Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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We got a real shit show going on here in Alberta since our current dictator decided to throw the doors wide open in time for the world famous Calgary Stampede in early July. ICU beds are at 95% capacity and non-urgent surgeries like my wife's foot and knee fixes have been cancelled for who knows how long because all the Covidiots are filling up the hospitals. This is happening all over where restrictions were lifted like it's all OK now. It's not.

They just came out with the latest modelling showing the numbers for how many vaccinated and unvaccinated are taking up beds and its overwhelmingly the unvaccinated. In just the 20-29yo group there are 124.7X as many unvaccinated than vaccinated.

The report is here if anyone wants to see the numbers for the shit show. It will be similar where other places have decided to go with freedumb instead of reality.

Did you even read the statistics which point out Covid is killing only 1.64% of infections and dropping? Check the monoclonal antibodies which are keeping infected from suffering/dying. Deny truth and give up your liberties if you must but don't drag the rest of us along who know better.

It's almost exclusively killing Covidiots and for every one it kills there are a dozen more that will have life-long health issues due to catching the bug. The delta variant is mutating now too and much worse than Delta prime which is much worse than the Alpha.

Kids are having more health issues and deaths related to the variants as well so you all must hate kids as you won't do anything to protect them from your selfishness.
The vaccine is safer than catching Covid.

"The outpatient center was housing inpatients, the 125-bed hospital held 146 patients, and half of all patients — 78 — had COVID-19, with 91% of them unvaccinated, according to hospital officials attending a midday online press conference."

The vaccine is safer than catching Covid.

That was teh basic reasoning behind my deciding to go with it. At first I was agnostic about it and wanted to see how things went as it rolled out before deciding and as luck would have it I had decided to go for it not long before it finally became available here. Neither my wife or I have ever had a flu shot and I was mildly anti-vax about most shots as was she to the point that she didn't finally see the wisdom in it and get her first Moderna until 2 months later near the end of May. When they called to book the appt for my 2nd shot she answered the phone and asked if she could get hers too and as she was at 31 days and they had extra we both went in for our seconds the end of June.

With my smoked out lungs and hers the same we figured if we did get really ill from Covid we had good chances of a serious outcome including death. She just turned 59 and I'm hitting 67 next month so no spring chickens here except in the coop next spring. ;)

The vaccine is safer than catching Covid.

"The outpatient center was housing inpatients, the 125-bed hospital held 146 patients, and half of all patients — 78 — had COVID-19, with 91% of them unvaccinated, according to hospital officials attending a midday online press conference."

Got my vaccine from the health department as soon as it was available - both pzers. So far OK. Been through two plane flights and road travel and what do you know I'm still here. It depends on what your Doctor recommends. It also helps to have regular check ups and have your Doctor's number on speed dial. Granted that's why the whole mess started cause everyone can't afford a Doctor. Here's why:
I have no interest in this vaccine and have concerns about what it could do down the road. That said I will still get it. I worry more about those I might kill giving them covid than I am about the vaccine. I still don't want it mind you but will take it for the greater good.

Compassion for your fellow man. What a better place this world would be if there were more like you!
I just lost my first job today not being vaxxed. This lady called me and went through her whole spiel of what she needed. Then at the end she asked if I had both of my jabs and continued on with her virtue signaling. I told her to lead with that question next time and stop wasting people’s time.
I just lost my first job today not being vaxxed. This lady called me and went through her whole spiel of what she needed. Then at the end she asked if I had both of my jabs and continued on with her virtue signaling. I told her to lead with that question next time and stop wasting people’s time.
Congratulations, I hope you lose many more
I just lost my first job today not being vaxxed. This lady called me and went through her whole spiel of what she needed. Then at the end she asked if I had both of my jabs and continued on with her virtue signaling. I told her to lead with that question next time and stop wasting people’s time.

Careful, next they are gonna want you to carry Insurance.
Then why didn't you get it?... and what does Trump have to do with anything now?.. he's not been Prez since Jan.
There seems to be a direct correlation between Trump enjoyers and anti vaxxers. I just wanted to get ahead of that before it became an issue. Anywho, I think my wife and I are going to get our first shots this weekend. Her Uncle is laid up in the ICU right now coughing up blood from this delta variant, and I’m really just worried that practicing good hygiene and wearing my mask everywhere just isn’t gonna fly like it did last year.
There seems to be a direct correlation between Trump enjoyers and anti vaxxers. I just wanted to get ahead of that before it became an issue. Anywho, I think my wife and I are going to get our first shots this weekend. Her Uncle is laid up in the ICU right now coughing up blood from this delta variant, and I’m really just worried that practicing good hygiene and wearing my mask everywhere just isn’t gonna fly like it did last year.
Yeah... it's not a good situation no matter who is in the "puppet chair". I just don't trust the vax yet. Too many people having bad reactions to the shots,.. I've had family that got really sick after the first and second shots. One had a heart attack with no previous health issues. Remember those experimental kids that had deformities and deaths during the Polio vax trials?.. It's just too soon. Death has my number, and when its up... I'll have to answer.
I've already had it anyways... wasn't that bad. I got some antibodies that I believe will last for a while. If I get it again, I think my body can handle it.
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