Aussie Growers Thread

That's because no one taught you stuff. Not just you, an entire generation. You're better off gaining the skills you need down there with you hands, the occasional hair in your teeth is small price to pay for what you get back in return.
Haha LOL ur right out there aren’t you?!!
Haha LOL ur right out there aren’t you?!!

More than you might imagine. I have developed a body of knowledge that is going to change the world. It's all original, and completely new knowledge. The 'me too' movement is just faffing around the edges, but I am going to blow the whole game wide open. I am going to give women the knowledge that guys want them to have but are too nervous to tell them. It's a fucking mess. It's taken me 30 years of playing, fucking and fighting with one remarkable woman, build this.

If there's anything you want to know about guys ask away, and vice versa, guys, if there's anything you want to know about women, have at it.

For a calf to become a fully functioning adult cow all it has to do is to stay alive, like all animals. Humans on the other hand only become physically mature as they grow old, emotional maturity does not automatically occur with age.
Every single person who has taken my weed reckons the smell is absolutely insane to try and hide. One dude reckons he double bagged, put into Tupperware container, then put that into a metal biscuit tin and sealed the lid with aluminium tape, put it into the tray of his Ute and could STILL smell it wafting around the cab as he was driving! Others saying even when the stuff has left the house still smells of it how ever long afterwards!! Lol I can’t even smell it here anymore lol.

So I just ordered some Mylar bags to send care package to @giglewigle. Is that the best option or would cryovacing be a better idea??

Oven Bags. no smell can escape.
Shouldn't smell anything if it's sealed properly
Doesn't matter how well it's sealed if the molecules can sneak through. That's why ceramic filters that can capture the smallest bacteria cannot capture viruses. That's why a balloon deflates over time, the air passes right through the rubber. Ever try sealing off a bottle of diethyl ether. You can put the stinkiest weed into an oven bag fold it over a few times tape it shut and there's no smell at all.
Ok say they recon the sun is 50,000 +Lux on a clear day.. and that is a minimum. 8 hrs of sun a day I need a cone... Sori I'm making it too science-y .. I

When plants evolved they evolved in a super high concentration of CO2 was tens times what it is now, around 3-4000ppm they could use all the light they could get they even the inefficient light in the yellow/green was useful. Now with a concentration of CO2 around 350ppm it's CO2 that is the limiting factor not the light.
When plants evolved they evolved in a super high concentration of CO2 was tens times what it is now, around 3-4000ppm they could use all the light they could get they even the inefficient light in the yellow/green was useful. Now with a concentration of CO2 around 350ppm it's CO2 that is the limiting factor not the light.
You never answered me and said what led You have? Is it mars??
You never answered me and said what led You have? Is it mars??

I did answer, you must have missed it, I said I'll have to wait till tomorrow because I have prepared a long post but because I am reborn, I can't post links till tomorrow, but it's copied and ready to post and I'll do that when I've served my one day limit.

EDIT: my bad, you didn't miss it as I said I'd post tomorrow after you said that.
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