Aussie Growers Thread

well fuck it might use the the airlock things and actually brew some alcahole found this i pretty temted 2 get it what do u think @OzCocoLoco its also for my out door garden to im growing some rock melon and some potatos and some onions i dont eat rock melon tho its for mum i really want it 2 be the best shes ever had lol as mutch as i want to learn to be self sufficent i got no problem spending my money with this compeny iv got ther granular humic acid and i like it id rsther soent a hundred ples with these guys than spensd money on an expensive nutrient line Screenshot_20171011-205132.png
well fuck it might use the the airlock things and actually brew some alcahole found this i pretty temted 2 get it what do u think @OzCocoLoco its also for my out door garden to im growing some rock melon and some potatos and some onions i dont eat rock melon tho its for mum i really want it 2 be the best shes ever had lol as mutch as i want to learn to be self sufficent i got no problem spending my money with this compeny iv got ther granular humic acid and i like it id rsther soent a hundred ples with these guys than spensd money on an expensive nutrient line View attachment 4025099
I think it’s worth about a third of that price. The black pack is Life force gold think it’s a 3 kg bag they sell it for about $12 I get a 25kg bag of Nutri store Gold which is the exact same product for about $30. That’s the stuff I offered send to you a few kg of.
well fuck it might use the the airlock things and actually brew some alcahole found this i pretty temted 2 get it what do u think @OzCocoLoco its also for my out door garden to im growing some rock melon and some potatos and some onions i dont eat rock melon tho its for mum i really want it 2 be the best shes ever had lol as mutch as i want to learn to be self sufficent i got no problem spending my money with this compeny iv got ther granular humic acid and i like it id rsther soent a hundred ples with these guys than spensd money on an expensive nutrient line View attachment 4025099
The “microbe brewer” is a $10 bucket with a $15 fish tank air pump they sell for $47,it’s all just either watered down or overpriced stuff you can buy from the same website in the agricultural section.
The “microbe brewer” is a $10 bucket with a $15 fish tank air pump they sell for $47,it’s all just either watered down or overpriced stuff you can buy from the same website in the agricultural section.
well outt of all that shit that sell like would there be any point in getting it ill probly just stick with what i got then but im just tryna find ans easy way 2 add mycrobes to the soil every thing seems a tat complicated ill probly just stick with worm castings and em 1 and gogo
The “microbe brewer” is a $10 bucket with a $15 fish tank air pump they sell for $47,it’s all just either watered down or overpriced stuff you can buy from the same website in the agricultural section.
what du u think of the instant humas iv allready got that maybe ill just stick to castings
just felt i was being a bit disrepectfull like uve been at this a long time maybe ill skip the fish but do somthing easier like maybe somthing i can use for germinatin and shit like not npk somthing thats got those growth hormones and all of that stuff im thinking tho what effects vitamins woukd have on the micro life and the plants i mean shit but in terms of mycrobes n shit i want diversity mycos as well idk i cant wait till its legel im gunna be planting em in the raiesd garden bet i gort a i think a 25 liter potato groing thing the fuckers deeper than an airpot im gunna use it to grow an auto in the shed fuck i wish the naigbers dident choo down there tree i dont want someone seing in my yard aor me them i think im gunna plant some kind of privacy hedge or somthing fuck it im gunna plant some kind of tree or somshit lol
Your good brother we wuv ya
so tempted to plant some autos out the back garden maybe in winter cuse the plants that i have out there in theraised garden bed seem 2 be gowing pretty good id probly get my head kicked in when my older sis comes over and her kids see it even tho i own the half the house im kinda over i door so mutch fucking around i just wanna plant the fucken thing man fuck atleast if my nabers dident chop down there trees i could have it in a pot and move it inside when people come over
well i know what use will say but if my plants are growing better and im not thinking about yeild n shit that npk doas im more focesed on taste n shit if my indoor weed and my outdoor vegies taste and smell better than thats how u know buy reading the plant i know what ur gunna say not have ing a base line well my base line for the weed is not needing tobbacco and getting a harvest i just know theres not enough good shit in the soil anymore like trace elements micros macros lol well iv allready bough the one way air lock thing i bought 2 of em so ill be doing somthing fermantative i gues ill try n make somthing foccesed on terpine and cannbinoid production n shit its also for my outdoor raised bed to tho like ill defenetly be getting a soil test in the futere
You could do a fruit ferment. The Philippinos swear by it and it might be easier than a fish hydrolyse.

If you don't get enough of the correct antibiotic in the milk and rice mix the fish hydrolyse can turn real bad real quick. if you can pull it off than good on you .my advice is keep everything clean and do the first step to a T. And for cheap fish get some pillys or mullet from a bait shop. But don't try and mix up large mullet heads in a blender it just won't happen .
if i germed a seed now or put one of the photoperiod plants iv got out it would veg and start flowering at the end of summer like autumm im tossing up witch plant i should put outside like im gunna grm some autos to but im keen to do an out door lol the naibers can see the shed door from there kitchen maybe ill start walking around naked thayy will soon get curtains lol also my lights ar on 24 hours a day hence my question should im thinking ill maybe take the west coast og out im thinking maybe doing the autos outside my line of thinking is its like 2 months till summer i could get in a quick harvest fuck it im gunnna do an auto and a photo think ill put the loungeroom lizard out and and germ an auto to do even if it reveges ill have a bit of bud lol
well outt of all that shit that sell like would there be any point in getting it ill probly just stick with what i got then but im just tryna find ans easy way 2 add mycrobes to the soil every thing seems a tat complicated ill probly just stick with worm castings and em 1 and gogo
Buy a $10 bucket and a $15 air pump
what du u think of the instant humas iv allready got that maybe ill just stick to castings
I don’t think it’s really needed if you have good compost or castings. I’ve already shown you this but it’s good value if you are really after a humic acid it’s $26 for 5 L cheaper for a 20 L but $5 a litre vs $25/30 for shit from a hydro shop3E088881-EAE5-46A9-B001-E80796623AE1.png
I’ve got the granular in my soil mix from last year that’s only just fully broken down,I use the fulvic though used 20L of it last season Ilove it especially in foliar