Cloning in a Cup of Water

Can you give a clone too much light? I know that if they get enough light to sustain themselves from photosynthesis alone, they may blow you off and not root. How do you know how much is too much? Ive got mine under my 150w hps, but its a solid 16 inches below the light, and has a plastic cup over it acting as a humidity dome.
Yea this thread is about cloning in a cup of water using my exact techniques on point.
I have recently used another growers method and got 100% results as well. Look up old in the ways grow journal.This man is insane.
Yes thats why the pros tell light is all you need, but a constant abundance is required.

I dont want to twist the original idea of this thread.Teaching new growers how to clone using a proven system with the least amount of instructions or variables.
Start a thread on your technique bro.Or search around.
Not a new grower, just a new cloner. And considering the already clogged mess of new threads, I thought I'd save some bandwith with my question. My bad.
Ok bro its all good...Like i said tho. I just dont want to start messing people up brotha. Id like to see you try this method. Its very simple.No dome or extra precautions required. A cup, a cutting and simple tap water following the simple rules i set forth.Dont take me the wrong way.
Ive done it your way, and it works great. My first clones were done this way, and were taken 3 weeks into flowering, and still rooted.

I have to run a humidity dome because my grow area sits around 20% RH this time of year. Perfect for flowering, but too low for vegging or cloning. I think the plastic cup should provide enough shade that the clone will root.
domes are awesome... especially for sustaining the growth of a clone while keeping normal conditions in the rest of the environment. definitely can't beat having them.
domes are awesome... especially for sustaining the growth of a clone while keeping normal conditions in the rest of the environment. definitely can't beat having them.

Domes are awesome agreed. Except not needed cloning in this method.My humidity level in my clone veg area is 26% and my average clone rate is 100% after the first 1-2 weeks depending on what stage of growth....
Man i knew people would come in here proclaiming all kinds of things. All im trying to do is help a prospective cloner out.

Could it only be that it was all this simple then.
Domes are awesome agreed. Except not needed cloning in this method.My humidity level in my clone veg area is 26% and my average clone rate is 100% after the first 1-2 weeks depending on what stage of growth....
Man i knew people would come in here proclaiming all kinds of things. All im trying to do is help a prospective cloner out.

Could it only be that it was all this simple then.

Dont get all worked up that the conversation isnt following the OP exactly. Its all good info here, and anyone who reads this far into it will have learned a lot.

You dont find your plants stressed from such low humidity? Everything Ive read said that for veg, 60% is ideal, and anything lower than 40% is unacceptable.
If people want to come in and post about suggested humidity levels thats all cool.Why we are at it we might as well post all the suggested soil and water temps,ppm levels/plant stage growth. But what im saying is keep it simple.Most new cloners already have enuff to worry about as far as there grow. Im only trying to show people a simple way a first time cloner can clone with minimul efforts or knowledge.Im getting ready to cut tommorow.Id love to have a clone off of sorts. I can guaratee if people follow my steps.They will be successfull.nuff siad.Yes success rate will vary on different conditions.
ok thanks dl
Dont worry about it bro....Yes I would suggest reading up about all Reccomended conditions of growing.
Including methods of grow and all the required conditions for your particular method of grow....
At the same time, learn about reccomended feeding and ppm levels according to each particular nutrient in food and how and what certain vitamins induce beneficial bacteria growth during early stages of growth.
All this info is ready available for serch in this site bro and for optimal growing I would say if you perfected every possible condition that pertains to your particular grow then U would be growing a perfected jungle.That is what we are all striving for.And i suggest for you to try and meet all these conditions suggested by the pros..

Now with that being said. Im glad i could help.
Cloning this way is simple with proven results.Easy and simple enuff for any grower at any level to achieve awesome results.

Dont take it form me LOL.Check out widow makers 101 asked questions.
In this thread i believe He actually cuts and puts them in a clear bowl and on the window shelf With great results.

Growing is easy. Dont make it harder than it should be.
Cloning In A Dome With Peat Plugs and Heat Mat

I wanted to add this. I recently tried this exact technique on point and got 4 out of 4 in 6-7 days from cutting. Courtesy of OLD in the way.


I have already gotten some inquiries about my cloning methods.

Here is a copy of my response that explains it in more detail......

Originally Posted by blacksnow
I saw the pictures of your setup and I had a question about your cloning procedure...

you seem like you have everything going well so i figured you could help me out

i am finishing up my first grow and my next grow ill be using some real seeds and will need to start cloning

i already haev one of those black trays & humidity domes that you had in your pictures.

do you simply cut off your plants then place the cutting in a rapid rooter?

also is the heat pad under the tray or in the tray?

1.Select Mum.

2.Prep branches to be cut. I clean off all side branches down to the node I will leave for it to regrow from. I do this on all tops at the same time.

3.Cut at 45deg angle (or steeper) with CLEAN and SANITIZED scalpel or sharp, high-quality shears(i prefer shears) but I go through 3 or 4 pairs a month.

4.As each are cut I immediately dip them in Clonex gel, then insert into upside down rapid rooter that i have made my own hole in with a chopstick or something, and pre-watered with 5.8 ph h2o, treated with 1.7 ml-35%h2o2 per litre of water.

-I have gotten pretty quick at this, if you are moving slowly you may want to keep them covered with the humidome and mist them after every 3-6 cuttings so they don't suffer before the dark period.

5.When each tray is full I cover with humidome and place in the dark.

6.After 6-12 hrs of darkness or when I remember them they go on horticultural heat mats--not heating pads--set to 82 deg f.

7. Water as needed twice daily to keep them moist but not soaked. You know they are rooting because after 5-6 days they start using alot more water during the day.

--I water using a spray bottle with the tip adjusted so it sprays a single stream not a fine mist and water by spraying the plug at the top where the stem enters

-I do not mist the foliage in humidomes after the initial cutting--they don't need it--it will be over 90% humidity in the dome and this will encourage powdery mildew that will eat up a tray of clones in a few days.

Thats about it.
Good Luck:joint:

All I did was exactly what he says to do.....
I took my peat plugs and flipped them over, put a hole in the opposite side of the plug using a wooden shishkabob skewer.
Took my cutting following the rules suggested and slapped them into the holes i made.
Put them in dark for 12 hours.
Then into the nursery tray under the dome and onto the heat pad set at exactly 80 degrees and under the light.
Watering a couple times a day with about 10 ml of water.
6 days later I had roots popping out of the plugs.
I did have to reinforce my cuttings tieing with thread to those wooden skewers cuz the cuttings i took were only 4-6 inches long and the stems were not quite as thick as i would have liked them to be.
Points to expound on when cloning in a cup of water.Finely tuned.

Size of clone.I would reccomend at least 4-5 inches with at least 2 or 3 nodes.Reason being they are easier to transplant.
Stem size.When taking cuttings make sure the stem(New plant stalk) Is long enuff to be transplanted.
Transplantation. Its best to wait until new clones have began actual root growth. (Another day or 2). Actual roots growing from the stalk of the newly cloned plant. This allows for the new plant to get a better start at reaching the desired goal of the roots hitting the water or growing into whatever medium U wish to eat from faster and puts less stress on the plants in the medium.(Rock, Soil)

It is not neccesary to wait for actual root growth on the stalks as long as U have root formation.Those lil white bumps. While in the cup they are soaking up water and the food in the water but it is better to wait for the roots.Otherwise like already mentioned. This will put stress on ur babies. Without the cup under them ur plants will begin to use the nutrients store in the fan leaves.Begin to wilt and look like they are dieing for a day or 2. Have patience with the cup. But they will still survive once those roots hit the water or soil and begin feeding.

If all the previous steps on page 1 are followed on point I guarantee the success of cloning.
When taking this new finely tuned info...I can almost guarantee 100% cloning on all ur cuttings as long as they are transplanted into a finely tuned grow style.
Bro theres honestly no need to test this method. Ive already done that. If you need any help. Let me know. I just took more. The last time i cloned in a cup i got 100% results. Wait another day or 2 until u get actual roots in the water in the cup.But follow precisely all the steps ive outlined thus far. I just took some more and think they will clone faster this time.Ive been on 2 methods. Both 100% to date.
Word. Have u been foolowing the rules exactly?Just enough water in the cup to cover the scraping. And changed daily? This is the key. As well as quickness. I take my cutting and place them directly in a cup with water in it. Then its only then that i proceed with the gentla scrape. Dip in superthrive for 30 seconds to a minute then they enter there final clone stage. Directly under shaded 18/6 lighting.I watch my cutting carefully. They drink alot of water. Always change the water once a day.

Dont give up ive taken cuttings at the same time from the exact same plant the exact same way. Certain cuttings just take longer than others to clone.
Also, stage of growth during cutting. Cuttings taken during flower are going to take longer than cuttings taken during veg. From veg ive had them develope root structure in as lil as 3 days.While during flower Ive had them take 2-3 weeks bro.
nice well these were taken off my vegging momma plant so we'll see. good tips. ive been following everything exactly pretty much except ive only changed the water 4-5 times during the week and ive had them under 24 hour light.
ha i kno. i cant go 18/6 cuz my $4 timer from walmart doesnt fuckin work. do you have any recomendations for cheap timers? maybe i'll just upgrade to say an $8 timer lol