CNN contributor Bakari Sellers: ‘Bernie 2020 died 4/4/18’

Did I forget to remind you that Bernie lost fair and square to Hillary in 2016?

Who’s talking about Hillary? This thread is clearly about Bernie. Why do you feel the need to make everything about Hillary?

It’s a should get that checked.
Who’s talking about Hillary? This thread is clearly about Bernie. Why do you feel the need to make everything about Hillary?

It’s a should get that checked.
Umm humm. Still burns, doesn't it. You should get that checked. A brain transplant might help.
Bernie Sanders is a corrupt, socialist, giant piece of garbage, and a limp-wristed pussy that didn't even have the balls to defend his own podium from being taken over by 2 obnoxious squawky bitches, and yet morons think that douche can handle being POTUS.


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Edit: Hi to all the haters. Hope you're having a great week!

It’s called ‘acquiesce’ Fighting for Freedom.
He went to the podium in Jackson Mississippi in observance of Martin Luther King's 50th anniversary of his martyrdom for civil rights cause in the US. What did he do? He spent time disrespecting the first black president of the US.

It's this shit that leads me to say that Bernie is not reaching out for votes from people who didn't vote for him the first time. They caused him to lose, actually. It's this shit that leads me to say that Bernie is a very divisive leader. At best what can be said about this is that Bernie has a tin ear when it comes to social equality. What I really think is that Bernie is deliberately running against civil rights issues in the interest of pandering for the votes of racially insecure white voters.

I have to repeat this because it is simply too incredibly tone deaf for a serious contender for the Democratic Party's nomination to do. On the day of and at a rally to observe the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King in Jackson Mississippi, Bernie Sanders spent much of his time disrespecting Barak Obama, the first black president of the United States.

Put a fork in him, he's done.

And through all this disrespecting of Obama, Sanders received two standing ovations- one at the beginning and one at the end of an 85% BLACK audience in Jackson.

And through all this disrespecting of Obsma, Sanders received two standing ovations- one at the beginning and one at the end of an 85% BLACK audience in Jackson.

Politeness doesn't equate to friendliness or even liking the person. People in the south can be very socially savvy, unlike Bernie. Of course they looked for chances to applaud and give Bernie a taste of Southern hospitality. It doesn't mean he will be invited to the cookout later. That's for people who are welcome and well liked.

Bernie got what? 10% of the vote from black people in the south in 2016? His abominable losses in the south sunk his campaign before the primary even got into April. His comments aren't untrue, they were tone deaf and politically obtuse. I've been saying all along that Bernie isn't doing anything to reach out to black voters and he pretty much ended any possibility of winning the majority of black voters to his side in Jackson MI on 4/4/18.

You got hung up on the fake conspiracy theory that the nomination was "stolen" from Bernie. Because of that, you failed to recognize the real cause of Bernie's losses. His economic policies don't address social inequality. At every turn Bernie showed minority and women voters that he had no competence on their issues. His ineptitude is continuing into the next cycle, all of which shows that black people in the south saw him true and rejected him for good reason. His campaign for the presidency in 2020 all but died on 4/4/18.
Yeah, you-tube videos are soooo good at informing people.

I know you can't understand this but this is but one man's opinion and it may be a paid-for spot at that.

There are plenty of reports that say Bernie killed any hope of winning the Democratic nomination in 2020 by his stupid and tone deaf speech on Wednesday in Jackson Mississippi.

This, LOL

Bernie Sanders’ White Spokesperson Says Bakari Sellers Is Creating ‘Racial Division’
Sanders critiqued Obama and it didn't go over well.

Because Sanders is not above critique, Bakari Sellers, who represented South Carolina’s 90th district in the lower house of the state legislature from 2006 to 2014, responded on Twitter, see below:

Bakari Sellers


Y’all can defend Bernie all you want. On #MLK50 his lack of self awareness and arrogance in dismissing #44, is wild.
Bernie 2020 died 4/4/18. …

5:59 AM - Apr 5, 2018

According to BuzzFeed, Sellers also said to “dismiss with utter arrogance and lack of self-awareness the first African African president is just the height and epitome of arrogance and lack of self-awareness.”

Bernie Sanders has been dismissive of Obama for years. He endorsed and wrote a forward for the 2016 book by Bill Press titled Buyer’s Remorse: How Obama Let Progressives Down, he slammed Obama for speaking at Wall Street — dismissing that Obama created countless reforms on Wall Street — and has repeatedly questioned Obama’s leadership. Even Hillary Clinton said in February 2016, “The kind of criticism that we’ve heard from Senator Sanders about our president, I expect from Republicans. I do not expect from someone running for the Democratic nomination to succeed President Obama.” Sellers’ critique was fair.

I know you can't understand this, BUT: Sanders' criticism of Obama pretty much means he can't win the Democratic Party's nomination in 2020.
legal donors, right?
Did I forget to remind you that Bernie lost fair and square to Hillary in 2016?
Umm humm. Still burns, doesn't it. You should get that checked. A brain transplant might help.
Politeness doesn't equate to friendliness or even liking the person. People in the south can be very socially savvy, unlike Bernie. Of course they looked for chances to applaud and give Bernie a taste of Southern hospitality. It doesn't mean he will be invited to the cookout later. That's for people who are welcome and well liked.

Bernie got what? 10% of the vote from black people in the south in 2016? His abominable losses in the south sunk his campaign before the primary even got into April. His comments aren't untrue, they were tone deaf and politically obtuse. I've been saying all along that Bernie isn't doing anything to reach out to black voters and he pretty much ended any possibility of winning the majority of black voters to his side in Jackson MI on 4/4/18.

You got hung up on the fake conspiracy theory that the nomination was "stolen" from Bernie. Because of that, you failed to recognize the real cause of Bernie's losses. His economic policies don't address social inequality. At every turn Bernie showed minority and women voters that he had no competence on their issues. His ineptitude is continuing into the next cycle, all of which shows that black people in the south saw him true and rejected him for good reason. His campaign for the presidency in 2020 all but died on 4/4/18.

No, the Democratic Party isn’t ‘divided’ or in ‘disarray’

On Wednesday, Sanders spoke at a commemoration event in Jackson, Miss., to mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King.:

“The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure . . . People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama.”

In response, some folks revved right up to a now-familiar criticism of Sanders, namely that he always wants to subsume every issue — even the issue of racial justice, on the anniversary of King’s slaying — to economics.

We’ve already seen a fair amount of this type of coverage around the intraparty battles that have taken shape during some primaries. But this pattern is going to be less consequential than it appears. For one thing, as remarkable as the Sanders phenomenon was in 2016, if Sanders 2020 happens it will be a far more diminished force. That’s because, in 2016, he became the one real alternative to the boring, establishment, seemingly inevitable nominee, which made him fascinating and cool, especially to young people. In 2020, you will likely have a dozen Democrats running, many compelling in their own ways. Most of the people who supported Sanders last time around will peel off to other candidates.

Is this where you and other Sanders forever types tell black people and others who rightly think that Obama was a very good president what they should take from Sanders' criticism of Obama?

Bernie never was a Democrat and as demonstrated by his political ineptitude never can win the nomination of that party. The Democratic party is doing just fine. It has plenty of it's own idiots and Bernie is one of them, even if he registers as Independent but votes as a Democrat. As so many of his fevered followers do.
Why don't you reply to my post for a fourth time, just to prove how you are not triggered.

Oh yeah, and I'm the stupid one. :lol:

You will never be able to match wits with me.


I count 2 replies.

"You will never be able to match wits with me."

You can't even count.
Obama was a good president, not great yet certainly better than any Republican president before him

and still shit.

Bernie was LESS shit than Obama ( an improvement) . Bernie can still go fuck himself for backing hillary in the end, but I will still take him, instead of more Trump.

The question is; will you?
#There is also no economic justice without safe communities that have fewer guns on our streets. Most of us in Jackson, including black gun owners like myself, know that but Bernie Sanders has been iffy about gun-control measures as black families have been victims of gun violence grieving and marching for our dead loved ones for decades.

The fuck is she talking about ?

... This is Neoliberal bullshit at it's finest. "Less guns on the street"?

What, the criminals are gunna turn their guns in?

She is talking about more Police in black communities ( harassing normal citizens) ,EXPANDING the problem, not fixing it.

I will listen to Colin, thanks.
Yeah buddy, DWS stepped down in shame because the DNC was playing fair.

hurrrrrrrr durrrrrrrr
White men were the only demographic who gave Bernie the majority vote in their group. Black voters, 20%, Latino voters, 30%, women voters, 45%. I'll just come out and say that your fake conspiracy story that DWS rigged the election tells everybody that you are a racist, misogynist pig. Same goes with all Bernie forever types who rely on that fake conspiracy story to excuse Bernie's loss to Clinton by a whopping large margin.

Sanders did in fact lose fair and square to Clinton in 2016 by a whopping large margin

So, tell me,
How can Sanders possibly win in 2020 if he does nothing to win over the people who voted against him in 2016?
White men were the only demographic who gave Bernie the majority vote in their group. Black voters, 20%, Latino voters, 30%, women voters, 45%. I'll just come out and say that your fake conspiracy story that DWS rigged the election tells everybody that you are a racist, misogynist pig. Same goes with all Bernie forever types who rely on that fake conspiracy story to excuse Bernie's loss to Clinton by a whopping large margin.

Sanders did in fact lose fair and square to Clinton in 2016 by a whopping large margin

So, tell me,
How can Sanders possibly win in 2020 if he does nothing to win over the people who voted against him in 2016?

What about Millennial women?

millennial minorities?

Why do you pretend like Bernie Sanders is not the most popular Politician with the largest group of Americans ( Millennials) ?
and still shit.

Bernie was LESS shit than Obama ( an improvement) . Bernie can still go fuck himself for backing hillary in the end, but I will still take him, instead of more Trump.

The question is; will you?
I've already said I'll vote for the Democratic Party's nominee for president in the general election. Small -- infinitesimally small -- chance that Bernie wins the nomination. If he does, I'll gladly vote for him.

Probably not going to vote for Bernie in the primary, along with the whopping large majority who didn't vote for him the first time.