CNN contributor Bakari Sellers: ‘Bernie 2020 died 4/4/18’

"Bernie 2020 died 4/4/2018"

"The Democratic party's model over the past 15 years has been a failure. People sometimes don't see that because there was the charismatic individual named Barack Obama who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, a brilliant guy."

You're trying to manufacture dissent

That's almost clever how you left out the part where he blamed Obama for everything. I didn't figure Bernard to be the THANKS OBAMA type but I guess he really doesn't want to be president. It's OK he clearly didn't want to be president in 2016 either.
It's called damning with faint praise.

He pinned the losses of the Democratic party on Obama. The rest was divisive. The old white man went down to Mississippi and told the voters in that state that they didn't show up which is why they lost. It was well received by some and not well received by others. He didn't do himself any good with black voters in the south. He hasn't lost Hispanic voters yet.
Don't worry, he never really had much of the Spanish speaking support. He certainly could improve in that regard in his own district after his history of allowing dumping in Hispanic neighborhoods.
"Bernie 2020 died 4/4/2018"

"The Democratic party's model over the past 15 years has been a failure. People sometimes don't see that because there was the charismatic individual named Barack Obama who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, a brilliant guy."

You're trying to manufacture dissent

This is where the white guy finds one black person to validate his claim that he's well liked by black people.

Bernie's campaign ended yesterday.
I told you so but you wouldn't shut the fuck up. So here it is in your face::

OPINION: Mississippi Women's Activist—Bernie Sanders Can't Come to the Cookout

When the run-up to the 2016 primary season started, I was so ready to feel the Bern, y'all. I wasn't a Hillary stan even though I loved her in the '90s as a young woman. What I didn't like as a feminist was being told to support her due to our shared gender without knowing her specific platforms. I was feeling Bernie.

Yet some people can't be invited to the cookout. They just can't. They might sound like they are kinda down but then they open their mouth a few too many times, and there it is—nonsense just flows freely from their lips like water over Niagara falls. Bernie cannot come to the cookout. Sorry, not sorry.

Barack Obama supporters outraged by Bernie Sanders' 'deplorable' attack on Democratic Party on anniversary of Martin Luther King assassination
Bernie Sanders has triggered a backlash by making comments interpreted as an attack on Barack Obama on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King.

Mr Sanders' comments were quickly branded "patronising" and "deplorable".

Actor Jeffrey Wright, who appeared in the James Bond and Hunger Games film series, said Mr Sanders was "giving a master class on expressing TOTAL ignorance of how black folks work."

Twitter Slams Bernie Sanders For Barack Obama Remarks At MLK50 Tribute, 2020 White House Bid Dead, Expert Says
Vermont senator sparks outrage by appearing to dismiss Obama presidency as a 'failure' on 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who staged a surprising but ultimately failed run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, found himself under attack Wednesday after he made remarks at an event commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr,’s assassination that appears to dismiss the presidency of Barack Obama — the United States’ first African-American president — as a “failure.”

In the remarks delivered in Jackson, Mississippi, Sanders characterized Obama as a “charismatic individual” and an “extraordinary candidate,” but he blasted the past 15 years as a “failure” for the Democratic party. Those 15 years would include the eight years of the Obama presidency, from 2009 to 2017.

But at Wednesday’s event in Jackson, Sanders appeared dismissive of Obama’s presidency.

“The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure. People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama,” Sanders said. “He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy.”

The negative reaction to Sanders’ remarks, especially on the social media platform Twitter, was so swift and overwhelming that one political expert, former South Carolina state legislator and now CNN commentator Bakari Sellers, declared Sanders’ long-rumored 2020 bid for the presidency to be dead.

But Sellers was far from the only shocked and angry reaction to Sanders comments on Twitter. Westworld actor Jeffrey Wright was among the first to register his response on his Twitter feed.

The reactions quickly came pouring in, with Sanders even branded an advocate of “white supremacy.”

Stephen Robinson@SER1897

It might be a different, hippie-flavored brand of white supremacy from Trump's, but it's still ultimately what makes someone as overall unaccomplished as Bernie Sanders believe he can speak patronizingly about Barack Obama.
It doesn't matter what white Californians like @Padawanbater2 tell black people how to interpret Sanders words,. What matters to Bernie's campaign is how his words are interpreted by black voters. What he said was cringe-worthy, given his already bad relationship with black voters who gave him a resounding "NO" in 2016. To give the impression that he was patronizing and dismissive of Barak Obama in Jackson Mississipi was bad enough. To do it at a town hall meeting that was dedicated to remembering Martin Luther King's sacrifice on the day of his assassination was completely inept and tone deaf.

There is no way he'll recover with black voters. None.
"Bernie 2020 died 4/4/2018"

"The Democratic party's model over the past 15 years has been a failure. People sometimes don't see that because there was the charismatic individual named Barack Obama who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, a brilliant guy."

You're trying to manufacture dissent

Some other tweets:

Bob Loblaw@podunkhermit

4 Apr
Replying to @DraDeGuardia @SenSanders
To criticize a man for encouraging people to stand up for what they believe in and try to make our voices heard seems a bit... republican.


To go to a memorial for a civil rights icon, while ignoring what he was working for, only to give a 30 year old unchanged stump speech, is disrespectful and tonedeaf. Ignoring POC and this basic Bernie fact makes you more republican (they hate facts)

8:34 PM - Apr 4, 2018

Imani Gandy


4 Apr
Replying to @AngryBlackLady

I’m routinely astounded by bernie’s utter tone deafness.

Imani Gandy


I don’t know why I find it so hilarious, but I do.

Homeboy needs to win black voters in the South. So what does he do? Goes to the South on the anniversary of MLK’s death and slams the dude hella black folks have on their wall next to their framed photo of Dr. King.

I can’t.

Marcus H. Johnson


You know how many Black grandmothers who vote in every election have pictures of Barack Obama in their home? And Bernie Sanders calls him and all Democrats in the past 15 years complete failures and desperately needs their vote in 2020?

7:47 PM - Apr 4, 2018


Bernie Sanders dislike of Barack Obama's administration/policies is what connects him to Trump voters.

That is what they can build a bridge on and it's deplorable and disgusting.

8:10 PM - Apr 4, 2018

BWD You People Replaced Obama With This@IrisRimon

Here is an idea @SenSanders: keep Obama’s name out of your footnote mouth. Ok?

But on Thursday, Sanders himself took to Twitter to dismiss those who criticized him for the Obama remarks, accusing them of having “degraded our discourse.”

Bernie Sanders


It's unfortunate that some have so degraded our discourse that my recognition of the historical significance of the Obama presidency is attacked. …

11:11 AM - Apr 5, 2018

But many Twitter commenters remained unimpressed with Sanders’ defense of his remarks.

Anne with an "e"@mrsmari

Sure, Bernie. People are upset that you recognized Obama’s historical significance.

That’s it.
1f610.png …

Ragnarok Lobster@eclecticbrotha

Its unfortunate a so-called leader with presidential aspirations still doesn't understand the difference between the reaction he gets from a small crowd of partisan supporters and the reaction he gets on the national stage. …

1:03 PM - Apr 5, 2018
You live in a bubble and lie to yourself at your own detriment

You can't win this. Bernie screwed the pooch yesterday. You held tightly to the false narrative that Bernie was cheated out of his win for the nomination when the facts were he failed to connect with black voters in 2016 and they voted against him by 80%. He's now doing it all over again. He lost the black vote yesterday and I don't think he can recover from this mistake. You and tty were justified in being fearful a few days ago. It's over now. Bernie's only hope is that the field splits the black and Hispanic vote and a block of berners are large enough to sneak him through. He lost the black vote yesterday.
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"Bernie 2020 died 4/4/2018"

"The Democratic party's model over the past 15 years has been a failure. People sometimes don't see that because there was the charismatic individual named Barack Obama who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, a brilliant guy."

You're trying to manufacture dissent

But Bernie is bad so we can't allow any information that might contradict that prejudged conclusion.

Even if we have to lie.

You can't win this. Bernie screwed the pooch yesterday. You held tightly to the false narrative that Bernie was cheated out of his win for the nomination when the facts were he failed to connect with black voters in 2016 and they voted against him by 80%. He's now doing it all over again. He lost the black vote yesterday and I don't think he can recover from this mistake. You and tty were justified in being fearful a few days ago. It's over now. Bernie's only hope is that the field splits the black and Hispanic vote and a block of berners are large enough to sneak him through. He lost the black vote yesterday.
You so desperately want this to be true that you've joined those who manufacture dissent.

You can't think for yourself.

Or duty as free citizens is to question authority, not blithely become its tools.
manufacture dissent? LOL You are already creating the fake conspiracy theory that Bernie was cheated in the 2020 election. Too funny this.
Oh look- yet another screed bashing Bernie without a shred of thought given to anyone who might be better.

Too funny this.
If there's a better candidate than Sanders in the next cycle I'll vote for them.

With age comes experience, something badly needed in the Oval Office these days.

He will be 80+ when he would take office. He is already slipping. We have had enough of pre-senile presidents who won't take advantage of talent in their own parties. When you say you won't hire democrats, you will be in the same position as trump. Bottom feeding and picking losers.

But he would never win to be able to find out.

Like it or not, the russian-gop aliance didn't just cheat hillary out of the election in 2016, they also cheated bernie.

The divisions right now are so deep between the bernie supporters and the rest of the party, it is downright toxic. Those divisions will be child's play to exploit.

If bernie somehow makes it to to be the nominee, he will be fatally injured. It's nothing he did specifically, it will be the bots acting as his supporters who intentionally inflame the rest of the party and drive them away from voting.

He needs to go away. Just go away. We need a clean candidate that is not tainted by the 2016 campaign. He is toxic.

They are already splitting the black vote from him. Next will come hispanics, and then woman. He won't survive with what is left.
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He won't come back from this.

An explanation of why Sanders' comments about Obama were offensive to many African Americans

I am writing this in hopes of explaining, to those who will listen, why so many African Americans* found Bernie Sanders' comments about Obama this week to be deeply offensive.

I write this to help people who may not have the experience or context to see it the way we do to better understand where we're coming from. This is not an attempt to flame or pile on Sanders or "refight the primary." It is clear to me that much of the reaction to our reaction is based on ignorance, not malice and that ignorance is the result of just not having lived through the same experiences that we have and therefore, not seeing things through the same lens we do.

So please look into this lens for a moment.

African Americans in this country have been consistently held to a different standard than whites. We've had to be three times as qualified to be considered half as good as our white counterparts. In the workspace, this has been particularly apparent. And while, thanks to various civil rights laws and changes in thinking, discrimination is not as rampant as it once was, it is still much too common.

However, unlike in the past, most discrimination isn't open - it's much more subtle. And it comes, not in being told "No, you can't have this job because you're black" but with seemingly innocuous sounding judgments, such as "He's smart and nice, but he just doesn't have what it takes" and "She's really sweet and everyone likes her, but she just isn't fitting in" or "He has a great personality, but I'm just not sure he can do the job." We are frequently told how nice, how smart, how articulate we are, but we are still assumed to lack the requisite skills to perform as well as whites.

This double standard also often applies to black politicians. So, while white politicians can come in all stripes and behave pretty much however they want, say whatever they want and still be accepted, black politicians have had to walk a very fine line just to be allowed in the room. That helps to explain why George W. Bush could be a complete screw-up into his 40s but still become President of the United States. And let's not even talk about Donald Trump, the white Don King who became president in a country where the real Don King is still and always will be just a joke. Bernie Sanders is the beneficiary of this standard. It's not his fault, certainly, but that's a fact. We all know, at least if we're honest with ourselves, that if Sanders were black, he would never have been taken seriously as a national figure, much less a serious presidential contender.

Nevertheless, despite this double standard, black voters have always and loyally voted for white politicians, despite their shortcomings, even when white voters wouldn't think of voting for black candidate. We're very savvy and look at qualifications and what they're offering to us and our communities and vote accordingly. We vote for white politicians, often over black ones, if we think the white one is more qualified. In other words, in large measure, black voters don't vote race. If we did, we would have overwhelmingly supported Al Sharpton over Howard Dean and John Kerry and Ben Carson might be president today.

But then along came Barack Obama, sharp young state senator who spoke like a preacher/professor, looked like a prince and treated his wife like a queen. But did he have the goods? We watched him carefully for two years and studied him during the primaries and saw that, yes, he did indeed. He wasn't just clean and articulate. He was brilliant, he was committed, he was caring, he had great ideas and policies. He was the real deal.

And we were absolutely thrilled because the rest of America saw this, too. And we all came together and made this beautiful brother the first black President of the United States. Even then, black voters were accused by many of voting for Obama ONLY BECAUSE he was black, ignoring the fact that, unlike white voters, we had no history of basing our votes on race.

And we were SO proud of him. I remember my father, whom I had never seen cry, weeping like a baby on election night and then again during the Inauguration. I remember how proudly my family members said "PRESIDENT Obama"- never just "Obama." He was one of us. He belonged to us. We belonged to him.

Then we watched him endure 8 years of crap that no president ever had to experience and handle it with unparalleled dignity and grace. We watched white people call him stupid, a monkey, a witch doctor, incompetent, not American. And we also heard the less openly nasty dismissals - such things as "Sure he's a good talker, but ..." and "You can't deny his charisma, but he's not ...," etc. And we knew what that meant. It was a judgment, no less dismissive than the openly racist attacks, intended to undermine and diminish his qualifications and performance.

No matter what they led the sentence with, how nice the words sounded, the true meaning was found in the words following "but" - that was the dismissal, that was the backhand, that was the insult that wiped out everything that came before. And it hurt deeply.

So, when we heard Bernie Sanders say the other day that President Obama was charismatic, an energetic candidate, brilliant BUT ... and then suggest that he was responsible for - or at least didn't prevent - the Democratic Party from being a "failure" for the last 15 years, that echoed the backhanded compliments we've been hearing all of our lives. "He may be a nice guy, BUT he's just not competent ..."

His comment also - whether he intended it to or not - suggested that the election of the first black President - something of enormous meaning and importance to us - meant little. In our view, no period of time that included the election and reelection of Barack Obama - could be casually waved away as "a failure."

Again, I am not writing this to criticize Sanders or to even impute meaning into what Sanders said. I'm not accusing him of being a racist or a bigot or intentionally insulting President Obama or black voters. But his intent is not the issue.

Bernie Sanders is an important national figure whose words are listened to and matter. As such, he must be mindful, not only of what his words are intended to mean, but also of how they are HEARD by others who come from a different experience and perspective. He should understand that saying the first black president was "charismatic," "brilliant," "energetic," without mentioning any positive aspect of his PERFORMANCE and then suggesting that he did a bad job, sounds very much to us like the kinds of veiled insults we've heard all of our lives: "He may be a nice guy, BUT he really didn't do a very good job."

I don't know what Sanders actually meant to say. But I DO know what he DID say. And it was jarring to us. And that's on him, not on us. It's not our job to climb into his brain and figure out what he meant. It's HIS job to step into OUR skin to understand our experiences and perspectives and what we see and hear. At least that's what he should do if he wants to represent anyone beyond a monolithic constituency.

But rather than show us the respect of actually listening to us and considering that his choice of words were problematic, he and many others instead attacked us for being unfair to Sanders, for "misinterpreting" what he said, for being "divisive," etc. But hearing things differently than you do doesn't mean we misinterpreted anything. Everyone brings their own experiences and context to every conversation. Telling us that our experiences and context don't matter and all that is important is what Sanders meant or didn't mean to say compounds the insult and hurt and increases the divide.

If Bernie Sanders is going to continue on the national stage and hopes for future electoral success, he must do more than just say what he's thinking. He must think about how what he's saying is heard by diverse audiences, not just his own, dedicated supporters or people whose experiences in life closely mirror his.

He must do a better job of listening both BEFORE AND AFTER he speaks.

I hope this is helpful. And I hope it provokes some thoughtful, respectful conversations.

*I am not, of course, speaking for ALL African Americans since we don't all think alike. But, like many demographic groups, we have a strong consensus on many issues and, based upon my own observations and experience, I believe that my view on this is held by more than a critical mass of Black Americans.
Let him rot in peace.....

Democratic political strategist and CNN contributor Bakari Sellers stuck a fork in Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential ambitions.

The Vermont independent dismissed former President Barack Obama as a charismatic lightweight during a speech in Jackson, Mississippi, on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.

“The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure,” Sanders said. “People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy.”

Sanders blamed Obama for the Democratic Party’s record number of legislative losses, and Sellers said that attack on the first black U.S. president on that historically significant date should doom Sanders in Democratic primaries.

Y’all can defend Bernie all you want. On #MLK50 his lack of self awareness and arrogance in dismissing #44, is wild.

Bernie in Jackson, Miss.: "The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure.. People sometimes don't see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama." (1/2)​
Sanders, who eventually lost his Democratic primary race against Hillary Clinton, was criticized during his presidential campaign for a failure to connect with black voters.

