Concealed carry hand gun for a woman


Well-Known Member
sunni, there are countless inmates in prison that disarmed there victims of things like handcuffs & guns & knives & then use them against them. If you carry weapons & are not trained in their proper use & safety & storage, your only inviting trouble. I say what I say out of care & concern, backed by years of experience. It's not my 'opinion', I'm telling you what I know, not what I 'think'.....
You're only thinking about the negative. I'm sure there's more times a gun has saved a potential victim.


Well-Known Member
Gun people tend to get passionate because so much is at stake.
Guns are seductive and people fall in love with the notion of having one.

I have seen two people who grew up with guns accidentally shoot themselves.
One fell out of a holster and the other got lazy and did something stupid.

Both were life altering events and pretty traumatic for all involved.

At least they lived.

We get scared and it comes across as angry or preachy.

At least in my case.

But enough said.

Be safe and enjoy


Well-Known Member
in canada you have to have your guns locked unloaded and put away so ive never seen it any other way
except for when i moved here
I can walk down the street with one out in the open no ccw permit as long as I don't try to hide it. you're not in canada anymore dorothy.


Well-Known Member
Gun people tend to get passionate because so much is at stake.
Guns are seductive and people fall in love with the notion of having one.

I have seen two people who grew up with guns accidentally shoot themselves.
One fell out of a holster and the other got lazy and did something stupid.

Both were life altering events and pretty traumatic for all involved.

At least they lived.

We get scared and it comes across as angry or preachy.

At least in my case.

But enough said.

Be safe and enjoy
Im totally with you on this. Id be willing to bet @420God that more non professional gun owners end up shooting themselves or another person by accident than stopping a crime.
But down in Texas, where all you need is a Texas state drivers licence and no felonies to buy a handgun over the counter, id rather be armed knowing every other moron with a licence has a gun their truck. But they say an armed society is a polite society, and Texas is a prime example of this. Go down to sixth street in Austin after the bars get out in a college town. Hardly ever a fight because kids are scared what it could escalate to.
Id like to think im a responsible gun owner but all it takes is one slip up to go from perfect to standing in front of a dead body. Either way, mines always close at hand no matter where i go because id rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I can walk down the street with one out in the open no ccw permit as long as I don't try to hide it. you're not in canada anymore dorothy.
That guy seems like he has a screw loose, imo. I can't understand why ppl fuck with cops like that, guess it's a gun rights thing. I'm sure a percentage of the time someone like that ends up a martyr, with a baton upside the head.


Well-Known Member
We have an 11 year old that has friends and cousins. Decided against a revolver because it's just too easy for a child to grab the gun and pull the trigger. Having to turn the safety off to chamber a round makes it that much harder for an accident.
See that's exactly why i think the semi auto would be better for the purse. It has a much lower chance of accidental misfire in a purse if you have to accidentally chamber a round, and then accidentally pull the trigger. Revolver, oops, dead.


Well-Known Member
wrong....revolvers are 100 times safer
Explain please. My thought is that a semi auto can be kept without a round chambered causeing one extra motion needed to fire it accidentally in a purse. A revolver always has a round chambered so a pen could set it off at any time.


Well-Known Member
I vote lcr. It's what my mom got. Pretty nice rig.
It's very important you know how and when to use the weapon. They give out too many concealed weapons permits.
It's not a toy. Like someone else mentioned most people that get shot, get shot with their own gun. Think about that, and ask yourself, am I safer with a loaded pistol? Or a badass knife?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Why would you have a gun accessible to children?

Second amendment anyone? The atf form has been the same for many decades. What about if I had guns before I got a marijuana card? If that's the case then if you drink you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun either.
I'm not talking right or wrong, I'm talking about the current US legal reality. Currently the ATF will crucify you and there are many people doing life terms for this reason. Do I think it's right? HELL no!

You think the OP has the bucks to do a constitutional challenge? I doubt there is one of us on the board that has the finances to make that point. Worse the Supremes are not granting Certriori on this argument. So you won't get your argument heard even if you are rich beyond the dreams of Avarice.

The enhancements for guns found with Cannabis are insane. People get more time than if they murdered someone and these are MANDATORY enhancements where judges get no discretion. The judge even complained about the sentence he had to pass! Read about it here:

Worse this is not an isolated incident.

I am NOT saying it is right. I am NOT arguing for this insanity. I am saying you better be really sure about what you are getting into and where you are at before you couple a gun with cannabis.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Explain please. My thought is that a semi auto can be kept without a round chambered causeing one extra motion needed to fire it accidentally in a purse. A revolver always has a round chambered so a pen could set it off at any time.
U have to cock the revolver not the semi


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking right or wrong, I'm talking about the current US legal reality. Currently the ATF will crucify you and there are many people doing life terms for this reason. Do I think it's right? HELL no!

You think the OP has the bucks to do a constitutional challenge? I doubt there is one of us on the board that has the finances to make that point. Worse the Supremes are not granting Certriori on this argument. So you won't get your argument heard even if you are rich beyond the dreams of Avarice.

The enhancements for guns found with Cannabis are insane. People get more time than if they murdered someone and these are MANDATORY enhancements where judges get no discretion. The judge even complained about the sentence he had to pass! Read about it here:

Worse this is not an isolated incident.

I am NOT saying it is right. I am NOT arguing for this insanity. I am saying you better be really sure about what you are getting into and where you are at before you couple a gun with cannabis.
Plus rep on this post. I believe Texas has exactly what your talkin about, one of my grower buddies from Texas refused to get a gun for that reason.