Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am on the short list as my main hospital where my office is has been chosen as a distribution point for the vaccine. While I am not as confident there could be no side effects down the road that have not been discovered I can clearly see what Covid can do. For the sake of all those I know I will roll up my sleeve even thought I don't fully trust it. It feels like the logical choice to me but hey, that's just my opinion. I hope others will do the same.
This is exactly how medicine and doctors work. They vow to do no harm but then have to consider the cost/benefit ratio for each patient under their care.
OMFG! Think about how bad you would feel when someone dies under your care. Even if you followed every direction and rules and got the dosage 100% correct some people just will die regardless.
It's the same thing with this or any other vaccine.
So far the worst effects are with people that have bad allergic reactions to all sorts of stuff and the usual Epie Pen cure seems to work. This is what I get from news reports like PBS News so I can't prove this.
I'm 66 with mild COPD and totally shredded lungs from almost 60 years of smoking everything that could be smoked. I have NEVER used a crack pipe or one of those butane torches to fire up my little pipe for a tiny hit of pot. We roll our smokes here and used to get cured leaf tobacco from the states but that stopped. We lived 3 miles from the border crossing south of Aldergrove, BC. Me and the kids crossed twice a week. We'd go down to Lynden where I would fill up with gas, buy 2 cartons of Camel Filter 100s that I stuffed under the back seat of my '84 chevy malibu then stop at the dairy on the way back and get a gallon of fresh milk for a buck, 2lb block of cheddar cheese for $4 and a 50¢ ice cream cone for me and my two boys so when we rolled up to Canada Customs I'd hand over the receipt for the dairy when he asked if I had anything to declare.
Move along was the usual response and there's lots more to this story but I zoned out for a while and will have to get back to you later if you want more.
Car searches, drug smuggling and other bits of drama await.