Aussie Growers Thread

@Upright Man. Thanks for your comprehensive response (which I won't just quote in full & be lazy).

The system you describe with an external reservoir differs from the designs I found from my own research, but I guess there's more than one way to skin a cat... Yours seems to be "drain to waste", rather than recirculating the nute solution (which is the concept I found from my own research after you mentioned it).

The reason I was asking/assumed about the reservoir INSIDE the tent & water temperatures is that I also have hot summers & freezing winters in Vic. The idea of a thermal mass during winter appeals to me, as it means stability when it's bloody cold & I grow outside in the ground or fabric pots in summer. That thermal mass also means I can use it to help get seedlings started ahead of the OD season.

BTW, this isn't just about weed. It's as much about my chilli, tomato & other food crops which will benefit from an early start, given that they need more heat to germinate than I can provide in ambient temperatures.

Thanks again for your response & leading me down yet another rabbit-hole....:idea:
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@DustyDuke, Lucky is giggling cos last
Year I put it at the base of five of my plants, in coco, and it completely clogged up two of them and it literally took me months to flush them out so they’d drain properly again. Oh it was such a disaster!! But I never had a fungus gnat problem with those plants again lol.
Another way is to mix it in a spray bottle and spray it onto the leaves and when it dries it becomes active.
I still sprinkle it with a strainer all over my grow space.
Potatoes will grow in pretty much anything mates along as there kept from the sun, get an old tyre and fill it with dirt the cover it with straw, if you use a pot use a big one
Apologies for the necro. here....

I used to work for a tyre-manufacturing business (I mean a BIG international one). I'd get the rejects from the production line & plant spuds in one & let it grow. Then put another on-top & back-fill with soil...etc...etc.... Each time, the plant would produce more tubers from the buried stalk.

By the time you got the stack about 6 high, you'd have a massive crop of spuds. Break it down, harvest & start again.

Nothing quite like home-grown new potatoes boiled with a sprig of mint & slathered in butter.:hump:
Here's my Friday night musical selection for you guys.

I'm not a fan of electronic/dance music, but I like this time signature (6/4).

'Not a fan of the chemicals mentioned. 'Tried LSD twice & got absolutely NOTHING from it. Go figure.....
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“The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,

And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted.

Mark the music.”

― Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice