Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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Ok.. Im cool with it.

Understand... Ive had it, I don't leave this remote area I live in for days at a time, Im not exposed to hardly anyone. I agree it's not a great situation, but the science is just not there enough for me to take a jab at something developed in a few months.. other vaxx's took years or decade to get it even close.

The mRNA technology has been in development for over 20 years and all the usual stages of studies with humans were done before it was released as an emergency measure. Billions have had the shots now and the serious side effects are much rarer than almost all of the old style ones that are still in use and often mandatory for children.

Until kids are approved to get the vaccines it's up to us adults to take steps to protect them as the new variants emerging are proving to be much more harmful to kids than the original.

I live in a remote area with little outside contact and tho I never got a flu shot in my life I judged the risk and benefits of this shot and had my second Moderna shot at the end of June. My wife was more reluctant but her last one was same day as me tho she got her first one 2 months after my first.

Moderna has already begun first stage human testing on an HIV vaccine based on the mRNA tech and it shows promise. Shows promise to prevent and cure cancer too. Already too many people on this ever shrinking planet so they need to come up with an inception vaccine next.
I wanted the Phizer because I thought that one sounded the safest. Only one that's been fully approved by the FDA now, even though I got my shots when it was still considered emergency approval. But my wife and daughter got the Moderna. My wife got it first. Since she's a nurse, they made her get it. She was in the class of first responder I guess.

But people seriously need to think about natural immunity and make a card for people with natural immunity so they aren't subjected to the vax or unvax stuff. Forcing someone to get a vaccine even though they have natural immunity just to keep working somewhere is just crazy to me.
I wanted the Phizer because I thought that one sounded the safest. Only one that's been fully approved by the FDA now, even though I got my shots when it was still considered emergency approval. But my wife and daughter got the Moderna. My wife got it first. Since she's a nurse, they made her get it. She was in the class of first responder I guess.

But people seriously need to think about natural immunity and make a card for people with natural immunity so they aren't subjected to the vax or unvax stuff. Forcing someone to get a vaccine even though they have natural immunity just to keep working somewhere is just crazy to me.

The immunity gained by getting Covid has been proven to be short-lived and much weaker than the vaccine so that's why even after getting the disease you should still get the shots. If the Covid didn't kill ya why be afraid of a couple little jabs that have a way lower risk of side effects or illness than the disease itself.

I think most non-vaxxers are just scared of needles like little children. Suck it up buttercup!
The immunity gained by getting Covid has been proven to be short-lived and much weaker than the vaccine so that's why even after getting the disease you should still get the shots. If the Covid didn't kill ya why be afraid of a couple little jabs that have a way lower risk of side effects or illness than the disease itself.

I think most non-vaxxers are just scared of needles like little children. Suck it up buttercup!
You're confused. I already said I got the vaccine. I was at Safeway on 4-20, and believe it or not my appointment was at 4:20pm. It was the only time available at the time. All the other Coloradans had other things to do I guess at 4:20 on 4-20, lol. What are the odds, lol.

And I got allergy shots regularly when I was a kid. Needles don't scare me unless the want to put them in my veins and suck out my blood, lol.

And I thought you were cool, but now you're name calling. Not cool.
I wanted the Phizer because I thought that one sounded the safest. Only one that's been fully approved by the FDA now, even though I got my shots when it was still considered emergency approval. But my wife and daughter got the Moderna. My wife got it first. Since she's a nurse, they made her get it. She was in the class of first responder I guess.

But people seriously need to think about natural immunity and make a card for people with natural immunity so they aren't subjected to the vax or unvax stuff. Forcing someone to get a vaccine even though they have natural immunity just to keep working somewhere is just crazy to me.
The problem is, "natural immunity" from a previous Covid infection varies greatly from person to person and we have no idea how long it lasts. I have an autoimmune disorder, so I was quick to get double vaccinated (also Moderna), then a month after my second vaccination, I was infected by a single exposure-literally, the one person who I was even remotely close to for 10 min infected me when he was setting up my new ISP. Sick as a dog for 2 weeks, almost went to the hospital, but I'm not the hospital type, so I held off. Anyway, I just got my 3rd Moderna shot yesterday and had a strong reaction to it, where I had ZERO reaction to the first two, so I'm finally hopeful I've gotten a decent immune response. There have been some good studies looking at natural immunity from infection, vs, vaccine immunity, AND BOTH together, and the very best protected people are the ones who got two vaccinations after first having a covid infection. I'm 100% convinced that everyone needs to get vaccinated regardless of previous infection. Delta is bad enough and there is already a new variant of concern brewing in South Africa with significant capabilities to evade our current vaccine-Delta is just so dominant it hasn't spread much yet.
The problem is, "natural immunity" from a previous Covid infection varies greatly from person to person and we have no idea how long it lasts. I have an autoimmune disorder, so I was quick to get double vaccinated (also Moderna), then a month after my second vaccination, I was infected by a single exposure-literally, the one person who I was even remotely close to for 10 min infected me when he was setting up my new ISP. Sick as a dog for 2 weeks, almost went to the hospital, but I'm not the hospital type, so I held off. Anyway, I just got my 3rd Moderna shot yesterday and had a strong reaction to it, where I had ZERO reaction to the first two, so I'm finally hopeful I've gotten a decent immune response. There have been some good studies looking at natural immunity from infection, vs, vaccine immunity, AND BOTH together, and the very best protected people are the ones who got two vaccinations after first having a covid infection. I'm 100% convinced that everyone needs to get vaccinated regardless of previous infection. Delta is bad enough and there is already a new variant of concern brewing in South Africa with significant capabilities to evade our current vaccine-Delta is just so dominant it hasn't spread much yet.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Are you in the US, because I didn't think they were doing 3rd doses yet? And you got that sick for 2 weeks even with the double dose? That's crazy. I take this shit seriously, believe it or not, and I've told my son more than once he should get vaxed, but I respect everyone's decisions and I'm not gonna harass him about it. However I think some jobs should require the shot, like all hospital workers for one. He's thinking of joining the military too and he knows they require it, and he's cool with that.

The whole COVID thing is just messed up. Damn bats.
Covid, The Future is Now! still here. Doesn't appear to be going anywhere.
I live in OK and we are saturated with the delta+ variant. I know several dead people now that would still be alive if they had gotten the vacc. Now, Im not a big fan of humans, but I still feel bad for peoples emotional pain. But, if you are too smart to get the vax, you're probably on your way out the door shortly anyway, so good luck.
You're confused. I already said I got the vaccine. I was at Safeway on 4-20, and believe it or not my appointment was at 4:20pm. It was the only time available at the time. All the other Coloradans had other things to do I guess at 4:20 on 4-20, lol. What are the odds, lol.

And I got allergy shots regularly when I was a kid. Needles don't scare me unless the want to put them in my veins and suck out my blood, lol.

And I thought you were cool, but now you're name calling. Not cool.

I was referring to people who won't get the shots in general and not at you in particular. Was late and the RSO was kicking in hard, so sorry for the confusion.

Delta is bad enough and there is already a new variant of concern brewing in South Africa with significant capabilities to evade our current vaccine-Delta is just so dominant it hasn't spread much yet.

This is a big problem not having the rest of the world, (read poor countries with mostly dark skinned people), getting vaccinated at the levels we are. Brewing grounds for more virulent variations and one could emerge that eats the vaccine for breakfast with death rates in the double digits.

New pandemics will arise in the future and if we have to go thru this turmoil every time it does not bode well for humanity.

White genocide happening at local chiropractor in florida …. He offered to sign medical exceptions for parents. Actual medical physicians , nurse practitioners can tho.

Get the bags ready.

Yeah … 2 internet dickweeds putting their tinfoil hats together for the greater cause. Fuck those idiots - they bring ZERO EXPERTISE to the subject.
Did you even read the statistics which point out Covid is killing only 1.64% of infections and dropping? Check the monoclonal antibodies which are keeping infected from suffering/dying. Deny truth and give up your liberties if you must but don't drag the rest of us along who know better.
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