Bloomberg to the rescue

Bloomberg will never get my vote, even if that means I don't vote at all. I'm not interested in trading one piece of shit for another. There is nothing anybody can say that will convince me that Bloomberg will look out for the interests of common people rather than himself. I see him as another Trump. I'm convinced most here are only for team Democrat rather that what is best for everyone.
Trump IN JAIL is in the best interests of National Security.
Did Trumps tariffs affect the price of tin foil?

I'm not saying that there is no influence, what I'm saying is that with all the other misinformation out there employed by your own representatives, corporate interests, and your media outlets, it's a drop in the bucket.

Do you really think that you can stop the propaganda machine, whether it be foreign or domestic?
It is like saying that paying a college basketball player $10k is nothing to have them shave a few points here and there when the betting pool on the games are in the millions. And all the advertising going on during the game corporations spend millions on, and coaches try to outsmart the players, so that the $10k being spent is just a drop in the bucket, so there is no reason to worry about it.

When you can cheat the system because you find a loophole, like militarizing personalized data, it needs to be stopped, especially when it means foreign nations get to help their politician of choice get elected. Our companies are subject to our laws. News companies have laws that force them to be accountable if they slip up and say something they shouldn't have. The propaganda personalities like Rush Limbaugh, and Hannity have to argue in court that they are 'entertainers' and not news so can lie to the public.

But this is getting buried because Trump is not stopping the trolling of our citizens. And foreign nations being able to attack us without consequence is causing a lot of noise so he is seemingly getting away with it until he is out of office.

Until this is fixed it is impossible to come together to solve our problems as a nation because we won't be able to even agree on what the facts are.

And no I can't stop it, but I have a voice, and I can try to warn others about it, and I can vote.
he scares moderates because

boo!, hiss!..mean ole Bernie wants to give everyone dare he!

I consider myself moderate, what attracts me to Bernie is healthcare for all not more taxes on the middle class and the fact that he has a good following. You will push people like me away with that shit though, the middle class already took many hits in the last 20 years.
Sanders <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

extreme left, extreme right

Country stays polarized either way, w/ Sanders or room to compromise and get things done. Childish bickering continues, daily chaos bullshit
I consider myself moderate, what attracts me to Bernie is healthcare for all not more taxes on the middle class and the fact that he has a good following. You will push people like me away with that shit though, the middle class already took many hits in the last 20 years.
What you are saying is spot on the most important thing to understand in this election, thank you for saying it.

People need to understand that all the polarization is the goal of the disinformation campaigns out there. Anything and everything you are seeing should be picked through with a fine tooth comb, and understood how it is attacking the issues you care about. The goal is to make it so either you are firmly in a cult like information bubble, or so disgusted the idea of voting for 'the other choice' that you stay home.

Like almost always, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
I consider myself moderate, what attracts me to Bernie is healthcare for all not more taxes on the middle class and the fact that he has a good following. You will push people like me away with that shit though, the middle class already took many hits in the last 20 years.

Which 'shit like that'? What are you referring to in the post?
Sanders <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

extreme left, extreme right

Country stays polarized either way, w/ Sanders or room to compromise and get things done. Childish bickering continues, daily chaos bullshit

Sanders is nothing but compromise and has proven this throughout the years.
Sanders is nothing but compromise and has proven this throughout the years.
Yea, he's proven that he's an idealist dreamer that is going to get Trump re-elected.
No real argument with his ideology but it will never work in 2020 in the USA
Maybe after 8 years of Dem control of the Congress & dumping the BS waste on the Defense Dept we can possibly afford Medicare for All, but no one with a fucking brain thinks that is possible now, and that's Bernie's claim to fame.
We're still fighting the Affordable Health Care Act almost 8 years later & Sanders wants free coverage & free college now?
Give me a fucking break
Yea, he's proven that he's an idealist dreamer that is going to get Trump re-elected.
No real argument with his ideology but it will never work in 2020 in the USA
Maybe after 8 years of Dem control of the Congress & dumping the BS waste on the Defense Dept we can possibly afford Medicare for All, but no one with a fucking brain thinks that is possible now, and that's Bernie's claim to fame.
We're still fighting the Affordable Health Care Act almost 8 years later & Sanders wants free coverage & free college now?
Give me a fucking break

You've posted no factual information above.
I hope Bloomberg does great tonight. I feel so bad for him. He said he would help support any of the Democratic nominees and the thank you he gets is mean name calling and lies about his record. Shame on them . They are all jealous of him. He got nothing to lose. He is gonna nail it. The beat down might just backfire putting the spotlight on him to shine. They should be Thanking him not Harassing him.
I hope Bloomberg does great tonight. I feel so bad for him. He said he would help support any of the Democratic nominees and the thank you he gets is mean name calling and lies about his record. Shame on them . They are all jealous of him. He got nothing to lose. He is gonna nail it. The beat down might just backfire putting the spotlight on him to shine. They should be Thanking him not Harassing him.
He's going to fall flat on his face trying to defend his abysmal record, watch