Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I'd say that removing the cost prohibitive nature of healthcare and education for those who can't afford it, and redistributing the cost over an entire populace "free stuff".
It would be sweet if he ever actually said how he is planning on winning the Senate and House again and not scare the shit out of the Red/Purple districts he needs to be able to do that.
Are you implying that all US citizens don't deserve health care and education, even if they can't afford it?
You do realize they can already get that?


Well-Known Member
any american can walk into a emergency room and get health care. any american also receives free public school until 12th grade.
Scholarships and loans too for college. The best wealth generating investment that can be made, regardless of how it is being sold as not be lately.

Is today Bizarro day or something? these arguments are exactly why Trump supporst Bernie. his Socialism is not going to fly with moderates. and repubs looking to jump ship.
I know right? It is almost like there is something to the Russians attacking our democracy.

Who helped fund lots and lots of Democrats to win the House in 2018, and is donating again in 2020 to help as well.


Well-Known Member
join the military. get free college. retire in your 30's. with free healthcare.
Or just go into a STEM field and get a more useful degree that is paid for because schools are desperate for Americans in these fields. And then get a really good job with great health insurance.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
any american can walk into a emergency room and get health care.
Interesting. I didn't realize that you could get preventative health care from an emergency room visit, or is that the kind of health care you are implying that US citizens don't deserve if they can't afford it.


Well-Known Member
Scholarships and loans too for college. The best wealth generating investment that can be made, regardless of how it is being sold as not be lately.

I know right? It is almost like there is something to the Russians attacking our democracy.

Who helped fund lots and lots of Democrats to win the House in 2018, and is donating again in 2020 to help as well.
So a Republican is donating and running as a Democrat so the establishment won't lose control of the system that keeps them rich. Nothing to worry about there, lol.


Well-Known Member
Or just go into a STEM field and get a more useful degree that is paid for because schools are desperate for Americans in these fields. And then get a really good job with great health insurance.
and somebody needs to state the obvious: alot of people are morons that can't handle college level classes. what's gonna happen next? free college and it becomes pass/fail with nobody failing? every body gets a participation trophy ?


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I didn't realize that you could get preventative health care from an emergency room visit, or is that the kind of health care you are implying that US citizens don't deserve if they can't afford it.

Health care was what was mentioned, but now you are saying 'preventative' which is much more obscure and technically could still get at a free clinic.

So a Republican is donating and running as a Democrat so the establishment won't lose control of the system that keeps them rich. Nothing to worry about there, lol.
Or Trump turned the Republican party into his personal cult and people who were Republicans have a serious problem with his values and decision making abilities and are willing to work to pass the Democratic agenda, which legislates for everyone in the country and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I didn't realize that you could get preventative health care from an emergency room visit, or is that the kind of health care you are implying that US citizens don't deserve if they can't afford it.
medicare for all doesnt' do much for preventative care either. we already get premium health care thru my wife, i'm not going to take less care b/c of Bern's policy (that he has no plan to pay for by the way)

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member

Health care was what was mentioned, but now you are saying 'preventative' which is much more obscure and technically could still get at a free clinic.
The absolute most important part of health care is preventative health care. Don't be obtuse.


Well-Known Member

Health care was what was mentioned, but now you are saying 'preventative' which is much more obscure and technically could still get at a free clinic.

Or Trump turned the Republican party into his personal cult and people who were Republicans have a serious problem with his values and decision making abilities and are willing to work to pass the Democratic agenda, which legislates for everyone in the country and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.
it's like we are tag teaming these millennials with the same responses. lmao.


Well-Known Member
I don't buy it, Bernie got a free pass last debate and Pete is currently in the lead with Delegates after Bernie has been running for 5 years strait, with the Russians helping him out to boot.
The absolute most important part of health care is preventative health care. Don't be obtuse.
You dismissing what I said about free clinics? Also planned parenthood is great for women's health care too.