Cannabutter with wet trim

Hi all, I had to make an emergency chop on Saturday and thought I'd see if I could make some cannabutter from the trim. I looked everywhere for info on this but could only find recipes for frozen, semi dried or cured trim/bud. So, here's what worked VERY WELL for me!

I used:

2oz of FRESH, WET, TRIM (cut same day)
125g salted butter
3/4 pint of water


Decarb the trim at 115c for 40 minutes until a dark green/light brown colour on a single sheet of foil. (I was left with about 1/2 oz after decarbing).

Melt butter in a pan with half the water. When it's melted chuck in the trim and mix until well covered.

Simmer for 3 hours on a low heat, stiring regularly and adding a splash of water if it evaporates.

Once the time has passed, strain the butter through some cloth into a pot, squeezing with tongs to draw out all the butter.

Once it's separated and there's no butter to come through, place the clear butter mixture into the fridge (covered). Leave for a few hours (I left mine over night) until solid and separate from the water which you can tip away.

We were left with 113g butter. Each had a teaspoon (4.7g) on half a slice of toast and the result was a strong high for a full 24 hours. My tolerance for edibles is pretty average. Hope this helps someone!