to rotting there tryna sprout im assuming stuff ive blended is eaton but those potato peelings have been in there for a bit ay 20171011_181521.jpg 20171011_181421.jpgthe two bottem layers tho seem two be all castings but theres still worms there how can i get the protazoa n shit that thay eat in there for now im leaving the castings in there till i get more bedding am i supposed to do layers cuse iv pretty mutch just been filling em em up with coco and burying shit
hay oz cocoloco sorry if i came accross as disrespectfull im just stubborn fermentation is somthing i wanna try out
No need to apologise bro no offence taken,there’s nothing wrong with trying stuff the exact opposite actually give it a go and see how it turns out but just word of warning if you do try something with fish or animal products be a little bit careful you can end up with harmful bacteria like ecolli.
Oh so you like scorps....ur talking to the chilli king here lol
Good to hear!

me and my butch T's are great mates. I put half a dozen of them into every 250ml bottle along with lots of other goodies. I eat the stuff on everything but it brings a tear to most peoples eyes until they harden up a bit. I've tried the ghost and it is hot as shit, havent given the morugas a go yet though but I hear they are much of a muchness to the scorpions but maybe a bit warmer.

I'll send some of you cunts a bottle next time I make a batch if youre into that sort of thing but I like the thought of smoking them first. Might do that with half.
Good to hear!

me and my butch T's are great mates. I put half a dozen of them into every 250ml bottle along with lots of other goodies. I eat the stuff on everything but it brings a tear to most peoples eyes until they harden up a bit. I've tried the ghost and it is hot as shit, havent given the morugas a go yet though but I hear they are much of a muchness to the scorpions but maybe a bit warmer.

I'll send some of you cunts a bottle next time I make a batch if youre into that sort of thing but I like the thought of smoking them first. Might do that with half.
I even put labels n mine for a while lol
well i know what use will say but if my plants are growing better and im not thinking about yeild n shit that npk doas im more focesed on taste n shit if my indoor weed and my outdoor vegies taste and smell better than thats how u know buy reading the plant i know what ur gunna say not have ing a base line well my base line for the weed is not needing tobbacco and getting a harvest i just know theres not enough good shit in the soil anymore like trace elements micros macros lol well iv allready bough the one way air lock thing i bought 2 of em so ill be doing somthing fermantative i gues ill try n make somthing foccesed on terpine and cannbinoid production n shit its also for my outdoor raised bed to tho like ill defenetly be getting a soil test in the futere
Don’t forget about environment when you are growing indoors I’d say that is the most important thing that and the right genetics but environment is all up to you.
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Guy at work was telling us about this moll at the club yesterday arvo had about 5 teeth and offered to blow him in the toilets for a schooner,I asked him how it was and he didn't take her up on it !!! I gave him an abusing,how could u pass up a blow job in a pub toilet for $5 the dude needs his head read lol
which pub was that....lmao
No need to apologise bro no offence taken,there’s nothing wrong with trying stuff the exact opposite actually give it a go and see how it turns out but just word of warning if you do try something with fish or animal products be a little bit careful you can end up with harmful bacteria like ecolli.
just felt i was being a bit disrepectfull like uve been at this a long time maybe ill skip the fish but do somthing easier like maybe somthing i can use for germinatin and shit like not npk somthing thats got those growth hormones and all of that stuff im thinking tho what effects vitamins woukd have on the micro life and the plants i mean shit but in terms of mycrobes n shit i want diversity mycos as well idk i cant wait till its legel im gunna be planting em in the raiesd garden bet i gort a i think a 25 liter potato groing thing the fuckers deeper than an airpot im gunna use it to grow an auto in the shed fuck i wish the naigbers dident choo down there tree i dont want someone seing in my yard aor me them i think im gunna plant some kind of privacy hedge or somthing fuck it im gunna plant some kind of tree or somshit lol