Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4390938
This is not exactly controversial.
What does that chart have to do with the middle class or economic advancement? It is talking about the poor, how minimum wage sucks and has not kept up. Obama and Clinton helped the poor communities too (insurance coverage for Obama, welfare reform for Clinton), but mostly it was the middle class of America that benefitted from NAFTA and not letting the economy collapse.


Well-Known Member
What does that chart have to do with the middle class or economic advancement? It is talking about the poor, how minimum wage sucks and has not kept up. Obama and Clinton helped the poor communities too (insurance coverage for Obama, welfare reform for Clinton), but mostly it was the middle class of America that benefitted from NAFTA and not letting the economy collapse.
Average wages have followed the same pattern. I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through all the data. It's out there and it isn't hard to find if you go looking for it. The fact that the mass media won't discuss this honestly is telling in itself.

Since 1980, over 90% of the gains in income have gone to the top 10% of earners, and most of that went to the top 1%. If it didn't, then why do families now need two and three jobs to cover the same expenses that one job handled just fine 40 years ago?


Well-Known Member
Average wages have followed the same pattern. I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through all the data. It's out there and it isn't hard to find if you go looking for it. The fact that the mass media won't discuss this honestly is telling in itself.

Since 1980, over 90% of the gains in income have gone to the top 10% of earners, and most of that went to the top 1%. If it didn't, then why do families now need two and three jobs to cover the same expenses that one job handled just fine 40 years ago?
Spamming us with data doesn't prove your point.
"Continuously aggrieved"

The main media outlets have all covered this issue. Your grievance is based upon emotion and not facts.

It was Reagan and his Republican Party that attacked unions and cut taxes for the wealthy. If you want the income disparity between wealthy and the rest of us to shift in favor of the 99%, vote Democrat. The Democratic Party is home to all of the most effective social Democrats. They are an important wing of the Democratic Party. Your tunnel vision and Bernie Sanders campaign points have clouded your mind.

Bernie can't win the Democratic Party nomination by running against the Democratic Party. What kind of stupid idea is that? If somebody's extreme acts don't make sense, then ask who benefits. So, let's look at who benefits. OH, look, the GOP, white supremacists, economic elite and Putin all benefit from Bernie's campaign.


Well-Known Member
Spamming us with data doesn't prove your point.
"Continuously aggrieved"

The main media outlets have all covered this issue. Your grievance is based upon emotion and not facts.

It was Reagan and his Republican Party that attacked unions and cut taxes for the wealthy. If you want the income disparity between wealthy and the rest of us to shift in favor of the 99%, vote Democrat. The Democratic Party is home to all of the most effective social Democrats. They are an important wing of the Democratic Party. Your tunnel vision and Bernie Sanders campaign points have clouded your mind.

Bernie can't win the Democratic Party nomination by running against the Democratic Party. What kind of stupid idea is that? If somebody's extreme acts don't make sense, then ask who benefits. So, let's look at who benefits. OH, look, the GOP, white supremacists, economic elite and Putin all benefit from Bernie's campaign.
'spamming with data'

If you don't like data, stick with Fix News. You believe whatever a talking head tells you anyway!


Well-Known Member
Average wages have followed the same pattern. I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through all the data. It's out there and it isn't hard to find if you go looking for it. The fact that the mass media won't discuss this honestly is telling in itself.

Since 1980, over 90% of the gains in income have gone to the top 10% of earners, and most of that went to the top 1%. If it didn't, then why do families now need two and three jobs to cover the same expenses that one job handled just fine 40 years ago?
'spamming with data'

If you don't like data, stick with Fix News. You believe whatever a talking head tells you anyway!
Can you walk me through the data that proves your claim that the Carter Foundation certified Maduro's election? I'm afraid that, until you do, you lack credibility in any other claims you make.


Well-Known Member
Can you walk me through the data that proves your claim that the Carter Foundation certified Maduro's election? I'm afraid that, until you do, you lack credibility in any other claims you make.
What would you know or care about credibility?

Try sticking to the thread topic for once in your life.


Well-Known Member
What would you know or care about credibility?

Try sticking to the thread topic for once in your life.
Are you implying that you would answer that question if I asked it in a thread about Venezuela? Because I have asked it nine times in the thread that you made the claim and you have failed to address it any of those times.

Therefore, you have no credibility. You are just a foaming at the mouth coward that repeats any sort of propaganda that suits you and then won't answer for it. And now you are here impugning things other people say - not on the basis of the facts, but because of their sources - so that makes you a hypocrite too.


Well-Known Member
'spamming with data'

If you don't like data, stick with Fix News. You believe whatever a talking head tells you anyway!
I know you can't understand this, but your graph on minimum wages didn't prove your point that the middle class "did not benefit" from the vast expansion in our economy. When normalized to inflation, middle class's wages have stayed flat for decades. Meanwhile the number of people who hold middle class jobs has doubled. Tell them they didn't benefit. Between 1970 and 2010, the US workforce increased from 90 million to 150 million jobs. So, don't say no benefit. That's yet another one of your histrionic exaggerations.

I'll get my news from mainstream sources. You can go to RT, Jimmy Dore or Kyle Kulinski to get your thought guides.


Well-Known Member
I know you can't understand this, but your graph on minimum wages didn't prove your point that the middle class "did not benefit" from the vast expansion in our economy. When normalized to inflation, middle class's wages have stayed flat for decades. Meanwhile the number of people who hold middle class jobs has doubled. Tell them they didn't benefit. Between 1970 and 2010, the US workforce increased from 90 million to 150 million jobs. So, don't say no benefit. That's yet another one of your histrionic exaggerations.

I'll get my news from mainstream sources. You can go to RT, Jimmy Dore or Kyle Kulinski to get your thought guides.
Don't forget Caitlyn Johnstone.


Well-Known Member
Average wages have followed the same pattern. I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through all the data. It's out there and it isn't hard to find if you go looking for it. The fact that the mass media won't discuss this honestly is telling in itself.

Since 1980, over 90% of the gains in income have gone to the top 10% of earners, and most of that went to the top 1%. If it didn't, then why do families now need two and three jobs to cover the same expenses that one job handled just fine 40 years ago?
So you are saying middle class is still the middle class, not that surprising is it? How many people have moved into the middle class?

That is the problem with not looking at the whole picture. If the population has been increasing, even if the percent of people in the middle class doesn't move that much, it doesn't mean that there are far more people moving into the middle class than the poor and the rich.

There are serious problems that we need to work on and for too long the White Wealthy Male Only agenda has made sure that anything that is not them is a drain on the economy. But it doesn't mean that things have not gotten better mostly, and that during the couple years the Democrats had control of the federal government a lot was done to help everyone.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying middle class is still the middle class, not that surprising is it? How many people have moved into the middle class?

That is the problem with not looking at the whole picture. If the population has been increasing, even if the percent of people in the middle class doesn't move that much, it doesn't mean that there are far more people moving into the middle class than the poor and the rich.

There are serious problems that we need to work on and for too long the White Wealthy Male Only agenda has made sure that anything that is not them is a drain on the economy. But it doesn't mean that things have not gotten better mostly, and that during the couple years the Democrats had control of the federal government a lot was done to help everyone.
Sanders is already toast. He can't win the Democratic nomination by attacking Democrats. He'd be better off if he ran as an independent.

Sanders strategy to beat Hillary was to go after her record with the Obama administration. He couldn't win without tearing down Obama's good name. The result was total loss with black, Hispanic and women voters in the Democratic party.

Sanders is following the same strategy this time around. He can't think this time its going to work, so what is his game?