Banana Method?!?


Well-Known Member
you can get your seeds tested if you know the right people. it is verry expencive, we have a major oniversity here that does this. then what the seed is no good after so it`s a waste of time.

as far as wghat i have learned from them nothing will change the male/female. it is set for life after the seed is formed andnothing changes that. it will be either female or male or female that is unstable and go hermie.
you should kknow what it is before it flowers if you know what to look for.

i`ll wait to see what you guys get for results, i would be quite socked to see this work. untill, rememeber it takes years of testing this method before you can give a definate answer so talk to ya in about 10 years.
good luck.oh and if you want to test your dna, send me a pm i can have it done at u.b.c genetics


Well-Known Member
Well, I normally would laugh at this kind of thing but after doing a little research I see there is some science behind it. I still don't know if will make marijuana female but it has been scientifically proven to help germination of dormant seeds in some species and it has even been found to increase the percentage of female plants in cucumber seeds.

So, I'm storing my next batch of regular AK-48 seeds with some bananas right now. The worst it can do is make my seeds smell like banana right?

Handbook of Seed Science and Technology - Google Book Search

Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology - Germination of dormant seeds of Stylosanthes humilis as promoted by ethylene accumulation in closed environments

Sex Expression in Cucumber Plants as Affected by 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid, Ethylene, and Growth Regulators

According to that last report we should be using ethrel not ethylene.


Now to see if I can find a source for a non-commercial farmer.


Well-Known Member
If you put a bannana peel in a baggie and wait a week you'll have a bad smelling baggie full of fruit flies. The fly eggs are in the bannana peel... you can't avoid them.

I would guess that all you peeps that did this are growing outdoors in dirt, Yes???

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
You can get a higher percentage of females by keeping your hummidity above 40% and by germanating your seeds in a medium container that allows the tap-root to grow straight down at least 4 inches from the seed.


Junior Creatologist
ive had some chopped up nanner peels chillin in a bag with my Thai super skunk seeds i got as freebies for the last two days.

Im gonna change up the peels tomorrow, been burping the baggie every 8 hours. Ill be planting them sometime down the road, but no time immediate though unfortunately. Ill be sure to let everyone know how they turned out after im done with my next grow - no sense in experimenting with these when i know for a fact i got perfectly good female seeds waitin, beggin to be planted.

O n my one bluecheese seed that was damaged during shipping, it cracked yesterday afternoon, showing a small but evident taproot. I planted this morning into a medium container, since i dont have anything else i could use except those fuckin god forsaken jiffy plugs. I know the soil will work, but the jiffy plugs are too iffy to take a chance.


New Member
Those are all great points and observations...Kludge..god research man.However,you can prevent the peels from rotting and becoming too nasty by changing it out every few days..And by opening the bag more times.Also,Kludge,you found out the vegetable that I was reffering to.It was cucumber,and yes,it increased female ratios.The way I see it,it cant hurt to try.And Ethylene is an overlooked substance when it comes to horticulture.I say,more people try this method,and document the findings.Who knows,if in a years time,applyng this method will the the "norm"for female seeds..and everyone will be doing it to all their seeds!


Well-Known Member
to the other post that mentioned letting the tap root go down 4 inches or so. i have found the oppossite, long tap root for me means male. so that`s what i mean doing these tests and getting absolute proof is very hard. people have been coming up with these things for 20 years that i have been around this and none of them last.

i could right a book on all the theories out there on just this subject.


Active Member
i actually have been doing it aswell, since the seed sprouted, and until i flower. keeping bananas around the plant, and changing them out as they get to the point of diminishing returns with new bananas. I also have notice that the plants are growing at a greater rate, then my other grows w/o them!


Active Member
Here is a good site that list the Ethylene gas output by a variety of different fruits and vegatables. They state that apples will actually put out more Ethylen than bananas. As the fruit ripens it releases the gas and speeds up the ripening process of the fruit around it. That is where the saying came from that one bad apple can spoil the bunch.

Ethylene Gas  C2H4


Well-Known Member
Here is a good site that list the Ethylene gas output by a variety of different fruits and vegatables. They state that apples will actually put out more Ethylen than bananas. As the fruit ripens it releases the gas and speeds up the ripening process of the fruit around it. That is where the saying came from that one bad apple can spoil the bunch.

Ethylene Gas* C2H4

Very interesting read.

I wonder what this gas in the flowering room would do th unfertilized colas?