COVID: I’m talking to you America..

if this is how you will react in toke n talk i suggest not posting it to politics and just deleting the thread entirely

have you seen the politics section?
Just new sunni, I was a disaster for a spell too! A quality content creator this one, ya live by getting eyeballs on pages.
Thank you (:

Mind explaining your “if this is how you will react..” statement?

Honestly curious about your take on my reaction. Yes I know the original post may be a bit inflammatory, serious issues usually are and I was looking for a conversation about this specifically, not a wide range of covid and political topics. This is about us doing something, as a community, to help ourselves.

However, considering what I wanted to say, I thought I handled my response more respectfully than his reply. We all have our opinions though..

I had a serious debate about this subject last night. It appears quite a bit of americans are under the assumption that Covid isn’t contagious through asymptomatic carriers and contact tracing doesn’t work. Those same Americans battling on their keyboard about “what America should do” are also unwilling to work to make a difference.

I’ve visited “your” political forums and I see exactly how it can be. Mad assumptions, disrespect, etc. I enjoy my time there anyways.

Quick question: Have I broke any rules by posting this here?:wall:

Sorry not sorry that I am a blunt person who is not scared to ask the hard questions and challenge the public to put their money where their mouth is.

Yep, didn’t take long. Exactly my point. Round up the bullies! It’s ok..I can take the disrespect like a champ. I’m all to used to this shit. Can you?

People can request others threads to be moved? Is this place completely segregated or what? Here I thought from looking at plant knowledge and these forums for years that RIU leaned to the left. I stand corrected.

There doesn’t seem to be a forum for my question? Are you kidding me? Have you seen this place and the things people post?? LOL. I didn’t imagine much of anything was out of bounds..

How to proceed without engaging in activism? Talk to people. Write letters, make phone calls, talk to your friends and family, pester your elected officials to get on board. Far too many localities are not doing enough to identify and isolate contagious people. There is plenty of ways without activism. Communicate. Sadly most have seemed to forget that.

This is not a political question. It’s a challenge for Americans to DO better. This is a social issue and effects all of us. That’s why I put it here. So we can communicate, brainstorm, and do better.

If I came across rude, I wasn’t trying to be. I am bluntly asking America to stand up and do what needs to be done, for the better of all of us and our health. What I specifically want to talk about is not political. It’s about life saving measures for everyone.

This is who I am and I mean well. Peace:leaf:
If ya wanna run with the big dogs, that is politics, but ya gotta learn to pee in the tall grass there. Too many snowflakes on the regular threads! :D
I'm sure glad of ya'll came along though. I was getting a bit heated at the dumb shit. Lol, thanks(: I think Sunni might have actually saved me, bringing me over to this forum because that one was rotten. I won't go back if that's how people "socialize" or handle what they see to be an "improper posting." Jeez Louise..
You should try the Canadian medical forum there were a pack of savages there, same crew, same thing everyday whine and bitch about the LPs same bullshit.
Covid is politics in America right now, 150,000 dead makes it politics, only a moron wouldn't think so. Her thread is timely, appropriate, patriotic and pragmatic. The only ones I see who have an issue with it are those who don't value human life and discount suffering. It is merely amplifying the advice of epidemiological experts, some here who get there medical advise from Trump and need all the good info they can get. Hey OP do cockroaches get covid? Maybe this place would improve if they did. I like yer style RIU needs more of it. :D

Thank you(: That is true... I know you're not referring to me, but I truly am a moron for thinking I could post it in social places and have a social conversation - leaving politics out. I will keep asking the tough questions, where I think they belong.. because I still have hope in humanity.

Funny thing, I started to post it in politics first, then erased and put in TnT - and I just figured out TnT meant that specific forum, ha. I posted in "toke and talk" because I thought oh - sounds like a chill spot. Maybe I can get some insightful conversations started instead of just the typical political battle.

I was looking since last night and I seen a huge COVID thread there (that gets pretty bitter at times) and thought it would be fine. I could have worded it better to not spark so many feelings but feelings always make for good conversation, so...

I didn't want to post in politcs because this specific issue is not political. It's life or death, we need adequate contact tracing. COVID is not going away, and it doesn't care what race you are, or your party affiliations. I know it's also on the news but that is also why there is a lot of misguided american's thinking covid is no big deal. Plus why are the 100k jobs available when 30 million plus are unemployed and we have half a nation of non - believers?

You can thank the guy who yall were going back and forth with the other day in politics, because my convo with him and my meeting with misguided friends last night is what inspired me to post this. He asked what can America do to make things better now that it is so bad..? Then, 30 some people (mostly republicans, but also friends from pool league) all misinformed and they listened. I showed them facts, and all but 3 accepted the truth. It got me thinking about how so many people don't look farther than the news. How there is SO much misinformation being spread...and many are just too naive to realize, or too busy and worried about other things to care. Because they are not bad people, they are just uneducated. Hence we are now having this discussion. I got a most of them to realize the differnce in saying all vs black lives matter too. Just random conversation..

Thanks for all the compliments (: I really don't understand why people get so mad about things that are facts and common sense. A lot gets misunderstood by message too, I guess. Plus I am blunt, slow and write paragraphs *smile* at least I know my faults..

I am seriously enjoying all of you. Thanks to everyone who does care and speak up. I am happy I finally made an account, and joined the conversation. I've learned literally TONS from ya'll in this forum over the years.

Ooops..I wrote a whole book:leaf:
Thank you(: That is true... I know you're not referring to me, but I truly am a moron for thinking I could post it in social places and have a social conversation - leaving politics out. I will keep asking the tough questions, where I think they belong.. because I still have hope in humanity.

Funny thing, I started to post it in politics first, then erased and put in TnT - and I just figured out TnT meant that specific forum, ha. I posted in "toke and talk" because I thought oh - sounds like a chill spot. Maybe I can get some insightful conversations started instead of just the typical political battle.

I was looking since last night and I seen a huge COVID thread there (that gets pretty bitter at times) and thought it would be fine. I could have worded it better to not spark so many feelings but feelings always make for good conversation, so...

I didn't want to post in politcs because this specific issue is not political. It's life or death, we need adequate contact tracing. COVID is not going away, and it doesn't care what race you are, or your party affiliations. I know it's also on the news but that is also why there is a lot of misguided american's thinking covid is no big deal. Plus why are the 100k jobs available when 30 million plus are unemployed and we have half a nation of non - believers?

You can thank the guy who yall were going back and forth with the other day in politics, because my convo with him and my meeting with misguided friends last night is what inspired me to post this. He asked what can America do to make things better now that it is so bad..? Then, 30 some people (mostly republicans, but also friends from pool league) all misinformed and they listened. I showed them facts, and all but 3 accepted the truth. It got me thinking about how so many people don't look farther than the news. How there is SO much misinformation being spread...and many are just too naive to realize, or too busy and worried about other things to care. Because they are not bad people, they are just uneducated. Hence we are now having this discussion. I got a most of them to realize the differnce in saying all vs black lives matter too. Just random conversation..

Thanks for all the compliments (: I really don't understand why people get so mad about things that are facts and common sense. A lot gets misunderstood by message too, I guess. Plus I am blunt, slow and write paragraphs *smile* at least I know my faults..

I am seriously enjoying all of you. Thanks to everyone who does care and speak up. I am happy I finally made an account, and joined the conversation. I've learned literally TONS from ya'll in this forum over the years.

Ooops..I wrote a whole book:leaf:
So you’re converting republicans everywhere? :wall: They just flip their beliefs that easy? The “facts and common sense” you keep complaining about are YOUR facts. Not actual facts
So you’re converting republicans everywhere? :wall: They just flip their beliefs that easy? The “facts and common sense” you keep complaining about are YOUR facts. Not actual facts

Lol, no. Where did I say that? Well...kinda! (sarcasm) All jokes aside..

I just said it’s possible to do so by being nice and having conversations about real shit. I said nothing about converting all, or everywhere. They are a pretty thick headed bunch. I’ve spent my entire life talking to my family and only got about 1/3. About 1/3 of them no longer talk to me too, so it’s at a price.

If you’re referring to my example in this thread about the debates I had with friends - I changed their mindset about a specific situation, and some better understanding on another.. not how they vote.

The interview on WHO has everyone confused.. Then misleading headlines followed up by a correction, made it worse like a flip flop. Many people now believe that asymptomatic carriers are not contagious to other people.

It was on TV - you probably know already - and she basically said the chances are rare or nonexistent. This is not true, is not what science has shown, and was immediately corrected. It actually wasn’t even what she said, lol. “ But...the news! So much of America was effected, and still believes that false information.

This is what she actually said, in whole:

“EVEN THOUGH WE NEED MORE INFORMATION from countries TO TRULY ANSWER THIS question, IT SEEMS TO BE rare that an asymptomatic individual actually transmits onward.”

So yeah, it’s pretty clear that is not a “factual” statement to be basing life decisions on. They do not have information, and no studies have shown that that I know of. Correct me if I’m wrong.

WHO scientist leading the Covid battle had a press conference contradicting what the media was saying the very next day. Here is more info on that:

Asymptomatic carriers ARE contagious

It started on FB - debates there when a friend posted a bunch of dangerous misleading nonsense. Then I had this meeting and was shocked that almost ALL of them thought the same. Started talking about it - the proof is out there to be shown.. or lack thereof. It is not my opinion or my facts, it is scientists and data - their facts, which are our facts.

There is no proof or studies at all out there that shows that Covid is any more or less contagious whether you are symptomatic or asymptomatic. They’re all contagious!

The asymptomatic are more dangerous because they are walking around like everything’s fine, many don’t even know.. getting others and especially high risk people sick because they aren’t taking the necessary precautions. The sick are isolated at home or overflowing the hospitals. Soon, in many of our major cities, heart attacks and accident victims will die from waiting for care.

So yes, I think this is all very important information and conversations to have socially with the general public. If anyone learns something new then it is worth fighting with trolls, defending scientific facts, educating minds to new idea’s, and debating false news.

I bet even you have learned a little something. This WHO stuff was all back in June and just last night about 30 of them realized they were wrong. All on Zoom.. didn’t even have to leave my lazyboy (:
I think that your friends and family on FB have given you a false sense of credibility and importance. It reminds me of the American Idol contestants that absolutely suck, but are convinced they are amazing because their inner circle tells them how great they are...


noun: slacktivism
  1. the practice of supporting a political or social cause by means such as social media or online petitions, characterized as involving very little effort or commitment.
    "such email alerts make slacktivism easy"

This is such a fucked up comment and just so inaccurate that it is perfect to use as an example of straight ignorance.. So here goes reply #2 and warning: this one will be real long & hopefully make you feel a lil silly about your ASSumptions.

I was just reading back and actually fully comprehended what you rudely implied here.. Let's talk some more about my false sense of "credibility and importance." Also, this "slacktivism" you speak of, that it seems you're quite familiar with.

I've never posted online like this, only with friends and family. The general public on FB or Twitter once in awhile. Often go inactive on all social media's because I get busy with life - plus - I've been a bit sick. I'm too shy for posting on forums in the past, or emails.. Wait.. people mass post people by email? Yeah, there's tons I don't know, I was off the map a few years. I love to learn new things, even though its tough.

I remember the Rodney King beating - I was 11 and enraged at the police brutality. That was the defining moment I realized my mindset was different from my families also, and I learned more about political parties.

I remember Oj Simpson trial and being enraged at him getting away with murder..the injustice of it all. I was 15, and they played it in high school government class. Again..enraged.

Another major moment in my life that really stands out to me is Trayvon Martins murder, and obviously so many others before and after him. Police injustices, violence, inequality, even segragation still in the south. Trayvons ignited a fire though, and that is when the BLM was born. I was all in.. (poker slang, look it up) I was 33 then, now I'm 40.

I remember many other things as well, but these situations really stand out to me.. ignited my justice flames throughout, if you will. You see, I grew up in a family of strict Catholic Republicans. Went to a Catholic School at one time. CCD, Church often, every day if grandma and grandpa were around. I hated that church was a constant. I know i'll make religious people mad there.. The ranch and farm we grew up on was in the middle of nowhere but everywhere that mattered (in their minds.) I'm thankful for that upbringing, because I'm sure it is what gives me my balance in my thoughts.

My ex-husband and childrens father is a black man. I've lived about 2/3 of my life in the north in a few different places and 1/3 of my life in the deep south. My kids are still in the deep south, so my covid experience I speak of is also coming from the mess thats happening in the south. The research based on science and experts and anything I state on that can be sourced. I don't spread falsities.

I remember growing up being the odd ball because I cared so damn much about everything and everyone. Social issues, economics, and peace. I've never cared much for politics.. but I pay attention. I know nothing about the stock market.. I'm also very direct and will write a book or have a long winded conversation if I think you are wrong, and it could hurt you or someone else whether now or in the long run. I'm not scared to speak up. I try my best to stay respectful and non-judgemental though, of others opinions. I have a pretty wide perspective from life experiences.

As I've mentioned, I also have short term mem issues now, cognitive function is slightly impaired. Enough to make communication difficult. So alot of this stuff I speeak of, I have felt this way ALL my life. It is engrained in my soul. I am not joking when I say it's who I am, and what I believe. Nothing is wrong with my long term memory besides a bit of forgetullness. I think that happens to all of us. I'm not trolling or some Russian spy or whatever the fuck else any of yall may be thinking.

I am just some random high-risk chick who's bored stuck home right now. I work M-F and the longest tax season EVER just ended, so we are a bit slow too. So here I am, chatting with yall on RIU. Which is funny because I am a longtime lover of this forum for info, and also RIU (Run It Up) Poker.

What I speak of currently on covid is from reading (and rereading) data research, studies, taking notes, listening to the scientists, watching the numbers daily, raising awareness, etc. I have had nothing else to do..

I had been in my little bubble not talking to anyone much for a few years. So much for your assumption on my "inner circle." At the moment I really have no inner circle, but that's been my choice. I know alot of people out there love me. It's hard for me now to have conversations or debates in person. Here I can organize my thought because I can take my time. As you see.

Through out all this I had alot of time to think about the world and social issues, amongst other things about my lifetime in general. I'm more passionate than ever before to see the world change for the better.

There is numerous other reasons I could talk about why your post is so fucked up, but this is WAY too long and I am tired.

Life hint: Stop making assumptions about everyone. You have no idea the people you are talking to or who they are, and it makes your opinion sound completely irrelevant..
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We're on day 11 with no covid deaths now. Had 1 in the last 4 weeks.
Wasn't hard. We all had to take 9-14 weeks off work, other than essential staff.
Worst thing that happened was we had to queue up for a while to get into shops and my local ran out of bog roll for 2 days.
Other than that though it was pretty uneventful.
We just kinda sat about drinkin for 3 months and magically it went away.
Weve still got a fair infection rate but those of us it kills are just staying the fuck indoors.
Weve gotta wear mask in most places so that we limit the chance of the vulnerable people catching it when they do have to venture outside.
Can't sit beside folk on public transport.
Gotta keep your distance at work. That's a pain in the ass but it didn't take much really. Just don't gather in your tens of thousands every day and it goes away pretty quickly.
Did we end up with an unfortunate amount of job losses. Sure.
Did we damage the economy, of course.
But we've pretty much beat it. First time round anyway.
With all these fuckin idiots pissing off to spain every day it won't be long before it kicks off again though.
Why people are bothering to book holidays abroad right now is beyond me.
Massive chance the flights will be cancelled and you'll get stranded in a foreign country but yaay the sun's oot. Madness.
Did yall know our nation was born during the “Age of Enlightenment?”
-8 of America’s founding fathers were scientists.

Did yall know science can be traced back 5500 years? That’s a pretty long collection of history and data. Massiveo_O

Question everything :leaf: that is even how science works.

“One of the biggest challenges is misinformation being disseminated on social media.”
-Taken directly from the read below quoting scientist discussing the challenges of beating Covid in the US

Scientific American - Contact Tracing - A key way to slow COVID-19 - Is badly underused by the US

I know we all have our opinions and perspectives but we are all in this together. Whether we like it or not.

Our leader has truly failed us, and continues to do so. Trump is waging war upon citizens and has made covid political (blocking funding, etc) but that doesn’t mean we have to buy into his bullshit. It is not political and we can still stop it ourselves by being proactive.

Knowledge is power. Spread the word. Trust the scientists..:wall:
We're on day 11 with no covid deaths now. Had 1 in the last 4 weeks.
Wasn't hard. We all had to take 9-14 weeks off work, other than essential staff.
Worst thing that happened was we had to queue up for a while to get into shops and my local ran out of bog roll for 2 days.
Other than that though it was pretty uneventful.
We just kinda sat about drinkin for 3 months and magically it went away.
Weve still got a fair infection rate but those of us it kills are just staying the fuck indoors.
Weve gotta wear mask in most places so that we limit the chance of the vulnerable people catching it when they do have to venture outside.
Can't sit beside folk on public transport.
Gotta keep your distance at work. That's a pain in the ass but it didn't take much really. Just don't gather in your tens of thousands every day and it goes away pretty quickly.
Did we end up with an unfortunate amount of job losses. Sure.
Did we damage the economy, of course.
But we've pretty much beat it. First time round anyway.
With all these fuckin idiots pissing off to spain every day it won't be long before it kicks off again though.
Why people are bothering to book holidays abroad right now is beyond me.
Massive chance the flights will be cancelled and you'll get stranded in a foreign country but yaay the sun's oot. Madness.
You should try this post on toke n talk ;). Doesn't seem political to me. Kind of logical, actually.
Do y’all really want to get this virus under control? Get your local and state governments on board with contact tracing..

America needs 100k+ contact tracers, and 30 million folks are unemployed. There HAS to be 100k people that are willing to do this. I’m looking at you (: non believers and keyboard warriors. Folks who think it’s ok to send children back to school full time. It’s ok for you to fight the good fight too then.

Contact tracing combined with masks and social distancing is how other countries are managing and even beating COVID. We can do it too. We just need a coordinated effort across the states.

Do you need a job? If you’re healthy, able and willing to do what it will likely take to keep America open - here’s more info:

CDC funded training for Contact Tracing Workforce
I've read this and re-read this.

Where in that post do you say anything to trigger this response?

TnT has a covid thread.

This post

is redundant and political.

Either way it is out of place.

View attachment 4637645
Is it just because you didn't post it in the snowflakes very own therad or maybe the tnt forum?


They gasped and clutched their pearls. How could a new contributor be so bold as to start a new thread on THEIR (emphasis on ownership) forum?

But then again, if people don't want to learn anything, well, you know what they say about teaching a pig to sing.
We're on day 11 with no covid deaths now. Had 1 in the last 4 weeks.
Wasn't hard. We all had to take 9-14 weeks off work, other than essential staff.
Worst thing that happened was we had to queue up for a while to get into shops and my local ran out of bog roll for 2 days.
Other than that though it was pretty uneventful.
We just kinda sat about drinkin for 3 months and magically it went away.
Weve still got a fair infection rate but those of us it kills are just staying the fuck indoors.
Weve gotta wear mask in most places so that we limit the chance of the vulnerable people catching it when they do have to venture outside.
Can't sit beside folk on public transport.
Gotta keep your distance at work. That's a pain in the ass but it didn't take much really. Just don't gather in your tens of thousands every day and it goes away pretty quickly.
Did we end up with an unfortunate amount of job losses. Sure.
Did we damage the economy, of course.
But we've pretty much beat it. First time round anyway.
With all these fuckin idiots pissing off to spain every day it won't be long before it kicks off again though.
Why people are bothering to book holidays abroad right now is beyond me.
Massive chance the flights will be cancelled and you'll get stranded in a foreign country but yaay the sun's oot. Madness.

Nice, congrats! Haha it's funny how that magically works.. I was looking back at FB when I had posted last prior to recently and it was early Feb. I posted a meme that went something like "this is the once chance you get to sit at home watch tv and save the world..don't fuck this up." Trump fucked it up, but so did Americans by not doing what was necessary.

I agree with the holidays, and vacations, it's madness. I have friends that just left for a 2 week vacation in FL. Florida, of all places!! SMH. I tried to talk some sense into them but they are non believers. Don't wear masks either. I told them please don't come by here until covid is over LOL..
I've read this and re-read this.

Where in that post do you say anything to trigger this response?

Is it just because you didn't post it in the snowflakes very own therad or maybe the tnt forum?

View attachment 4638204

They gasped and clutched their pearls. How could a new contributor be so bold as to start a new thread on THEIR (emphasis on ownership) forum?

But then again, if people don't want to learn anything, well, you know what they say about teaching a pig to sing.

Hahaha, IKR. I was so thrown - like wtf did I just start. Where did I go wrong? Oooops..touched some nerves apparently. I messaged a friend and said "well if I get banned.." I was resigned to go back to creeping another 10 years.

I'm more of the chick in the back corner at the party anyways. "I'll be over there --> chillin." I'm not so bold starting convos in public, I typically let the conversation come to me (: and then contribute my thoughts. All this is just really important to talk about right now, I think.