just felt i was being a bit disrepectfull like uve been at this a long time maybe ill skip the fish but do somthing easier like maybe somthing i can use for germinatin and shit like not npk somthing thats got those growth hormones and all of that stuff im thinking tho what effects vitamins woukd have on the micro life and the plants i mean shit but in terms of mycrobes n shit i want diversity mycos as well idk i cant wait till its legel im gunna be planting em in the raiesd garden bet i gort a i think a 25 liter potato groing thing the fuckers deeper than an airpot im gunna use it to grow an auto in the shed fuck i wish the naigbers dident choo down there tree i dont want someone seing in my yard aor me them i think im gunna plant some kind of privacy hedge or somthing fuck it im gunna plant some kind of tree or somshit lol