Bad Neighbor, should I kill him or what?

Pretty sure that you did the best possible thing. I wouldn't escalate the matter any more (unless you get the chance to bang his daughter - but that's just mostly for fun). Best thing to do is subtly find a way to communicate that you know it was him and that it is in his best interest to live and let live.

Throwing an MC BBQ would do it. Invite him. Don't tell them nothin about him though. If he is sane, you will have no more problem.
I have the real one from Hell, AND you want to know what to do ? Kill them With Kindness.. it works every time, As I am sure they don't want to feel like the A-hole of the hood. Be super nice I know it will be hard but trust me it works no matter if they get violent or not just be nice ask them if they would like some cookies use your lawnmower ect..... it will work LOL and then just keep to yourself should work. the only other way is to move. Good luck and try to get along even if you don't like them kill with kindness...... :)
Yesterday I was sitting on my couch with my son playing games and I here a mans voice at my front gate, about 15 feet from my front door. I open the door and look out and see 2 firemen and 2 cops. They are investigating a "strange chemical smell" and want to check my backyard. After I shut down the a/c to my grow room I let them into the yard and they didn't find anything making any kind of smell and they left.

At first I had no idea why my neighbor called them and reported a "chemical smell". But after talking with a fellow grower/friend last night we figured it out. If he reported a marijuana smell then no one would have came because no one gives a fuck about MJ. They probably thought meth lab and that's why they came in force to investigate. We live in a nice middle class neighborhood, average home price is around $700k, and I'm the youngest homo'ner here.

This guy is hating on me and mine. What should I do to "fix" him.
You should sell your house and look into renting something.

At least till your neighbors OK with you being a homeowner. . Let's face it that's way to much house to be owning at your age..
Ok here's what you do.

When he's off to work sneak into his place.

Once inside, Take a dump in his toilet tank. Then ductape a fish inside his furnace. They will never get the smell out of the house and be forced to move.
Obviously the proper course of action is to burn his house down. Right to the fuckin ground.
I have to agree.

Or, anyone smellin-to-the-neighbors needs to up the carbon and reroute some exhaust. did anyone mention ionizers. smaller separate gardens helps. or a small daytime and nightime crop also, break it up.

as long as you live next door, unless you can blackmail them as unkleBalto dude suggests, then they may as well be right because they can ruin you easily. the key would be to fix yer shit, and not let them irritate you at all.