Can midgrade bagseeds turn into awesome buds?


Well-Known Member
First of all thanks to everyone out there willing to help a new grower out. This sight is awesome.:mrgreen: Anywhoosers i grew 3 plants of some pretty good midgrade smoke. they're in a 10 gallon pot outside & 2 of them are 3 feet tall the 3rd is kinda small. I also just planted some seedlings & they're about an inch tall. so i guess i was just wandering if these midgrade bagseeds can produce some nice smoke in the end.:mrgreen: Ive never grown before so any tips would be great. The info that gets dispursed on this site is great.:peace:


Active Member
If you grow a female alone, it'll be better than normal bagseed because in normal bagseed there is usually seed which requires the presence of a male plant. If it's the female alone, the energy that would have gone into making seeds will go into making bud/resin. But it still isn't going to be no Skunk or Kush.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Take your low quality bud dry it and then cure it for 30 days and it will be the best low quality bud that the plant has to offer.


Well-Known Member
From my very, very little experience I'll agree with Demonicus. A buddy of mine grew some plants in a cabinet using bag seed from some pot we both had and the pot he grew was WAY better than the weed we bought. He didn't even do anything special, just used CFL's and Miracle Grow soil and tap water. No pH testing, no nutes, nothing. That's actually what made me realize I should be growing my own instead of spending $100 for cheap Mexican weed.


Well-Known Member
its going to be better because:
1. you grew it yourself so you appreciate it more
2. its coming first hand. if you are buying then its most likely 2nd or 3rd hand and not straight from the grower.
3. the bud will be fresh


Active Member
Yea, you store it in a jar burping it for the first few days. It draws the flavor out and makes for a much smoother/tastier smoke.


New Member
keep it in the jar for atleast a week can go up to 4 weeks if you want. Clean the jars out nice a good make sure they are very very very dry when you put your buds in and store then in a mildly cool very dry area and let them breath for 2-3 hours a day and turn them around inside the jar every day.


Active Member
I'm curious to :now you start by drying, then put paper bags on em to wick away moisture, then throw em in the jars, right? I've got some bagseed growin to. man no one i know has ever heard of curing, sinsemilla, shit a guy i talked to said "the male buds are actually the most potent", and red hairs on the bud are interpreted as an "exotic variety". its gonna be nice having some real weed to smoke, none of that mexican crab grass-bud.:blsmoke:


New Member
You know there is no such thing as male bud lmao? males dont flower so they dont have any buds just pollen sacs.


Active Member
yeah i think you can, but i also think that any weed YOU grow will be better then what you buy from a (dealer) because its probably 2nd or 3rd hand and they probably touched it alot and trics probably fell off


New Member
Bottom line good genetics are worth the cost, But at the same time the first time you smoke a bud that you grew it will be the best weed you have ever smoked.

Good Luck