Borbor's Perpetual Journal

Hey buddy, it was great to meet you and chat today!
Hey man, sorry that starbud nug wasn't trimmed yet! going at the rest of the crop now.
Smoke it before bed one day! better yet, hit a fresh bowl at the same time as you hit the "snooze" button! You'll sleep way longer than you meant to :fire:

Also, WOW!
I've seen quite a few grows, and I've never seen a grow like that. To any fans of ttystikk, or skeptics, believe every word he tells you. Around may this year I hope to get something similar to his setup going. I'm still trying to take it all in. WOW, those were the kind of plants I want to play with until I retire!
Hey man, sorry that starbud nug wasn't trimmed yet! going at the rest of the crop now.
Smoke it before bed one day! better yet, hit a fresh bowl at the same time as you hit the "snooze" button! You'll sleep way longer than you meant to :fire:

Also, WOW!
I've seen quite a few grows, and I've never seen a grow like that. To any fans of ttystikk, or skeptics, believe every word he tells you. Around may this year I hope to get something similar to his setup going. I'm still trying to take it all in. WOW, those were the kind of plants I want to play with until I retire!

Thanks for the kind words, brother. You saw a lot of hard work and a labor of love.
Starbud day 36-
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Cotton candy day 20-
Cotton candy day two, was topped on friday, so 5 days ago
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Vegging starbud. Gettin' big!
veg tent, very grateful for these new clones- chem sour d, super lemon haze, grapefruit, and hillbilly hobby, can't wait to clone 'em! Definitely buying an aero cloner SOON
And some porn. I just can't resist putting this is as a full size image.
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yup! could see roots out of all of em and wanted to play it safe, since it seems I have trouble with the area between where it gets cut off the mom and planted in soil.

three of my 4 starbud clones are lookin' okay, the other not so much, but these three are starting new growth:
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Really confused about the chocolope, both were planted the same day, both sprouted the same day, but here's both of em-
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I think with the bigger one I might top the next node to pop out and try to mainline it, starting in a few days.
flower tent- IMAG0469[1].jpg
starbud day 42-
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cotton candy day 26-
cotton candy day 8-
veg tent, I'd say that starbud (needs water) is about 3 feet tall and two feet across in all directions
my starbud clones are doing well, I have a favorite-
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Tty's clones are doing well-
but I"m so confused, both of these were popped in early december, same strain, same soil, same errythang, I just haven't seen a seedling not grow but not die before. weird. Not too sad about it, since the rest of the tent is gonna do nice for me, but I'm just super confused.
Got an interesting one today.
The big starbud in veg has been getting close to the lights and a pain to manage next to all the little babies, I was gonna try and veg it longer still, but I'm realizing that if the cotton candy isn't up to par, all I'm gonna have is that one starbud plant to smoke for like 8 weeks, so I thought I'd get it started now.
Day 1 (front right)-
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starbud day 43-
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Some frost on cotton candy, starting to smell sweet. day 27-
cotton candy day 27 on the left and day 9 on the right. Trimmed off the 6 or so lowest branches, haven't really tried it before so it's kind of an experiment, did it on the day 1 starbud too, I'd love to see a little less larf and maybe some bigger nugs if that theory actually holds weight. It also seems like it'll help with airflow through the canopy.
cotton candies are a lot taller than starbuds, here's the day one starbud next to the the day 9 CC-

With putting this starbud into flower, I wanted to add a little something extra, and I was thinking, a lot of people veg with a lot less than what I do, and all my vegging plants are so small right now, so the RWs can probably handle it by themselves for a little while, so...
pew pew! let's see how this combination works! I'm excited, I've always been on the fence about the amount of light in that 5x5, so now I know we're at enough.

veg tent-
I tossed the chocolope seedling that wasn't growing, so the one gallon pots are all starbud except the one chocolope in the very back and the solo cups are my clones from ttystikk. After I took this picture I lowered the lights more, they're 18 inches from the tallest tops and 23 inches from dirt. I might use my 36watt kessil or my t5s in there, I'll figure something out. another 315 in there would be awesome, might try to find the cheapest option for that soon.
Sorry it's been a while, got some family in town.
Here's starbud on day 52-
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cotton candy, day 36 on the left and 18 on the right-
cotton candy day 36-
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cotton candy day 18 (was topped a couple of days before 12/12)-
starbud day 9-
open tent, this starbud in front right ought to be massive-
The veg tent is looking okay right now, gonna find a way to light it up a little more, but the only real bad news is that the hillbilly hobby hobby clone I was gifted didn't take to the soil and fell over :( the other three are looking great with plenty of new growth though, I transplanted them into 5 gallon rootmaker pots a few days ago, except the grapefruit, ran out of soil so I moved it from a solo cup to a one gallon. The starbud clones are all doing well, this week I'm gonna put them into 7 gallon pots. the chocolope, in the very back right, I topped sometime around Sunday.
the super lemon haze has been growing the fastest. SLH-
most excited for chem sour diesel. I love chem strains, especially diesels. CSD-
grapefruit, also excited to have in the lineup, it's the plant in the front.-
starbud on top left, bottom left and bottom right, chocolope top right-

Can anybody think of a good way to veg my plants using as little power as possible? I'm kind of thinking of getting rid of the 100 watts of older LED and getting another CMH setup that can run the 210 watt bulb, can anybody recommend one?
Sometimes cuts don't take, I'm happy to give you another.

Don't make any rash purchasing decisions until you see what's cooking over here, bro!
Awesome! Should have some chocolope cuttings pretty soon, I would hope it'd climb pretty well for ya! I'll definitely be using an aerocloner for those, as well as my backups of the other three from you and some backup starbuds.
Awesome! Should have some chocolope cuttings pretty soon, I would hope it'd climb pretty well for ya! I'll definitely be using an aerocloner for those, as well as my backups of the other three from you and some backup starbuds.

I lost a couple of the starbud babies, but the rest are fine. The cotton candy didn't make it, either.
I lost a couple of the starbud babies, but the rest are fine. The cotton candy didn't make it, either.
good, I can take a few more if you'd like, the cotton candy might need to reveg though, haha, I slacked on that one, but it does look like it puts out some frost and defenitely a more hefty plant than starbud as far as nug size. excited for the smoke to find out how I like it!.
good, I can take a few more if you'd like, the cotton candy might need to reveg though, haha, I slacked on that one, but it does look like it puts out some frost and defenitely a more hefty plant than starbud as far as nug size. excited for the smoke to find out how I like it!.

I was honestly more interested in that one than the star bud, just for the growth characteristics.
Hortilab is no joke. Kina pricey but wow they got some fire genetics. Not too many people run thier stuff. I have. Very quality stuff.
Hortilab is no joke. Kina pricey but wow they got some fire genetics. Not too many people run thier stuff. I have. Very quality stuff.
Hey man thanks for popping in and mentioning that! I got this starbud as a freebie so ever since then I've been curious about the rest of their stuff, and whether or not my pheno was typical of their stock, so it's cool to hear that from someone. Do you know much about the "starbud sister"? I've heard a few different things, some saying it's the same parents or seed stock (wouldn't that be the same strain?) and some saying it leans more sativa.
I know thier Sour Amnesia is a huge yielder of super high quAlity Haze type buds. Dont know about much else. Oh wait....the grapefruit one is bad ass too. My buddy grows that. Hortilab has great genetics. Sorry cant help u on Starbud. Iam sure its killer.
I was thinking of trying half of my plants hydro sometime soon just to see the differences. However, today I took the old harvested plants just sitting dead in the garage and threw them all in the compost, and saw something pretty cool. I was always skeptical that the roots would actually grow straight through a smart pot that was buried in a larger one. I took out my original starbud plant, that was a one gallon buried in a 15 gallon, and saw this out of the one gallon-
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might switch back to those, I don't like the hercules pots too much and the rootmakers only go up to 5 gallons-ish
I was thinking of trying half of my plants hydro sometime soon just to see the differences. However, today I took the old harvested plants just sitting dead in the garage and threw them all in the compost, and saw something pretty cool. I was always skeptical that the roots would actually grow straight through a smart pot that was buried in a larger one. I took out my original starbud plant, that was a one gallon buried in a 15 gallon, and saw this out of the one gallon-
might switch back to those, I don't like the hercules pots too much and the rootmakers only go up to 5 gallons-ish
Pretty cool, when you say smart pots you mean fabric pots? I like the fabrics, they build a nice root system.
The real beauty of fabric pots is they breathe and dry out the medium (coco) can get away with a smaller pot and hammer them bitches with multiple daily feeds. Keeping the plant always riding the crest of the wave so to speak.