Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro


Well-Known Member
Thanks Outdoors! I try to clean the floor every time I water. Seems like a dirty floor is a breeding ground for bugs and gunk I don't need in my tent.

I like the videos, going to start a journal, I think I will add videos every so often. Nice touch. Also a +rep for a clean grow room. Pet peeve dirty tent floors...


Well-Known Member
Regarding my fungus gnat irritation. I bought a bunch of new yellow/blue sticky traps and put about 10 of them on the floor of my tent for about a week or so moving them around occasionally. After a few days all of traps had a lot of gnats on them. Probably hundreds of them total. That seemed to take care of flying adults big time. I threw the traps out and I've only seen a couple since then. Maybe I got lucky on the timing of their life cycle but for now I'm pretty much gnat free. Right after that I got some Scanmask beneficial nematodes and added a cup of the worm solution to my water. I had some solution left over and did it again a few days later. Hopefully they will hunt down the gnat larvae and impale them. :twisted:

GROW_7.29.13 005.jpgGROW_7.29.13 020.jpgGROW_7.29.13 022.jpg


Well-Known Member
Great work!

Go ahead and put some new traps down to catch the occasional adult.
(they seem inevitable sometimes...)

My tent is a wreck right now. I need to come up with a good scrog-per-bucket.
My one-big-screen makes it really hard to clean up the dying larf and to clean the tent.

Carry on. :0)



Well-Known Member
Thanks JD! I've always wanted to try a SCROG grow but was concerned about the big screen and how i could water and prune and clean in such a small space. Good luck!

Great work!

Go ahead and put some new traps down to catch the occasional adult.
(they seem inevitable sometimes...)

My tent is a wreck right now. I need to come up with a good scrog-per-bucket.
My one-big-screen makes it really hard to clean up the dying larf and to clean the tent.

Carry on. :0)



Well-Known Member
Still working on how to use the camera and set the white balance etc etc etc. My plants are almost 36" tall from the floor to the tops. I still have 16" of space between the tops and the reflector. Plus I can still raise the whole light another 12" or so. So I'm feeling pretty good about vertical space right now. They don't seem to be stretching much at all. The liberty haze especially was supposed to get tall but I think she'll be OK. My bush technique seems to be working. My humidity is around 50%. Wish i could get it down to 40 but no luck. With all my fans going I'm not too worried about mold anyway. My temps run between 68 and 80 depending on if I have the AC running or not.




Well-Known Member
LOL, that little dude right in front of the fan is all bud. Great stuff.

They look happy.



Well-Known Member
LOL, that little dude right in front of the fan is all bud. Great stuff.

They look happy.

That's the auto-ak47. It's well past it's 70 day finish time and it has about 50/50 red pistils but it seems to be getting fatter and fatter every day and the fan leaves still look dark green so I think I'll just leave her alone for a while. I don't think she's ready to give it up yet!


Well-Known Member
I agree with your assessment.

I took my regular AK on time, and it is sugary, but could be stinkier I think.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
still can't the get the camera to cooperate under the HPS light. plus somebody said the magnetic ballast can mess with the camera sensor.

anyway..things are still OK. haven't killed them yet. definitely getting a musky mango baby poop smell in the tent. love it! :mrgreen:

GROW_8.4.13 007.jpgGROW_8.4.13 004.jpgGROW_8.4.13 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
At that point the wise thing to do is often nothing.

In the photos the ladies look happy. Wait until they tell you otherwise.

Remind me of the pot size? I am in 5 gallon buckets and have had
to water when one of the ladies drooped a tad. She bounced right back.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
i am in 5 gallon buckets too. at this point they are root bound and i have to water them every other day. the cluster bomb fan leaves are fading fast. i just worry that the root bound plants need some nutes. on the other hand i think this is just part of their life cycle.

i think you are right java...just leave them alone.

At that point the wise thing to do is often nothing.

In the photos the ladies look happy. Wait until they tell you otherwise.

Remind me of the pot size? I am in 5 gallon buckets and have had
to water when one of the ladies drooped a tad. She bounced right back.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
So I checked my soil PH for the first time this grow with my cheap PH probe. It says I'm right in the neutral range. That's a little high I think. I should have mixed in a little more lime in my soil maybe. Perhaps I should check my water and add a few drops of PH down for the rest of the grow. Or maybe I'm just nervous and should keep doing what I'm doing.

Now that I'm well into flower I backed off on the age old organic nutes since they smell like rotten fish. I'll probably just use big bloom for the rest of the grow and I got a huge bag of worm castings so I'll top dress with that.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe I'm just nervous and should keep doing what I'm doing.
This. :0)

You did start off with a good bag soil? (I forget)

EWC are a great top dressing. They are often mentioned in dealing with late flower N issues.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
This. :0)

You did start off with a good bag soil? (I forget)

EWC are a great top dressing. They are often mentioned in dealing with late flower N issues.

My soil is mainly one bag FFOF to half a bag of Roots and half a bag of Happy Frog. Although this time I used half a bag of some local Maxfields brand too. I add some dolomite lime, greensand, bone meal, and worm castings and bat guano. I just kinda wing it. I try to go totally organic, that's why i don't use Grow Big or Tiger Bloom. I use the Age Old Organics stuff instead along with Big Bloom. Oh and a drop of super thrive in every gallon of water too just for fun.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you should not be worrying too much about nutrients. :0)

FFOF and just as much HF are very nutritious sols.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
i top dressed them tonight with 4 heaping cups of worm castings each and raked it in. the auto-AK is still active and budding. :cool:

hope the video doesn't make you dizzy.
