California Gubernatorial Recall Election

A day before the election, they started this. It'll be their "go to" for the foreseeable future. Can't win fair and square? Call it rigged, whine, and demand recounts and audits forever. Maybe develop a platform, you know, principles. Repukes have destroyed law and order, support the police. What's left?

Bible burning?
Republicunt Larry Elders today said that the only way he will not win the election is due to massive Democratic fraud. So that's the blueprint from now on. All elections that are won by Democrats are fraudulent.

The fact the the Republican party is still a major party is a strong indication that our country is close to ending democracy.
A day before the election, they started this. It'll be their "go to" for the foreseeable future. Can't win fair and square? Call it rigged, whine, and demand recounts and audits forever. Maybe develop a platform, you know, principles. Repukes have destroyed law and order, support the police. What's left?

these kinds of things are single use only..listening to Larry Elder 'Trumpify'..the schtick is old. where's Trumps donate button?
Reagrdless of what happens, Newsom should have had the grace to resign and let the Lieutenant Governor take over. He's an elitist who pretty much rubbed his entitlement in the faces of his voters and then lied through his teeth about it. Democrats acting like this are pushing Trumpists into power.

Like Trump, the most important thing to Gavin Newsom is... Gavin Newsome.


If California ends up with a whack job in command, you have his pompous asshole to thank. ^^^

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