Cloning in a Cup of Water

oh dude, this is what i found in the 101 asked questions cloning link:

"take the cuttings and sit them on a window sill that is not in direct sunlight. You probbly want to make sure its slightly shady. Just make sure they get 12 on 12 off or approx. The important thing is no direct sunlight or artificial light on them."

sweet, guess i dont need an $8 timer after all
Yes bro this is exactly hwere i learned this method! Thats how simple it is to clone in the cup. Im just trying to further expound on the things ive done to make it work even greater.
Ur cuttings will clone in the water. As long as U change the water once a day and make sure they dont drink it all before they clone.
veg. i got a mother plant. i took more cuttings today and now have 6 cuttings in cups of water on my window sill
Cool man. Let me know how this works out.Inever tried the window sill. Bro. Maybe U should try placing them on the floor next to ur moms in veg like this....

Indirect placement in low artificial light seems to gets quicker more succesfull results 100%.


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i did have them like that. the problem is my veging mom is under 24 hour lite and i dont have a timer for 18/6. maybe when i get one i'll put everyone under it.

also, the only other difference is that im putting tin foil over the top of the cup, with a tin hole in it then i stick the stem through the hole. they all have that. and i also have two cuttings in the same cup to see how that will work.
Bro have patience they will clone as long as U keep fresh water in the cup.
My first clones in the cup took almost 3 weeks. They did clone tho. Follow the rules exact next time bro. Bring ur clone time down to about a week. Ive had cuttings clone in 3 days this way.Ive done all kinds if stuff with the cup. @ this point these are the best ways to make this cloning technique succesfull.
well now im following the steps EXACTLY with these new clones. the only difference is i put tin foil over the tops cuz the stems are really short. only like an inch under the tin foil. this is alright right?

Yes word that should be sufficient. Make sure u keep an eye on the water level in the cups and change it out at least once a day with fresh water bro. Those look good.

Heres an update of what I walked into this morning. Nothing but fan leaves standing straight up into the light and happy babies all over the place. 12 of the clones in this tub were cut just about 2 weeks ago. They've been in the tub for i think 4 or 5 days bro. Cloning in a cup on a bigger scale is also possible.
I dont cover my cup lids tho.Clones like air as well.
Alright for whatever reasons my edit function wont work. I forgot my pix from this morning lol and I wanted to clearify a statement from my last post. The point i guess i was trying to get across was that all the clones in the tub but 4 shown were cloned in the cup of water method. The other 4 were done using the plugs.
Anyhow heres the pix man. Im so happy right now I could slap my nieghbor in the face!


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beautiful man. i was tellin my homie about this method last nite and he was saying how there was no way it would work. "when u cut a rose and put the stem in water, it doesnt grow roots right? u need some kind of root enhancer on it" thats the shit he was sayin the whole time. i'll prove him wrong, ha
Yes u will prove him wrong. Im not sure if i told u or not but i am currently dipping my cuttings in superthrive for 30 seconds before they hit the water and go in the indirect light. When i first started out using this method i didnt dip in anything.I do this for reassurance purposes.And yes tap water in the cups as well.
Im sure u could clone plants this way. I dont see why not.
Hey peeps. Heres something I posted in another thread. If anyones wondering exactly how this is done here is my exact process.
Yes the clone in a cup method is the simpleist.Cut @ a 45 degree angle set direclty in a cup of water. Move to the scrape spot.Take the clone and lightly remove the outside layer of "skin" over the bottom 1/2 of the stalk.Dip in cloning solution of ur choice. im using superthrive.dip for 30 seconds.I place in a small plastic cup cut to size to fit " hold up" the fan leaves.My clones are bigger now so i dont have to cut the cup.
I put only enuff water in the cup to cover the stalk i scraped.About a half inch to an inch and just change and refill it daily. Im getting clones in a week this way.

What ive done with OLD in the ways method.
I flip my plugs over. Use a shishkabob skewer and place my own small whole in it. I take my clones the same way for the cup. After i cut i put them in water and get set-up to scrape,dip and place in the plug.
I used superthrive this time.
Each cutting I get in the plug goes directly into the tray. And then i take the next and repeat the process.
It took me prolly a half hour to do my first 4 hah.
I just did 10 this way in about the same amount of time.
From There this time i went with 6 hours of dark.Then on the mat and under the dome.I think the trick is just making sure u cut,scrape, dip and place in plug the proper way.
I used a small aquatic cool blue aquatics lamp both times.Directly over the top of the dome. I cracked the dome Twice a day.To water with 5-10 ml of water each time.
I got roots this way in 4 days.It took the other 2 another day to catch up.

Hope that helps. Thats my entire cloning process right there.
damn! mine still havent rooted. fuck. and to make it worse i have to leave town for like 5 days tomorrow so i cant give em fresh water for 5 days . shity
hey bros i accidentaly just posted this in another thread hahaha Something i do alot i guess.

So wheres everyone at. Damn im bored. I cut my moms today and just stuck the cutting in a cup of water without scraping, dipping or otherwise just chopped the bish up and stuck them in cups of water. Ive had success this way before. Just another experiment i guess to see what happens. If they clone then ill give them to my friends if they dont ill just toss um really doesnt matter.
Getting pixels right now. 12/26. we shall see whats happens.
Just hanging out next to the bucket near there moms like ive said many times.


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yo!!! i was doing the clone in a cup of water and u said they need lots of lite so i set them in with my other plants that are in flowering right now and within a few days the clones started to sprout a shitload of white hairs b4 they even developed a root structure. is it fine if clones start to flower without having roots yet? andi just checked them and they are finally starting to get little roots!!! :) took about a week almost 2 i think
yo!!! i was doing the clone in a cup of water and u said they need lots of lite so i set them in with my other plants that are in flowering right now and within a few days the clones started to sprout a shitload of white hairs b4 they even developed a root structure. is it fine if clones start to flower without having roots yet? andi just checked them and they are finally starting to get little roots!!! :) took about a week almost 2 i think

Bro im very happy for you. Yea my pinks I took in flower actually kept flowering in the cups and after the were transplanted but within 3-4 weeks they were huge bishes the ones im actually cutting from right now.
This is axactly why i put this thread together right here!
Eh heres mine i took like 11 days ago..Cup took a lil longer but nevertheless 100% clone again.Checkum out. Actually my current tub is full of clones i used the cup on.

My next project........... I just cut again 2 days ago. Didnt scrape, Didnt dip.Just threw them in a cup of water. We shall see what happens.


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wow!!! dude ur like my idol when it comes to cloning lmao!! so is that big plant ur mother? and are u taking clones off of clones? and last one are all ur clones pinks? thats what im trying to do ima put 1 clone as a mother and just keep growing pink or try to at least lol