ButchyBoys Room-0-Death

Today's tea will be the following:

4.5 gallons water
2 Cups Earth worm castings
1 tbsp fish emulsion (Smells shitty)
5 tbsp molasses (Smells yummay)
2 tbsp liquid sea weed

Brewed for 24 hrs and used up before 48 hrs is over.
Today's progress on the side by side plant. I added a wire to prop her up straight and moved her closer to the light to try and slow down the stretch.

The next two for the red room! On the left is a 16.75 inch tall Blue Magoo that gets topped every few days to reduce its overall size, gunna be a bush!! And on the right is a 22.75 inch tall AK-48 that is eating my light bulbs!! Both are ready for the red room but I need to harvest the Mini Scrog and Blue Dream first.



I moved my side by side contest plant to a brighter location yesterday...

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Hoping this morning she is loving it! I won't know till after I drop the kid off at school.
Good morning vietna........ People!!

What a weekend... Worked in the back yard getting it cleaned up after the winter mess. Tore down a 40'x16' deck than seen better days and built a smaller one. Smoked a crap load of weed and hash with the wife while moving plants from the shed back to the greenhouse.
Yesterday the wife asked me what we had been smoking all weekend. She had a hard time not going in the house and reading a book! I told her it was AK-48 from February. She asked how many days it flowered, I had to go look at my notes. 63 days in flower seems to be to long as it puts her to sleep and slows me way down! Knowing that, I will be harvesting the Mini Scrog AK48 and the Blue Dream in the corner today since they are at day 58 and look ready! Pic's to come!!!!

We headed to the big city for grocery shopping and as usual the wife wanted to hit up a few store to look at grow supplies. She needed some Bulb food and I like to look at what is available. I decided to purchase these...


Her bag... NPK 3-5-4 and some good stuff for the soil. My other Organic ferts have this same stuff in it.


My bag... 4-10-7 and some good stuff for the soil.


I set up my brewer with 4 gallons of fresh water (150 ppm) 2 days ago. yesterday I put 1 cup of the Flower Girl into my bag and dropped it into the brewer. 2 hours later it was at a ppm of 2320. :o

I will be using some of this tea to wet my cooking soil :hump:
Two plant's down!!!!!

Swollen hands today!!!!

The wife and I spent a good part of yesterday chopping A Blue Dream and the Mini Scrog down. None of it hit a scale yet!

Blue Dream day 58... Had to string it up a few weeks ago. Guestimation 3 Marijuana's

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Looks like a great harvest Butchyboy :clap:

Thanks!! This was the stickiest yet!!! It sounded like a room full of people trying to pull latex gloves off of sticky balloons!!! The wife made at least a gram of finger hash during the process. After I dump the kid at school I will be stirring the pot!!