Bloomberg to the rescue

Sanders polls highest among Democratic moderates

ABC News

"Among demographic groups, Sanders' support remains focused among liberal (and especially very liberal) leaned Democrats and young adults. He has a vast 56% support among 18- to 39-year-olds, diving to 13% among those age 65 and older. Among seniors, by contrast, Bloomberg reaches 24 percent; Biden, 20%.

Sanders' 41% among liberals falls to 25% among moderates, who account for more than four in 10 leaned Democrats (44%). Biden wins 24% of moderates, Bloomberg 17%. At the same time, relatively few leaned Democrats call Sanders "too liberal," 17%; indeed, as many call him too conservative. The only significant ideological objections to any of the other leading candidates are to Klobuchar, seen as too conservative rather than too liberal by a 9-point margin, and Biden, the same by 6 points."
Sanders polls highest among Democratic moderates

ABC News

"Among demographic groups, Sanders' support remains focused among liberal (and especially very liberal) leaned Democrats and young adults. He has a vast 56% support among 18- to 39-year-olds, diving to 13% among those age 65 and older. Among seniors, by contrast, Bloomberg reaches 24 percent; Biden, 20%.

Sanders' 41% among liberals falls to 25% among moderates, who account for more than four in 10 leaned Democrats (44%). Biden wins 24% of moderates, Bloomberg 17%. At the same time, relatively few leaned Democrats call Sanders "too liberal," 17%; indeed, as many call him too conservative. The only significant ideological objections to any of the other leading candidates are to Klobuchar, seen as too conservative rather than too liberal by a 9-point margin, and Biden, the same by 6 points."
Yet Bernie is in a statistical tie with Trump in battleground states with him running for the last 4 years and being propped up by Trump and Russians.
Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 6.15.13 AM.png
Yet Bernie is in a statistical tie with Trump in battleground states with him running for the last 4 years and being propped up by Trump and Russians.
View attachment 4483783

72% of Democratic voters believe Bernie Sanders would beat Trump in a 2020 election, new poll shows

"Nearly three-quarters of Democratic voters believe Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont would defeat incumbent President Donald Trump if Sanders were selected to be the party's presidential nominee, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Wednesday.

Pollsters asked respondents who were Democrats or leaned Democratic which candidate they thought would win against Trump if that candidate were to represent the party in November. Seventy-two percent said that they thought Sanders would defeat Trump in a one-on-one match-up, while 24 percent thought Trump would win and 4 percent had no opinion.

Of all the Democratic candidates, Sanders was the one who respondents said they believed had the best chance of defeating the incumbent. Billionaire businessman and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg performed second-best in this question—69 percent of respondents said they thought he could beat Trump in the general, while 28 percent said they thought the victory would go to Trump and 3 percent said they did not have an opinion."
72% of Democratic voters believe Bernie Sanders would beat Trump in a 2020 election, new poll shows

"Nearly three-quarters of Democratic voters believe Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont would defeat incumbent President Donald Trump if Sanders were selected to be the party's presidential nominee, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Wednesday.

Pollsters asked respondents who were Democrats or leaned Democratic which candidate they thought would win against Trump if that candidate were to represent the party in November. Seventy-two percent said that they thought Sanders would defeat Trump in a one-on-one match-up, while 24 percent thought Trump would win and 4 percent had no opinion.

Of all the Democratic candidates, Sanders was the one who respondents said they believed had the best chance of defeating the incumbent. Billionaire businessman and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg performed second-best in this question—69 percent of respondents said they thought he could beat Trump in the general, while 28 percent said they thought the victory would go to Trump and 3 percent said they did not have an opinion."
What does that have to do with battle ground states? That is where the war for the Presidential race is won or lost. Sure NY and Cali will vote for whoever wins the Democratic nominee for President, and they have monster populations, but it will come down to those 80k votes in those key states to pull off a win, and Bernie vs Trump is pretty much a toss up, Biden is crushing Trump in those states.

Can you every be genuine?

Are you an American? You have never answered.
What does that have to do with battle ground states? That is where the war for the Presidential race is won or lost. Sure NY and Cali will vote for whoever wins the Democratic nominee for President, and they have monster populations, but it will come down to those 80k votes in those key states to pull off a win, and Bernie vs Trump is pretty much a toss up, Biden is crushing Trump in those states.

Can you every be genuine?

Are you an American? You have never answered.
The rust belt is where Sanders polls the highest because it's filled with working class voters who support his populist progressive message
The rust belt is where Sanders polls the highest because it's filled with working class voters who support his populist progressive message
Then why is he not soundly beating Trump like Biden is in the battleground states?

They might like it, but they know bullshit when they hear it.

Knives are out! They are slicing and dicing tonight on the debate stage.
I was thinking the same thing lol. Pete is so good in these.
He is, Biden might not even win South Carolina at this rate. His campaign is DOA
Im sorry but Bernie is not soundly beating Trump in the states that will decide who the President is. So with you being wrong as often as you post, I think I will wait until after Super Tuesday on seeing where Biden lands. I still have a lot of time until I can vote anyways, so it really doesn't matter for me.

Speaking of voting, are you an American?
To date the dem debates have been a little boring, no more! This one is exciting. Bloomberg getting shot at by everybody. Warren seems to be fighting like she is up against the wall.
To date the dem debates have been a little boring, no more! This one is exciting. Bloomberg getting shot at by everybody. Warren seems to be fighting like she is up against the wall.
the only thing you’ve ever fought are the true things i have said about you
To date the dem debates have been a little boring, no more! This one is exciting. Bloomberg getting shot at by everybody. Warren seems to be fighting like she is up against the wall.
Yeah it was funny, it was like they all just unleashed on him. Amy is on fire too, I think her and Pete are doing the best. Biden was decent, and Liz is defiantly coming out swinging.

Bloomberg is not responding as well as he could be to the heavy attacks, a bit rusty, but he I don't think anything he has said is disqualifying.

lol Warren just burned him hard 'I was nice to some women'. She was ready for these attacks. I doubt they will stick though after he drops a couple hundred million on answering each attack. Especially when/if he just gets them to drop the NDA's on everyone and it turns out to be nothing.

Biden just showed some fire on Bloomberg too, pushing him to release the women from the NDA.
Amy is about to hip check Pete.

Biden ended on a solid note right as the commercial break too, not bad at all.

Time for me to record the rest and call it a night.

LOL Bloomberg is done. These NDA's will ruin him if he continues. All he's doing now is siphoning votes from other moderate Dems. He's helping Bernie, so hang in there McBloomey!!!

It would be interesting if he withdrew and just trolled Trump from the sidelines. I think Biden would crush Bernie at that point.
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LOL Bloomberg is done. These NDA's will ruin him if he continues. All he's doing now is siphoning votes from other moderate Dems. He's helping Bernie, so hang in there McBloomey!!!
remember when you pretended to be a contractor but had no idea how fica taxes or workman’s comp worked?

Every bernout like you has a similar tale of pure fraudulence