I'm not talking right or wrong, I'm talking about the current US legal reality. Currently the ATF will crucify you and there are many people doing life terms for this reason. Do I think it's right? HELL no!
You think the OP has the bucks to do a constitutional challenge? I doubt there is one of us on the board that has the finances to make that point. Worse the Supremes are not granting Certriori on this argument. So you won't get your argument heard even if you are rich beyond the dreams of Avarice.
The enhancements for guns found with Cannabis are insane. People get more time than if they murdered someone and these are MANDATORY enhancements where judges get no discretion. The judge even complained about the sentence he had to pass! Read about it here:
Worse this is not an isolated incident.
I am NOT saying it is right. I am NOT arguing for this insanity. I am saying you better be really sure about what you are getting into and where you are at before you couple a gun with cannabis.