Cloning in a Cup of Water

im glad to see someone took the time to go bear minimal on the cloning front!
just gave it a shot , fingers crossed all goes well , if you worry about light gettin into the cups ( which it should if u change the water every day , but paranioa can be a bitch) throw sum clay pellets in there , bit extra support for her too.
2009 could(should) be a revolutionary year :-D
wow!!! dude ur like my idol when it comes to cloning lmao!! so is that big plant ur mother? and are u taking clones off of clones? and last one are all ur clones pinks? thats what im trying to do ima put 1 clone as a mother and just keep growing pink or try to at least lol
Yea bro I kept 2 tops from my original pink moms and made those my cutting moms. I got them both in one bucket in the pix. I really prolly only need one to be honest. These bishes are growing insane actually i just had to cut um again and this time i have to just toss the cutting in to dry phase and maybe make some hash when i get enuff. I actually kept 2 clones from my current batch and am going to put my current moms into flower-harvest cycle. Cant manage them anymore.... So yea u can keep cutting, cloning,cycling and recloning clones. Im doing it....
Glad to see u had success...I know its primitive and takes a lil longer but if done right and patience u can easily clone in a cup of water.
No they are ready to be transplanted into ur grow medium at that point whether it soil, or hydroton. I suppose U could put them in a cube or plug but its not neccesary the cup was ur cloning medium.
and so the first pic u posted on that last post is what it looks like after roots have formed right? so its not like i hafta look for stringy root things, just the bubbly shit around the stem?
Its better to wait another 2 days for the roots to begin growing from the bumps. U dont have to tho. Ive noticed they do better during transplant if u wait the extra couple days bro.. How do u grow man?soil or hydro?
Lol i thought this post was "cloning a cup of water" ha ha

Was just about to ask why the hell ya wanna do that?

"Stoned" :leaf:
Lol i thought this post was "cloning a cup of water" ha ha

Was just about to ask why the hell ya wanna do that?

"Stoned" :leaf:

Bro The THREADS about cloning in a cup of water and why not? Its very simple for people to do just starting out. Ask um?
Bro The THREADS about cloning in a cup of water and why not? Its very simple for people to do just starting out. Ask um?
Yea but what im saying is, i thought it said cloning a cup of water instead of cloning in a cup of water, may need glasses :leaf:
It does say cloning in a cup of water...I doesnt say growing clones in a cup of water. I guess its all about the style u take when u try to break something down and knock it.
Heres a whole bunch started in a cup of water just 4 weeks from cutting. U can get roots fast in a cup of water and u can even grow them in water but to try and grow a cloned plant in a simple cup of water would be rediculous with out putting a stone and air in it but that possible to. heres my DWC cloner. Just straight water, Food air and on point water changes.

I was already thinking about starting a thread on how to grow cloned plants in a cup of water transplanted to a tub of water bwahahahah. That will be the name thanks baz.


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Its Best to cut in water so air does not enter the main cutting stalk.
Hey 008, How do you cut in water? Do you cut it off the mum and then cut it again once it's under water? And do you do the scraping under water as well? If not, isn't there a risk of air getting into the stalk?
Thanks for the help bro.
Bro I said all that to be politicaly correct. But honestly I snip them off in broad daylight and place them directly into a cup of water about a 2 second process.Then I move to the scrape spot. Then I dip them.Them they go in the water which gets changed out daily till i get root formation.
It is true about air in the stalk.. I heard it slows down the process. But if ur quick and precise in ur movements i havent had any problems.
I alway wondered my self how to cut underwater. I think that is what people are trying to tell ya when they say cut underwater tho. Maybe the double cut like u described.

Oh yea I also scrape in broad daylight too. Not to make light of the whole process ive done it several times. Being set up to be able to do these things quickly is the key. U dont want to expose ur cuttings to prolonged air so that it would allow air to enter the main stalk.

But yea on another note. Its very easy to clone this way and transplant into the grow medium of ur choice.
The harder i have tried to make things the easier it is the screw my entire grow up.... Growing is so simple man they practicaly grow them selves.
Its better to wait another 2 days for the roots to begin growing from the bumps. U dont have to tho. Ive noticed they do better during transplant if u wait the extra couple days bro.. How do u grow man?soil or hydro?

im growin in soil. mine have been in water for over 2 weeks, almost 3 weeks and no roots but there was a 5 day period of no changing water. theyre all still alive tho
If u have root bumps then yea put them in soil bro. I wait a lil longer cuz im transplanting to hydro.Sometimes I dont wait for the roots and just go with the bumps its just easier for my system i guess. U should be fine going to soil with root bumps bro. Id do it.
i do not use any water. i do not use a knife. i pull from the leaf node and just peal the first layer of skin off then i dip it in root tone powder but you can use gel. then i put it in to peet moss perlite mix. and keep it under a plastic domb 8 or 9 days i got roots.
Felt I should do a follow up on my last experiment. I cut a bunch of random cutting's off the mom's with no abandone. I did,nt cut any particular way, dip in any type of rooting hormone or solution. And to be perfectly honest i may have missed a day here and there of changing the water out as well.
Since cutting ive given many of the early cutting's away that cloned early. Within 7-11 days. Heres a couple pix of some i still have in the cups no more than 3 weeks id say. I will try to get pix of the clones i gave away to my friends but enjoy the cuttings that follow. Nothing to it just cut um off above the previous exhisting node and put them in a cup of simple tap water. U will clone i assure u. u will clone faster and achieve better results if u follow my steps on page one.


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so out of the like six clones i did in cups of water on my window sill, one has rooted and is in a cup with soil. it hasnt gotten any new growth really, it looks kinda so-so, the bottom leaves are dead/yellow and the top is in the process of slowly yellowing. i have four still in the water cups probably goin on week 3-4 with no roots still. its hard to change the water every day lately, but im doin my best. missin a day or two sometimes
Word one thing i did do during my last exploration was place my cuttings along side my moms in the veg spot in indirect 18/6 lighting.
Im sorry u havent achieved the resuts u are looking for.
U didnt follow the rules bro.
Im sure if u wait on the clones they are going to grow roots for sure. If u have root bumps they should have been transplanted already.
Man I just threw 3 away just because i was tired of them i wish i could do it for u.
Its very simple bro.
All i did this time was cut. Place them in a cup of water. Put them in indirect light for a week or 2 and got roots.
Its really very simple u dont need to supplement procedures bro. ive done all that.
A couple other people have had success as well just keeping it simple bro.

its all very simple.
god damn it man. i wont deviate from procedure anymore. lol. next run i'll do them perfect!

one question: so my cuttings are usually pretty short and dont go down to the bottom of the cup. how high up the stalk should the water level reach? just enough for the cutting to reach it??
god damn it man. i wont deviate from procedure anymore. lol. next run i'll do them perfect!

one question: so my cuttings are usually pretty short and dont go down to the bottom of the cup. how high up the stalk should the water level reach? just enough for the cutting to reach it??

Bro i put enuff water in my cups to cover the area that i scraped usually a 1/2 to one inch and change it daily. U must place them in 18/6 indirect light to achieve the best results.
Just do it man and see what u get.If u got any clones then u have accomplished something.
Dont deviate from the plan.. I followed the main rules last time with no cloning solution and reached almost 100% results. Cut, indirect light on schedule. Dont cover, no need, follow the rules bro. Change ur water daily and u will have great results.