Cloning from Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
NEWS FLASH!!! I have a newer method than Woo, I placed a picture of a leaf on a picture of some soil... wait wait wait...I spilled some water, ph adjusted of course, on it and ....well I don't have a camera either so...


Well-Known Member
ive gotta better method than wow i can grow multiple plants from 1 trichome i cant upload any photos yet as i havent got a camera but will do soon the method is called wotalotashit culture:joint::hump:


Dick, check
Asshole, check,
Waste of Time, check,
Ended Up Proving he's a loser, check.
Go fuck yourself woo, ya my language sucks, so's your life. Thanks for sucking me down the shithole tube you live in for the last 20 minutes. Go be a serial killer or something.


Oh< thanks for skipping to the last page, this should be the last thread:
Summarized conclusion:
You can not clone from a fan leaf. Thank you. It is only possible with much time money and equipment. Woomeister is a wooser.


Active Member
maybe he did have a way and they really did blow the chance..
maybe he added some chemical or something to the leaf structure...
we'll never know now


Active Member
lmao @ this bullshit thread! Cloning from a fan leaf? LMAO again! Fan leaf has no genetic material for growing. You will need part of the stem to have that leaf do anything, as in collecting light for the stem to do it's job... unless you have super expensive equipment and materials for the cloning.


Well-Known Member
'Fan leaf has no genetic material for growing.'

Sorry, but wrong. All parts of a plant contain undifferentiated cells, aka stem cells. These cells can become anything necessary. Take a stem for example. It grows roots in the right conditions. As can any other part of the plant. The problem is keeping everything sterile.


Well-Known Member
'Fan leaf has no genetic material for growing.'

Sorry, but wrong. All parts of a plant contain undifferentiated cells, aka stem cells. These cells can become anything necessary. Take a stem for example. It grows roots in the right conditions. As can any other part of the plant. The problem is keeping everything sterile.
and thats what is expensive and time consuming


Well-Known Member
amazing.. but idk about u but when i clone i want my clones to grow pot call me weird but yup thats what i like to do


Well-Known Member
No you cant

YES... you can root fan leaves......Ive done it....for all you non believers:bigjoint: heres a photo

So what d'ya reckon'll happen next?
Any signs of any new growth?
Are those roots coming from the leaf stem/stalk?

Pretty cool.