COVID: I’m talking to you America..

Honestly with what you've contributed to the topic, I don't really care what you think. Suprise:hug: I actually just reactivated FB after almost a year. Keep on making assumptions.

I don't have any time of inflated self importance, I'm just not scared to speak my mind. I can handle your immaturity, like a champ.

The irony is thick. It seems that is all you have time for. Thank you for playing such a major role in saving our country from your lazyboy. We are in your debt...
Hey you did that to's not an assumption. I've stated all facts then here you come and stated that I had no answer, before I even had time to answer. I have a fucked up memory, I'm slow, be patient.

"She actually doens't know she has because she assumes and insinuates alot."

You wrote that. So obviously you can't handle my truths. Not an assumption when you said it!


True. It's only a political topic because PEOPLE keep making it one. I detest trump as much as the rest but he can't actually "make" anything happen. WE did this and now WE need to fix it. Or not.

Trump's trolls are in force selling that this is a political topic. Double checked, it was May 10th that it became pretty obvious to me that this was being politicized for Trump's cult to get this virus to spread.
The irony is thick. It seems that is all you have time for. Thank you for playing such a major role in saving our country from your lazyboy. We are in your debt...

Typo, I thought I wrote "type" but "time" works too. Same difference..

I don't have a lazyboy either...and I never claimed to "save our country."

WE can all make a difference in the world. Again, you should try it. It's alot more rewarding then sitting around all day making assumptions about strangers. is not. It's simple communication with the world. Being high risk, I can't go out in the world right now to use my voice. So I use it online to talk with folks about social issues. I honestly try to dodge politics onine because I get sick of people slinging insults rather than communicating.

This is not what you're making it out to be. It was meant to be a conversation starter about "we the people" needing more contact tracers, so all of us are better protected. Yes, I used an inflammatory choice of words to create conversation. Guilty of that. So many want to run their mouths about how covid is the flu and healthy people won't die. I am challanging them people to do better, and advising them the CDC needs contact tracers since they are not worried about the virus. Is that really so bad??

No, it seriously is not. I am not using anyone as "the basis for a political or economic movement." This is a social issue and it effects everyone.

You can just keep on posting right here, Your points are valid and very interesting points hopefully some will take heed, Please stick around and toss out some more great Points.

Rock on keep on keepin
You can't reason with tRUmptards. They believe the village idiot is a genius. They believe a man that has bankrupted every business he's had is a great business man. They believe a draft dodger is a brave American hero. They believe a man that has cheated on all his wives and made sexual innuendos about his own daughter is a man of god. I could go on and on but you get the point, they believe in magical thinking and nothing based in truth, fact or science.
You can just keep on posting right here, Your points are valid and very interesting points hopefully some will take heed, Please stick around and toss out some more great Points.

Rock on keep on keepin

Thank you for saying so, that was my hope. I'm extremely sarcastic in a joking way and I'm used to "accidently" offending people. I honestly didn't intend to, I was trying to get the "non-believers" and "keyboard warriors" attention to my point on their beliefs. If they really believe the lies most are spewing, they should head to work because "there's nothing to worry about" and we need them!

The only way things can get better as a whole is if "we the people" communicate about our problems, differences, and care for each other regardless of them.

Rock on :leaf: (:
You can't reason with tRUmptards. They believe the village idiot is a genius. They believe a man that has bankrupted every business he's had is a great business man. They believe a draft dodger is a brave American hero. They believe a man that has cheated on all his wives and made sexual innuendos about his own daughter is a man of god. I could go on and on but you get the point, they believe in magical thinking and nothing based in truth, fact or science.

You are so right, but I am determinded to keep trying. It is the only way forward for us to have a happy, healthy, prosperous future here in America. I have these conversations all the time when I could still go out in public, and I still do at my job. I work from home with small business owners. I talk to people all over the US and in Canada.

Someone has to talk sense back to the trumpers falsities. In that way Sunni was right (: here I am being the sacrificial lamb:leaf: In all honesty, their naivety, arrogance, and ignorance drive me mad.. I release that frustration by talking, and I realized at a very young age that minds can be changed.

People have different perspectives based on where they live, how they live, what they believe, and where they make their money. You just have to put them in your shoes, and many of them come around. Do that enough over time, and you've created change for the better. I've turned Republicans into Democratic voters many times.. I grew up in a huge family full of Republicans, still is, but I've switched over about 1/3 of them.

That is change. It's so simple. Just talk to people about real life issues. Lots of people like to talk. I am a listener. Then I think and respond. It's important to be respectful too when you're trying to change a trumpers view. You will NEVER change their mind with disrespect. They are too "proud."

As far as being the sacrificial lamb, I'm ok with that.. it come's with growing up hard, and life being hard. I stand firm in my beliefs and I am aware of my ability to handle anything that comes my way.

I really have used my voice all my life for good. I'm not bragging or boasting, even though they acted like that. I'm just honestly talking about life at this moment, and responding to people and their "assumptions." Communication. That is the goal. Gotta start somewhere because I believe the world to be capable of being a much better place than how we are currently living.

I'm sure glad of ya'll came along though. I was getting a bit heated at the dumb shit. Lol, thanks(: I think Sunni might have actually saved me, bringing me over to this forum because that one was rotten. I won't go back if that's how people "socialize" or handle what they see to be an "improper posting." Jeez Louise..
This seems to be the theme of everyone of your posts. You’re shocked every time your posts “accidentally” offend someone. might want to read again:wall: I'm not shocked at all. As I stated in the comment you quoted: I'm used to "accidently" offending people.

I quote the accidently in that reply in sarcasm, due to the fact that they are only offended because they can't handle the truth. The truth is not an accident. I know sarcasm doesn't translate well...and I'm fluent in sarcasm. Therefore, I actually do accidently offend a lot of people, but admitting to that is surely not offensive? When I realize they are offended, I also take the time to write a paragraph about it, so they can understand my perspective better.

I hope you are not offended. might want to read again:wall: I'm not shocked at all. As I stated in the comment you quoted: I'm used to "accidently" offending people.

I quote the accidently in that reply in sarcasm, due to the fact that they are only offended because they can't handle the truth. The truth is not an accident. I know sarcasm doesn't translate well...and I'm fluent in sarcasm. Therefore, I actually do accidently offend a lot of people, but admitting to that is surely not offensive? When I realize they are offended, I also take the time to write a paragraph about it, so they can understand my perspective better.

I hope you are not offended.
I’m not and please stop with the novels for posts. You’re saying the same thing over and over in every post.
I’m not and please stop with the novels for posts. You’re saying the same thing over and over in every post.

Good, thanks. Yeah that happens at times with cognitive function being impaired. I also now spell things wrong after being a spelling bee champ, (haha) and can't remember most of the beginning of this thread so I have to keep goiing back to reading it over and over to keep up and remember what's going on and being said. I have to work harder than others to have conversations, and I'm slow, so I'm always behind. Apparently also repeating myself, my bad.

But I care - so I'm here. You don't have to read or respond if you don't like what I do or say. I won't be offended either.
Do y’all really want to get this virus under control? Get your local and state governments on board with contact tracing..

America needs 100k+ contact tracers, and 30 million folks are unemployed. There HAS to be 100k people that are willing to do this. I’m looking at you (: non believers and keyboard warriors. Folks who think it’s ok to send children back to school full time. It’s ok for you to fight the good fight too then.

Contact tracing combined with masks and social distancing is how other countries are managing and even beating COVID. We can do it too. We just need a coordinated effort across the states.

Do you need a job? If you’re healthy, able and willing to do what it will likely take to keep America open - here’s more info:

CDC funded training for Contact Tracing Workforce
Covid is politics in America right now, 150,000 dead makes it politics, only a moron wouldn't think so. Her thread is timely, appropriate, patriotic and pragmatic. The only ones I see who have an issue with it are those who don't value human life and discount suffering. It is merely amplifying the advice of epidemiological experts, some here who get there medical advise from Trump and need all the good info they can get. Hey OP do cockroaches get covid? Maybe this place would improve if they did. I like yer style RIU needs more of it. :D