ButchyBoys Room-0-Death

How about that shit!!!!!

Damn Frenchy and his rinsing the bag........ It takes a few more minutes to spray cold water into the bag and rinse the resin before scooping annnnnd makes a wonderful difference!!
Mooore different setting... :mrgreen:

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The room reflects so well that the branches grow sideways and leafs are upside down..

Wheres waldo???IMG_9748.JPG IMG_9749.JPG

Starting to fade in the middle..IMG_9755.JPG

Eating the light is what she loves!!!!IMG_9680.JPG
Yesterday I mixed up some:
Bacillus Subtilis
Bacillus Cereus
Bacillus Megaterium
Azotobacter Vinelandi
Lactobacillius Acidophilus
Rhizobium Japonicum
Asbegillus Oryzea
Pisolithus Tinctorius
Rhizopogon Villosuli
Rhizopogon Luteolus
Rhizopogon Amylopogon
Rhizopogon Fulvigleba
Glomus Intraradices
Glomus Mosseae
Glomus Aggregatum
Athrobacter Globiformis
Athrobacter Simplex
Azotobacter Chroococcum
Azotobacter Paspali
Azosprillum Lipoferum
Streptomyces Griseoflavis
Pseudomonis Flourescens
Glomus Intraradices
Glomus Etunicatum
Pisolithus Tinctorius
Scleroderma Cepa
Scleroderma Cintrinum
Scleroderma Geastrum
Laccaria Laccata
Laccaria Bicolor
Nitrosopumilus Maritimus

I am sure I left something out!!

In other words...

Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
green sand
Ironite plus
Epsom salt
Dolomite Lime
Jobes Organic 4-4-4
Earth worm castings
Steer manure
Chicken manure
Mushroom compost
Sphagnum peat
Used soil roots and all

All wet down with:
Fish emulsion
Dr earths flower girl tea for the benies!!!


nice setup u got alot of plants going that one bud pic needs to be posted on whos got the frostiest bud thread cause its dank

Thanks man!!

Been a few days since I updated my junk..... Busy with the outside garden and pond...

La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice ( side by side contest ) at day 21.8 of veg. Roots are climbing the sides so she got Up-potted into a gallon pot from the half gallon milk jug.

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Checked on my plants this morning before the lights came on. Almost lost 3 of them due to lack of water..

My mom fell down the stairs, split her head open from the front to the back and damn near died so I haven't been home. Hanging out at the hospital. I'm pretty bummed out!
We are going to have a long road ahead of us with theropy. I need to walk out to the van and burn one. Peace out....
[Deep Breath]

My wonderful wife forced me out of the house and into my room for a an hour or so to get away from the situation in the house. No sleep since Tuesday has got me Fubar'd!!!!
I had watered yesterday or at least thought I did! I marked it down but didn't really do it for one plant.

This XJ13 at day 44 is a bit thirsty!!! 7 days without water!! She was supposed to be watered the day my mother hit the ground..IMG_0114.JPGIMG_0115.JPG