COVID: I’m talking to you America..

Hahaha, IKR. I was so thrown - like wtf did I just start. Where did I go wrong? Oooops..touched some nerves apparently. I messaged a friend and said "well if I get banned.." I was resigned to go back to creeping another 10 years.

I'm more of the chick in the back corner at the party anyways. "I'll be over there --> chillin." I'm not so bold starting convos in public, I typically let the conversation come to me (: and then contribute my thoughts. All this is just really important to talk about right now, I think.
Oh, so you care about your life?

"just sit in the back and shut up". It's the same advice given to black people over police brutality. Or women over sexual harassment. Or coal miners who made other people rich and die of black lung. Or Portland who are trying to clean fascists out of their police department.

So I have to ask, if you are silent who benefits? You?

It boggles my mind to think that an epidemic is treated like a political issue. I don't understand it either. It is. I don't have to understand it to see the truth in that.
Oh, so you care about your life?

"just sit in the back and shut up". It's the same advice given to black people over police brutality. Or women over sexual harassment. Or coal miners who made other people rich and die of black lung. Or Portland who are trying to clean fascists out of their police department.

So I have to ask, if you are silent who benefits? You?

It boggles my mind to think that an epidemic is treated like a political issue. I don't understand it either. It is. I don't have to understand it to see the truth in that.

I couldn't agree more. I didn't mean it quite like that. I love music and there's a song "Here" Alessia Cara, lol. I'm just like that.. socially shy and a bit skewed on people in general. So I let them come to me.. My kids say they can't take me nowhere, I attract folks naturally lol. That can be a blessing and a curse.

I am also self educated and very vocal about all important issues in general. I have protested more times than I can count. Unfortunately I can't right now, but I agree with others doing so - if they are healthy and take precautions. I can only fight the good fight online for now.

Right there with ya - mind boggled o_O
Nice, congrats! Haha it's funny how that magically works.. I was looking back at FB when I had posted last prior to recently and it was early Feb. I posted a meme that went something like "this is the once chance you get to sit at home watch tv and save the world..don't fuck this up." Trump fucked it up, but so did Americans by not doing what was necessary.

I agree with the holidays, and vacations, it's madness. I have friends that just left for a 2 week vacation in FL. Florida, of all places!! SMH. I tried to talk some sense into them but they are non believers. Don't wear masks either. I told them please don't come by here until covid is over LOL..
What's the financial situation for lockdown over there? We all got paid 80% for our sitting about so generally had nothing to complain about. Plenty folk still getting it. Week 15 now I think.
Nout to spend the cash on iether so many like myself now have the funds for a healthy pay rise. Worked out great for me like. I'll be doubling my wage shortly thanks to corona.
The post apocalypse unemployment figures are pretty bad but shit happens. We'll adapt and overcome.
It's obviously not been a "good" experience but I'm confident we'll bounce back in better shape than we were before.
It's changed many of our attitudes towards a lot of things.
We're a lot more united, we appreciate things and eachother a lot more. It's had a lot of positive outcomes. Just a shame it takes a global pandemic to make these things happen.
What's the financial situation for lockdown over there? We all got paid 80% for our sitting about so generally had nothing to complain about. Plenty folk still getting it. Week 15 now I think.
Nout to spend the cash on iether so many like myself now have the funds for a healthy pay rise. Worked out great for me like. I'll be doubling my wage shortly thanks to corona.
The post apocalypse unemployment figures are pretty bad but shit happens. We'll adapt and overcome.
It's obviously not been a "good" experience but I'm confident we'll bounce back in better shape than we were before.
It's changed many of our attitudes towards a lot of things.
We're a lot more united, we appreciate things and eachother a lot more. It's had a lot of positive outcomes. Just a shame it takes a global pandemic to make these things happen.

I'll let someone else answer that because I'm not up to date in that topic. There's alot going on w/new relief bill, etc. to look at or even waiting to find out, before giving an educated answer too. Or maybe already has. Lol. I'm behind..

My overall thoughts (without citing facts just opinon) Trump has been a massive failure in the financial department as well. He let americans lose their jobs, many now permanently, and then expected them to sit at home with no money to survive. It's insanity.

It was ok to "protest" back then, when folks were wanting the country to open so they could survive. Trump was hollaring to give the people what they want and liberate the states. Instead of just paying people so they could pay their rent, and we could actually be "back to business" by now with much less loss. I have never seen or imagined anything like him - as our president - in my lifetime. He disregarded the pandemic playbook! It's 69 pages. Easy read. Specific instructions. #notmypresident2020

It was clear to me from day "15 cases and soon we will have 0" to skyrocketing cases within weeks of said statement - that this was something that needed to quickly be contained, or the US would suffer massive setbacks socially and economically. Here we are 7 months later, and too much time left with him still in office. The fallout casualties and economic damage will be massive imho.

No, we will not have the type of support you had. Or even close. Livin the American Dream. There are many people receiving unemployment but the amount of small business owners that have been effected is staggaring. I talk with them daily, and personally have seen the effects. Tons of them that have no resources to fall back on, and are closing shop. Mom n pop shops that have been opened 20-40 years. Jobs forever lost. Business owners don't qualify for unemployment, their businesses can't withstand the pressure anymore, funding is ridiculously short, and many others are literally "self" employed service workers who are shit out of luck right now. It's sad...really.

OH yeah, and if ya didn't know let me tell ya...the IRS is basically shut down and has been for months. Working behind the scene. Taxes this year were a bitch, because people can't reach them so they are depending on their providers for information, that WE don't have and can't give them. Plus tons of folks are still calling us about their FIRST stimulas checks not arriving. It's unbelievable. This is how a bankrupt lunatic does business... ahem... I mean "runs America."

These are just a few reasons why America is fucked right now. We will continue to be until drastic measures are taken by all. I am very happy for your country, that is great news. Hopefully they will continue to stay united and do what it takes to keep the virus contained. If not, just point out America.

It is truly a shame..:wall:
You should try this post on toke n talk ;). Doesn't seem political to me. Kind of logical, actually.
Trust me mate covid is very much a poltical agenda for me. You know that already and have already shared your deluded thoughts on the matter.
Do you just wander about here all day seeing how many people you can annoy?
Trust me mate covid is very much a poltical agenda for me. You know that already and have already shared your deluded thoughts on the matter.
Do you just wander about here all day seeing how many people you can annoy?
Plenty of people wander in here with the sole purpose of annoying. No need for me to go looking for them. You jumped to a conclusion, perhaps? I had no intent of annoying you in my post just then. How could I know how "political" your "agenda" is regarding covid? All I know is that you are satisfied with your economic position. I'm glad that you found something that works for you. You are also ignorant about racism but I didn't bring that up to annoy you, just saying that's all I know about you.

Britain isn't very important to me -- its really just a small nation with a strange belief in its exceptionalism. So I'm not going to try to check your assertions about how great your unpleasant corner of an unpleasant island is doing to control the virus. You listed some very good actions and results regarding covid. If true, good for you. I agreed with you and was just poking fun at the lunacy from tokentalk folks by suggesting you post them there. I would describe the various actions as rational and not political but it's your agenda, you can smoke it how you want.

There are plenty of people who post here that live in the US and don't even know it's possible to manage this epidemic and save lives. As a whole, the US is screwing the pooch when it comes to handling this crisis. I'm glad to be able to point to places that are handling it well when they come here to annoy me.
Oh, so you care about your life?

"just sit in the back and shut up". It's the same advice given to black people over police brutality. Or women over sexual harassment. Or coal miners who made other people rich and die of black lung. Or Portland who are trying to clean fascists out of their police department.

So I have to ask, if you are silent who benefits? You?

It boggles my mind to think that an epidemic is treated like a political issue. I don't understand it either. It is. I don't have to understand it to see the truth in that.
How can it but not become political? The politicians of the day have done that and it was inevitable as they all jockey for position as to who is doing the best and worse. Not just the States but every country in the world has made it that way. Yes it sad but again inevitable. You would think it would be as simple as following the science but even that is almost impossible given the conflicting advice and the weighing of the economic ramifications. 50% of the contributors here have made it political and not at all based on fact and common sense, which in my opinion mirrors the general consensus. I’m just confused about the attacks that manifest from a call to arms by one person to help combat what is becoming “again” a devastating situation.
How can it but not become political? The politicians of the day have done that and it was inevitable as they all jockey for position as to who is doing the best and worse. Not just the States but every country in the world has made it that way. Yes it sad but again inevitable. You would think it would be as simple as following the science but even that is almost impossible given the conflicting advice and the weighing of the economic ramifications. 50% of the contributors here have made it political and not at all based on fact and common sense, which in my opinion mirrors the general consensus. I’m just confused about the attacks that manifest from a call to arms by one person to help combat what is becoming “again” a devastating situation.
It has been politicised to a degree in every country and the more they stray from expert scientific advice the worse it is, worst of all in America and that is where it is politised most. Scientists study nature to learn the truth about things to quantify and qualify. Their peers, doctors and engineers translate these discoveries into usable counsel and technology. To deal with reality most effectively we must have a grasp on it and that is where the rubber meets the road, they have to try and make politicians understand. The technocrats are not the issue, politicians and competing economic, political and social interests are where the problems are. It's a lot like us Budley we know what we should and should not do, but... :D

I have found though, the covid response scorecard is a measure of good governance in general, Canada got a B+, America got an F, but we all want A's, we're smart enough to get them.
Plenty of people wander in here with the sole purpose of annoying. No need for me to go looking for them. You jumped to a conclusion, perhaps? I had no intent of annoying you in my post just then. How could I know how "political" your "agenda" is regarding covid? All I know is that you are satisfied with your economic position. I'm glad that you found something that works for you. You are also ignorant about racism but I didn't bring that up to annoy you, just saying that's all I know about you.

Britain isn't very important to me -- its really just a small nation with a strange belief in its exceptionalism. So I'm not going to try to check your assertions about how great your unpleasant corner of an unpleasant island is doing to control the virus. You listed some very good actions and results regarding covid. If true, good for you. I agreed with you and was just poking fun at the lunacy from tokentalk folks by suggesting you post them there. I would describe the various actions as rational and not political but it's your agenda, you can smoke it how you want.

There are plenty of people who post here that live in the US and don't even know it's possible to manage this epidemic and save lives. As a whole, the US is screwing the pooch when it comes to handling this crisis. I'm glad to be able to point to places that are handling it well when they come here to annoy me.
You know because we've already had the Scottish indipendance argument elsewhere.
You're of the impression were a tiny populous so can't sustain ourselves.
Even though we've got unlimited free electricity, unlimited almost ro quality drinking water, vast oil fields, and are armed with enough nukes to wipe out most of America (180)
Covid as I've told you before is one of the best things that's happened for our cause.
Largely down to the fact that we currently have zero deaths per week and England have 20-30 per day.
This isn't a thread about Scottish politics though so I left that out in favour of finding out why it's went so wrong in the states.
So, call me a delusional idiot all you want. The way things are right now we're gonna be the only civilisation left in 18 months so I wouldn't be too smug if I were you ;)
Now we’re making progress. The first step to curing it is admitting it. Congrats on step one!! It’s the hardest for most. :clap: :clap: :clap:

when you think about these people are only a few hundred years removed of their brutal warrior selves..inside genetically they're the's outside world that's evolved.

Rob Roy is basically using a laptop now.
when you think about these people are only a few hundred years removed of their brutal warrior selves..inside genetically they're the's outside world that's evolved.
Yup, about 500 years ago we were all running about naked with our faces painted. That's true.
Today though we live in a peaceful society with no threat of guns. No threat of police brutality.
Almost zero racism and certainly zero racism at an institutional level.
We all have plenty money as our govornment pay a us all ubi. Means I can take upto 9 weeks off at a time and still make a decent wage without the need for holiday pay.
Got pure water in my taps, quality housing, if I found myself homeless for whatever reason it wouldn't matter cos they'd just give me another house.
And as it's the season. We have pretty much beaten corona virus. 1 death out of 5.5million in the last 4 weeks.
So if that's what you call unevolved I must presume your some kind of royalty perhaps?
Not many people get treated better than us or live in a safer country mate.
Might wanna take a look closer to home before you start slagging off other nations;)
You know because we've already had the Scottish indipendance argument elsewhere.
You're of the impression were a tiny populous so can't sustain ourselves.
Even though we've got unlimited free electricity, unlimited almost ro quality drinking water, vast oil fields, and are armed with enough nukes to wipe out most of America (180)
Covid as I've told you before is one of the best things that's happened for our cause.
Largely down to the fact that we currently have zero deaths per week and England have 20-30 per day.
This isn't a thread about Scottish politics though so I left that out in favour of finding out why it's went so wrong in the states.
So, call me a delusional idiot all you want. The way things are right now we're gonna be the only civilisation left in 18 months so I wouldn't be too smug if I were you ;)
Do you just wander the internet to find people to annoy you?
Do you just wander the internet to find people to annoy you?
He needs a lot of conditions to be just right to be happy, called the suffering of conditionality in Buddhism, along with that of the suffering of change, which is another one, but I'm not a Buddhist. :D