Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro


Well-Known Member
Lots of fresh air is almost always good.

It is the enemy of mold, for one thing.

Take air out at the top and bring it in down low.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
never posted a video before so i thought i'd give it a shot. i flipped the timer yesterday so i'm on 12/12 now. [video=youtube;-TdzGEhKf3o][/video]


Well-Known Member
It looked fine. You have a nice space to work with.
java, seems like never enough room when you're dealing with a tent. mine is 4x4x6 i think.

i looked at one of your grow journals and wonder what your thoughts are regarding fungus gnats? i have lots of house plants so i have gnats all year round whether i am growing weed or not. they are just annoying rather than a problem affecting the plants as long as i don't over water. no matter what i do when i grow weed i get fungus gnats and this time is no exception. i'm seeing plenty of them and i'm concerned they might really go crazy. in the past i've used those sticky yellow gnat traps and put them anywhere i can find a place which helps quite a bit but what a pain in the ass. if i see a spider in my tent i try to not swish it since it probably lives on gnats.

that said i've never had a real infestation that affected my grow and i don't want one now. any suggestions? lady bugs? live with it?



Well-Known Member
Well, I am glad to help if I can.

I did indeed just have to harvest a grow because of a gnat infestation.

Now, as was detailed in my thread, my problem was caused by a soil
change to Patio Plus (that just let all water fall on the floor) and the
fact that my smart pots crammed together.

The fact is that previous to this one, bad, problem, gnats had always
just been around, but never represented a real threat.

As far as the strongest defense, I think that nematodes are a good way to go.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Thanks Java. I think I'll try ordering some nematodes! I checked today and for some reason I see quite a few dead gnats on the floor. Not sure why.

The grow I had the worst problems with gnats was when I used Roots potting soil exclusively. I just think that batch of soil was already infested and I was screwed from the start. I don't know if it affected my grow but I sure had a ton of gnats.

Do you think the Patio plus was infested when you bought it? Do you think having your pots too close together didn't allow enough air flow so it gave the gnats more territory to grow in?


Well-Known Member
A few gnats are not a problem....put a few sticky traps in the tent
to keep them from getting out of control.

If you see hordes of them carousing around on your pots, then you might
have a real infestation. Mine got gigantic without me realizing it.

I basically paid the newbie price of having too many plants. I had just gotten
mad weight of frosty nugs from the previous Crop, using the very same
method (a 6X6 array of 2 liter smart pots), but a change in soil from FFOF
to Kelloggs Patio Plus spelled my doom.

The PP let the water fall right turned out that much of my
gnat infestation was living on the outside of my gooey pots.

Worms are great. I am still working out the best source for me. I do not
need to cover a larger area, and want a mix of both deep and shallow
species (you'll read about this).

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
thanks for the info JD. i'm shopping for worms and i do see the various types. i also see a fungus gnat predator bug at but they are expensive. as of today i don't see much of a gnat problem. i think i'll be OK. now my problem is running out of horizontal space. i've been training the tops to keep the canopy level, and as short as possible, since i expect these to stretch now that they are flowering and now i have short bushes. i might have to do some pruning.

take care! :peace:

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Well-Known Member
I put new fly traps out about 5 days ago and that really helped. I'm not seeing many of them now. I got my nematodes yesterday and put them in the fridge but haven't applied them yet. Everything is looking good but I still might need to do some major pruning. Relatively speaking the Cluster Bomb is the one that is really going nuts.

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Well-Known Member
Well, the ladies look quite happy. This is good. :0)

The worms will help protect your grow from when applied until the end.
They are good for more than just gnat larvae...maybe even root aphids.

This should end well. :0)

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
i recently go this on amazon of all places for a hundred bucks free shipping. it's about 5 tall x 2.5 x 2.5. a nice sized little tent of good quality, great venting options, for a great price. i'm going to veg in this and flower in my larger tent. at least that's the plan.
I was thinking of getting the 6x6 version of this tent. How'd it work out for you?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of getting the 6x6 version of this tent. How'd it work out for you?
i like it! well worth the money. don't expect any of these tents to be perfect so you'll need to do some maintenance with black duct tape and be careful with the zippers.


Well-Known Member
doing good considering what a deformed little plant it started as! i transplanted it yesterday from a 3 gal pot to a 5 gal bucket and it didn't bother her one bit. she certainly has a sativa look to her. never grown anything outdoors so i'm pretty excited that this might actually work.

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Well-Known Member
Super healthy looking. Keep it up. Definitely going to go for that tent. Appreciate the feedback (:


Well-Known Member
Super healthy looking. Keep it up. Definitely going to go for that tent. Appreciate the feedback (:
hey thanks alot PW. good luck with that tent. i hope you like it. with a little TLC i'm sure it will work fine. just don't try to do pull-ups on it. 6x6 will be a nice size and give you some room to move around in. :peace:


Well-Known Member

hope that worked! everything is budding out nicely. i tried to pull out the cluster bomb to give an idea how bushy that thing is. i'm quite impressed by it so far. i have a lot of air flow in the tent and run those fans 24/7. somebody said keeping a fan at the top of the canopy helps to keep them short so i've always done that. i'm a little over 3 weeks into flowering now. oh that short one in the small pot is an autoflower lowlife ak-47.

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
I like the videos, going to start a journal, I think I will add videos every so often. Nice touch. Also a +rep for a clean grow room. Pet peeve dirty tent floors...