Bloomberg to the rescue

I agree with Brian Williams, savage. I am very curious how Bloomberg holds up over time with this higher level of scrutiny and confrontation.
Warren ate Bloomberg Alive. Biden kicked ass . Things are gonna roll his way now.

Bernie did real well. He won the debate with his shear force and powerful enthusiasm. Weather you like him or not he is a force to be reckoned with.

bloomberg was a total flop.
And Mayor Pete Was cool , calm and well spoken.

the monitors totally fucked this debate up by not keeping the candidates in check and not muzzling them up when they should of . It was probably the worst debate I have seen in this cycle so far. They came across as a bunch of unhinged animals.
The last debate was so much better.
If I was Bloomberg I would be getting a drink right now and crawling in a hole and thinking what the hell was i Thinking trying to run for President.

Biden is the best by far, no wonder Trump got impeached for him. He will be the best to go toe to toe with Trump but if Bernie keeps on a roll like this he could be unstoppable. He does have an undeniable swagger about him . For an old geezer he is impressive but fuck no i
Would never vote for him. I want Mayor Pete the most.
I am left very confused at this point.
it was such an unhinged debate where they all looked kinda mental.
Warren ate Bloomberg Alive. Biden kicked ass . Things are gonna roll his way now.

Bernie did real well. He won the debate with his shear force and powerful enthusiasm. Weather you like him or not he is a force to be reckoned with.

bloomberg was a total flop.
And Mayor Pete Was cool , calm and well spoken.

the monitors totally fucked this debate up by not keeping the candidates in check and not muzzling them up when they should of . It was probably the worst debate I have seen in this cycle so far. They came across as a bunch of unhinged animals.
The last debate was so much better.
If I was Bloomberg I would be getting a drink right now and crawling in a hole and thinking what the hell was i Thinking trying to run for President.

Biden is the best by far, no wonder Trump got impeached for him. He will be the best to go toe to toe with Trump but if Bernie keeps on a roll like this he could be unstoppable. He does have an undeniable swagger about him . For an old geezer he is impressive but fuck no i
Would never vote for him. I want Mayor Pete the most.
I am left very confused at this point.
it was such an unhinged debate where they all looked kinda mental.
Warren owned that debate. Bernie did well. Bloomberg got more boos than cheers. Biden did not wake up until an hour in. Pete sounds like he using talking points, but he did beat up Amy.
remember when you pretended to be a contractor but had no idea how fica taxes or workman’s comp worked?

Every bernout like you has a similar tale of pure fraudulence
Nope. I remember you getting testy after you nailed your fingers together, and I questioned whether or not you were a legitimate contractor or just a day worker not covered by workers comp, and you attempted to distort that into something different, as per your usual tactics. I'm not a contractor, but I do have a small rental business.
Joe Biden redeemed himself last night, he handled himself well. It seems the rest degenerated into mudslinging muppets.

Klobachar really let her veil of dignity down, she revealed herself to be rather petty and mean. Warren sharpened her attacks but made some sense, not too bad. Sanders was typical Sanders, the angry old man...........Bloomberg looked like an alien up there, not transparent at all. I can't fault the guy for being rich, he EARNED it...wasn't given it.......Mayor Pete I still don't trust.
No billionaire earned it without exploiting labor
Usually that's the case, can't argue your point. Although, in Bloomberg's case, the amount of loot he's contributed to political candidates and philanthropy offsets some of his douchebaggery. I wouldn't vote Bloomberg unless he's the Dem nominee. He's a cut above Trump @ least.
Warren ate Bloomberg Alive. Biden kicked ass . Things are gonna roll his way now.

Bernie did real well. He won the debate with his shear force and powerful enthusiasm. Weather you like him or not he is a force to be reckoned with.

bloomberg was a total flop.
And Mayor Pete Was cool , calm and well spoken.

the monitors totally fucked this debate up by not keeping the candidates in check and not muzzling them up when they should of . It was probably the worst debate I have seen in this cycle so far. They came across as a bunch of unhinged animals.
The last debate was so much better.
If I was Bloomberg I would be getting a drink right now and crawling in a hole and thinking what the hell was i Thinking trying to run for President.

Biden is the best by far, no wonder Trump got impeached for him. He will be the best to go toe to toe with Trump but if Bernie keeps on a roll like this he could be unstoppable. He does have an undeniable swagger about him . For an old geezer he is impressive but fuck no i
Would never vote for him. I want Mayor Pete the most.
I am left very confused at this point.
it was such an unhinged debate where they all looked kinda mental.
The nice thing from last night for me is that anyone of them is capable of beating Trump one on one. So however it shakes out it will be fine by June barring any Wronski feints.

Joe Biden redeemed himself last night, he handled himself well. It seems the rest degenerated into mudslinging muppets.

Klobachar really let her veil of dignity down, she revealed herself to be rather petty and mean. Warren sharpened her attacks but made some sense, not too bad. Sanders was typical Sanders, the angry old man...........Bloomberg looked like an alien up there, not transparent at all. I can't fault the guy for being rich, he EARNED it...wasn't given it.......Mayor Pete I still don't trust.
I don't know what Biden did to need redeeming other than getting slammed for 2 weeks in the Senate impeachment of him because his 50yr old kid lawyer was audacious enough to get a job.

No billionaire earned it without exploiting labor
aka Hiring people.
Bloomberg spent a lot of money to get publicly skinned alive at the democratic debate!
I couldn’t stand the guy. What an arrogant fuck. Morning Joe hit it on the nail this morning when the we’re talking about how no one has talked to him like Warren did last and him rolling his eyes like he was better then everybody else. What a phony. I would never believe anything that creep says and he is just as bad as Trump. He needs to be removed . He is a horrible distraction and a waste of time.
I couldn’t stand the guy. What an arrogant fuck. Morning Joe hit it on the nail this morning when the we’re talking about how no one has talked to him like Warren did last and him rolling his eyes like he was better then everybody else. What a phony. I would never believe anything that creep says and he is just as bad as Trump. He needs to be removed . He is a horrible distraction and a waste of time.
lol I didn't think he was that bad, he for sure is not used to being attacked/talked to by people who don't care about his money anyways.

Warren was just on fire last night. Trump likely shat himself watching her (and the rest) tear someone who he wishes he was apart like that.
Joe Biden redeemed himself last night, he handled himself well. It seems the rest degenerated into mudslinging muppets.

Klobachar really let her veil of dignity down, she revealed herself to be rather petty and mean. Warren sharpened her attacks but made some sense, not too bad. Sanders was typical Sanders, the angry old man...........Bloomberg looked like an alien up there, not transparent at all. I can't fault the guy for being rich, he EARNED it...wasn't given it.......Mayor Pete I still don't trust.

your review was pretty spot on.