Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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Yeah, I am on the short list as my main hospital where my office is has been chosen as a distribution point for the vaccine. While I am not as confident there could be no side effects down the road that have not been discovered I can clearly see what Covid can do. For the sake of all those I know I will roll up my sleeve even thought I don't fully trust it. It feels like the logical choice to me but hey, that's just my opinion. I hope others will do the same.

This is exactly how medicine and doctors work. They vow to do no harm but then have to consider the cost/benefit ratio for each patient under their care.

OMFG! Think about how bad you would feel when someone dies under your care. Even if you followed every direction and rules and got the dosage 100% correct some people just will die regardless.

It's the same thing with this or any other vaccine.

So far the worst effects are with people that have bad allergic reactions to all sorts of stuff and the usual Epie Pen cure seems to work. This is what I get from news reports like PBS News so I can't prove this.

I'm 66 with mild COPD and totally shredded lungs from almost 60 years of smoking everything that could be smoked. I have NEVER used a crack pipe or one of those butane torches to fire up my little pipe for a tiny hit of pot. We roll our smokes here and used to get cured leaf tobacco from the states but that stopped. We lived 3 miles from the border crossing south of Aldergrove, BC. Me and the kids crossed twice a week. We'd go down to Lynden where I would fill up with gas, buy 2 cartons of Camel Filter 100s that I stuffed under the back seat of my '84 chevy malibu then stop at the dairy on the way back and get a gallon of fresh milk for a buck, 2lb block of cheddar cheese for $4 and a 50¢ ice cream cone for me and my two boys so when we rolled up to Canada Customs I'd hand over the receipt for the dairy when he asked if I had anything to declare.

Move along was the usual response and there's lots more to this story but I zoned out for a while and will have to get back to you later if you want more.

Car searches, drug smuggling and other bits of drama await. :D

How long ago, with the agent orange, I mean?

I’m a pharmaceutical engineer. I’ve worked with the fda many times.

Last place I worked was Sanofi. I’m actually educated in the realm of pharmaceuticals and I’m going to take it.

And I’m a free thinker, trust me.
Ya my sister worked for apo as a biochemist and shes taking it to. I just trust government as much as i trust big pharma and now their in bed together even worse. Cancer probably has long been cured but no money in cures ill tell what their is money in vaccines that require multiple vaccines that only protect 95% so again not really effective so 5 percent gonna die who take it? Whats that 40 million die kinda like 1918 only now its gonna take 20 years to kill the 40?
Ya my sister worked for apo as a biochemist and shes taking it to. I just trust government as much as i trust big pharma and now their in bed together even worse. Cancer probably has long been cured but no money in cures ill tell what their is money in vaccines that require multiple vaccines that only protect 95% so again not really effective so 5 percent gonna die who take it? Whats that 40 million die kinda like 1918 only now its gonna take 20 years to kill the 40?
So you don’t trust your own sister?
So you don’t trust your own sister?
No shes never examined the vaccine different if she did i guess its just blind trust in government, i guess i just question motives. I have never thought you know the government always has my best interests i feel opposite whos really pulling the strings for the puppet politicians and whats the agenda? Paranoia i guess or just i cant blind trust in a corrupt system i dunno.
No shes never examined the vaccine different if she did i guess its just blind trust in government, i guess i just question motives. I have never thought you know the government always has my best interests i feel opposite whos really pulling the strings for the puppet politicians and whats the agenda? Paranoia i guess or just i cant blind trust in a corrupt system i dunno.
But YOU are the government. We chose who we want to speak for us.

I’m not a kid, I’ve been around and honestly, before trump, was this kind of suspicion or paranoia so prevalent in Americans?

I trust myself to investigate and make my own decisions. I don’t let others make them for me. But I’ve been in those facilities and worked amongst the fda. I’m just not afraid and I want my life back.

I see it as my civic duty in someway. Citizen soldier if you will.
Cancer probably has long been cured
No? Cancer is a huge problem... there ARE certain cures - based ony NANOtechnology. The University of Ulm is experimenting with these... small imunecells outfitted with an micro RF chip, they can be programmed to attack any human cell/tissue - and be turned on/off from afar - but this therapy has a price: half a million. See? Some pay to become the new Borg, all u need is to trust the Hive lol
No shes never examined the vaccine different if she did i guess its just blind trust in government, i guess i just question motives. I have never thought you know the government always has my best interests i feel opposite whos really pulling the strings for the puppet politicians and whats the agenda? Paranoia i guess or just i cant blind trust in a corrupt system i dunno.

It sure sounds like your sister got the brains in the family.

These new mRNA vaccines were in the works for the last decade and with the huge demand to find something to fight Covid they finally got the funds they needed to push this technology thru.

Every reputable scientist in 200 countries are telling us this shit works so screw the Covidiots and ReTrumplicans that are lying about it.

I'm 66 with shit for lungs and I'll happily follow all the measures I need to so I don't get infected before the vaccines come my way which I believe won't be until Aug- Sept next year if that early.

I have never had a flu shot but don't recall ever having the flu either. Sure not getting one now as with all the protection I'm doing so I don't get Covid makes sure I'm not going to get the flu this year either.

How stupid is it to get a shot for flu this year? If you're stupid enough to walk around defenceless then you might get Covid and the flu which should kill you and remove you from the gene pool and enhance that pool for future generations.

Darwin knew what he was talking about.

:peace: and a better New Year for all of us! Even the anti-vaxxers get my love!

It sure sounds like your sister got the brains in the family.

These new mRNA vaccines were in the works for the last decade and with the huge demand to find something to fight Covid they finally got the funds they needed to push this technology thru.

Every reputable scientist in 200 countries are telling us this shit works so screw the Covidiots and ReTrumplicans that are lying about it.

I'm 66 with shit for lungs and I'll happily follow all the measures I need to so I don't get infected before the vaccines come my way which I believe won't be until Aug- Sept next year if that early.

I have never had a flu shot but don't recall ever having the flu either. Sure not getting one now as with all the protection I'm doing so I don't get Covid makes sure I'm not going to get the flu this year either.

How stupid is it to get a shot for flu this year? If you're stupid enough to walk around defenceless then you might get Covid and the flu which should kill you and remove you from the gene pool and enhance that pool for future generations.

Darwin knew what he was talking about.

:peace: and a better New Year for all of us! Even the anti-vaxxers get my love!

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You never cared about the warnings about smoking now your preaching follow the scientists lol
Just got to watch the first vaccine given to a young lady who works in a long term care home after 2 armed guards brought in the medication. She was a real good sport about all the people taking pics and watching. Here is hoping this is the start to better days. Clearly this is going to take a long time but those long journeys always begin with that first step.
Nope nanotechnology vaccine you know made by a computer like no other vaccine in human history. Guess what each bottle has a bar code im sure its safe ill be the guy saying i told those guys it wasnt safe or ill be the guy dying from a chinese produced virus to screw western economies i dunno which death is better lol. Imagine what that can put in those vaccines individual coding with a bar coded bottle and a record who took it? thats the next warfare nanotechnology just do a bit of research before you sheeple into the drs office.
You and almost everyone else in the civilized world probably walks around with a portable microphone, camera, light sensor, accelerometer, GPS etc. in their pocket and you are worried about some sci-fi sounding 'bar coded nanotechnology'?

Where were you when Edward Snowden exposed the US government of mass surveilling the US population? That they are likely still undertaking against their population? They are spying on you right now and have been for years, and ppl volunteer it by blindly accepting TOS on apps that access things they should never need to.

Why all of a sudden is everyone afraid of some bizarre and impractical sci-fi nano spying technology when for years now people voluntarily walk around with spying devices in their pockets and their government has been completely exposed of mass surveiling them? Is it just that your phone is too convenient, can't give it up?
You and almost everyone else in the civilized world probably walks around with a portable microphone, camera, light sensor, accelerometer, GPS etc. in their pocket and you are worried about some sci-fi sounding 'bar coded nanotechnology'?

Where were you when Edward Snowden exposed the US government of mass surveilling the US population? That they are likely still undertaking against their population? They are spying on you right now and have been for years, and ppl volunteer it by blindly accepting TOS on apps that access things they should never need to.

Why all of a sudden is everyone afraid of some bizarre and impractical sci-fi nano spying technology when for years now people voluntarily walk around with spying devices in their pockets and their government has been completely exposed of mass surveiling them? Is it just that your phone is too convenient, can't give it up?
There's no tracking/surveillance device in the shots. It's a tiny explosive charge. This way they can kill you when you step out of line from travelling between home and work and home and work and home and work and home and work and home and work...
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