Aussie Growers Thread

Melbournian devotees of alternative/independent radio would now be mourning the passing of Stephen Walker (aka. "The Ghost") from RRR.

"Nemesis of mediocre radio everywhere".

I don't smoke a lot of weed, but I'm just about to roll-up a fucking MONSTER spliff & listen to this:

Crank it right up & go with it!
in times of darkness...
so a complete good setup could be done for 2k? like everything?

Nah, not even close for those kinda volumes. You're forgetting fermentation & transfers. There's a LOT involved in processing that much wort.

Then there's the CONSTANT cleaning/sanitising. 'cant be skipped or bypassed. That mate who dropped kegs to me once said:

"If you're not cleaning & sanitising, you're not brewing, just making vinegar"

Good mate.
Melbournian devotees of alternative/independent radio would now be mourning the passing of Stephen Walker (aka. "The Ghost") from RRR.

"Nemesis of mediocre radio everywhere".

I don't smoke a lot of weed, but I'm just about to roll-up a fucking MONSTER spliff & listen to this:

Crank it right up & go with it!
RRR is gold such variety
Merci beaucoup Monsieur. Je suis flatté:oops:
Je m'excuse, mais j'ai n'aitais parle pas Francais en plus de trente ans. Mais, je comprend.

Ah, les femmes.....:hump: C'est vraiment magnifique et aussi quelque chose........porfois j'oblie a dire je t'aime a ma dame.

NB: No translator program was used in the creation of this post - all from memory.
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Je m'excuse, mais j'ai n'aitais parle pas Francais en plus de trente ans. Mais, je comprend.

Ah, les femmes.....:hump: C'est vraiment magnifique et aussi quelque chose........porfois j'oblie a dire je t'aime a ma dame.

NB: No translator program was used in the creation of this post - all from memory.
:oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: Merci encore..

Je parle un petit peu aussi, pas beaucoup, mais j'ai compris tout que tu viens de dire.
Je parle très mal lol.

** No translator just memory also. My French is so broken but I still understand it clearly.
he doesn't sing as well as he used to.
Neither does David Coverdale. I saw Whitesnake in Melb. a few years ago & was very disappointed.

Each time he was meant to hit a high note, he'd move the mic. away from his mouth & leave it to the audience to REMEMBER the note he couldn't actually hit.:cry:
@Rewerb Fermenters seem to be expensive compared to the Mash unit. Can I get away with using a 65-100L industrial plastic bucket instead and add a lock and tap? There allot of money to look pretty im thinking? Haven't looked into kegging gear yet but that seems to be place that going to cost some.
@Rewerb Fermenters seem to be expensive compared to the Mash unit.

Yeah, they can be, depending on what style/brand/material you want to go with. Stainless is gonna cost you, but it's a once-off (ie. lifetime) purchase apart from a few replaceable seals (always a good idea to swap things out occasionally). In terms of branding, you can spend a shitload (ie. Blichmann), or SS Brewtech (much better value for money). I always draw the analogy of a Ferrari or a Nissan GTR - both VERY quick, but you're paying for a Ferrari badge.

Can I get away with using a 65-100L industrial plastic bucket instead and add a lock and tap?

Yes, you can, but I'd first caution you away from the "Get away with" mentality. Nothing at all wrong with plastic fermenters, as long as you look after them, don't use anything abrasive to clean them & keep them away from direct sunlight. I've won multiple State, National & even one International prize for beers I've made & they've all come out of plastic. You just have to be ANAL about how you use/treat/clean/sanitise them. There's no shortcuts when it comes to that part of the process.

There allot of money to look pretty im thinking?

Yeah, some folks like the pretty, shiny, blingy Stainless gear, thinking that it'll make their beers better. BUT if you're putting shit wort into a stainless fermenter, it's not going to make it any better. If you know what you're doing & understand the benefits, then yeah, it's worth the extra spend. Otherwise, not.

Analogy: I've bought this schmick grow-tent & decked it out with 1200W QB lights & ventilation, spent shitloads on building a recirculating hydro. system that I can monitor from my phone whilst I'm overseas on holiday.

I'm growing bagseed.

How do you think it's gonna end-up?

Haven't looked into kegging gear yet but that seems to be place that going to cost some.

Not really. Kegs can be had pretty cheaply & their seals will last several refills before needing to be replaced. Gas cylinders & regulators are coming down in price recently due to an internecine war between a couple of competing wholesalers/retailers, so a bit of shopping is all that's required.

Oh....& the CONSTANT cleaning & sanitising.......
PM me if you want some specifics. I can point you in the right direction. It just seems like you're wanting to run before you can walk in this game & 500L/month is a BIG ask for one bloke.

Welcome to the vortex, mate!
PM me if you want some specifics. I can point you in the right direction. It just seems like you're wanting to run before you can walk in this game & 500L/month is a BIG ask for one bloke.

Welcome to the vortex, mate!
Ive done brews before (just the kits- but quiet a few of them) and can cook and follow recipes.. Im confidant id get the hang of it fairly fast.
yea, I didn't realize the work in the mash, hence 1 x 65L Brew. Ferment doesn't take any work so then its only the Kegging.
Added benefit is I can use the Brew to do Spirit mashes as well. Muuhahahahah!
But im still thinking I can get it all done for 2k or less and have the money spent in the right area's.
Keg master premium bundle is about $700 ( Brew is $650. Fermenting bucket, say $100.

Just getting an idea of pricing atm, about to pay for a cruise so ill be cash poor for awhile
Yeah, that lot would probably do you. With a few extra bits & pieces, you could have quite little production-line going.

Get a 6Kg gas bottle as well. They're a good price atm & will last longer between fills, so you can keep the 2.6Kg bottle as a back-up (you don't want to run out of beer!).

Those kegs will hold about the equivalent of 2 slabs each, so you'll need to plan ahead & get more kegs depending on your consumption rate.

If you get a few of these: you can produce wort in advance & ferment it when you want to. Do a google of the "no-chill" method to get an idea.