Bloomberg to the rescue

"But Trump is more racist!" is not a good defense of Michael Bloomberg's racism. It might actually matter to you if you were one of the 87% of minorities racially profiled and harassed by his gestapo NYPD thugs because of the color of their skin

Black voters have long had to decide which white racist leader would be the best choice. This is exactly why I called you and other Bernie Bros who declared, "give me Bernie or I'll give you Trump", entitled white men. Your freedom, right to vote and income aren't threatened by Trump like minority and women voters are.

So, go ahead and accuse me of picking a racist when it's all said and done. What I'll do is pick the candidate I want in the primary and vote for the Deomcratic Party's choice in the fall. Elections have consequences. For a lot of people. Less so for entitled white men.
Bloomberg is polling higher with black voters than Bernie is right now. That is from the same poll that has sanders leading nationally

I might just laugh myself to death right now

Better get spamming, padaraper! Gotta get those “herd like” black voters in line! Didn’t you say more was expected of you because you’re white?

You have great standing on issues of race, my boy
Bloomberg said they put all the cops in minority neighborhoods because that's where all the crime is.
And he was right then & still is today.
Unfortunately, most lower income areas in Manhattan & it's boroughs are populated by so called minorities & violent crime dropped in those areas under Bloomberg
It may not be PC, but poverty breeds crime & in NYC most shootings are in low income areas & there's no disputing that, so yea, go where the crime is like Harlem or the South Bronx.
It makes sense to me.
This should Mike's campaign song.

I'm voting for him because Biden & Bernie both have one foot in the grave & probably will never survive 4 years in office, Warren is un-electable & Buttigieg is a virgin & Klobuchar has no hope at all to be POTUS
I know it's a long shot, but what the fuck?
I like underdogs :)
Sanders is 78, Bloomberg is 77 and racist as fuck
Sanders just had a heart attack & the Grim Reaper is on his doorstep.
Maybe if he chose Buttigieg as a running mate I might consider him, but that ain't gonna happen because it would just makes too much sense
I still think that the person that comes in 2nd should automatically be the VP selection.
Why not?
One thing I can see coming though is Mike opening up his coffers of cash and outspending the fuck out of the rest of the candidates.
So, this should be entertaining in this land of money talks & the rest of you can go fuck yourself.
(Capitalism at it's finest & the ability to brainwash the masses is going too be on full display :) )
And he was right then & still is today.
Unfortunately, most lower income areas in Manhattan & it's boroughs are populated by so called minorities & violent crime dropped in those areas under Bloomberg
It may not be PC, but poverty breeds crime & in NYC most shootings are in low income areas & there's no disputing that, so yea, go where the crime is like Harlem or the South Bronx.
It makes sense to me.
Stop and frisk was a dumb policy. He was told that before and during the time he implemented and then defended it in the court despite a weak case. It harmed a lot of people. So, I can't just let Bloomberg off the hook with his weak apology.

It's not wrong to say poverty is linked (or breeds) crime. That's a fact. What is not a fact is when people link crime to skin color.

I'll vote for him in the fall if he wins the nomination. Right now, it seems that my first choice in the primary isn't going to win it but I'm still going to vote for her to give her the most delegates possible for the convention for her to use as leverage. 1:4 chance the convention is contested and I want Warren to have a good number of delegates on her side when the shit hits the fan.

Actually, Biden probably feels worse :)

So do you see what I meant about polling?

The real numbers must be reported just prior to contest..all those others were to manipulate you into 'buying' uncle Joe.

People keep asking how could he go from #1 to #5?- easy, he was never #1. You were lied to.
Fuck Facebook & their bullshit policies allowing the dissemination of un-truths, giving those lies the aura of possibly being a fact.
So, here are some facts about our future POTUS (pray too a God, or a tree, or a fucking rock, I don't care which) & I just want too thank RIU & all the mods for a platform where the un-biased Truth counts ( :) :) :) )

Go Mike!!!!
Fuck Facebook & their bullshit policies allowing the dissemination of un-truths, giving those lies the aura of possibly being a fact.
So, here are some facts about our future POTUS (pray too a God, or a tree, or a fucking rock, I don't care which) & I just want too thank RIU & all the mods for a platform where the un-biased Truth counts ( :) :) :) )

Go Mike!!!!
