If the principle is not doing anything then I would suggest filing a formal complaint with the school district superintendent.We've been talking with the other parents to see what we can do. Like I said, there have been many complaints to the principle and school board and nothing has been done.
One of the 1st grade teachers at the same school has her 5th grade daughter in the class. When she had words with the bad teacher about they way she was treating her daughter the teacher got even worse, made the other teachers daughter sit in the front by her desk and basically harassed her for weeks.
If something like that were to happen to my daughter I'm afraid I'll catch a charge.
What I would recommend is getting 4 or 5 parents together and each document every negative event/interaction the children have had with the teacher. Include dates and if possible times.
Do it for two weeks to a month; you need to show a pattern and it must be documented. Have someone with decent writing skills compile the complaint. Include the documented negative interactions and the remedies you sought from the teacher and principle.
Send your complaint and a request for a meeting to the school district superintendent via certified mail. It would probably be beneficial to have an attorney handle/compose the documents. $500 - $1000 split between parents is much cheaper than the gas it will cost driving to a new school over a period of time.
I'm sure you are aware that there are plenty of tax payer funded offices that are suppose to handle things like this. You should use them. The teacher is a bad apple and someone needs to put a stop to it instead of ignoring it and letting it continue. It's not fair to the kids or parents.
Good luck