Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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When did trusting big pharma become trendy? You can't even sue them over inadequately tested vaccines. That should be a red flag right there. I've never had the flu. Yes I got Covid, but the symptoms were very mild. You say it's super contagious, but how in the hell did my best friend and cousin, who are around me everyday, not contract it? I am a full believer in a healthy lifestyle to overcome such things. I haven't been vaccinated for anything since I was a child. If I was over 70 and had preexisting conditions, I might take the gamble. I just don't understand how the left can bitch about GMOs all day, but let doctors stick you with something that fucks with your RNA and has been barely tested? We have plagues every few hundred years that wipe out segments of the population. Whether, you believe this virus was man made or by nature's design. The planet has it's own form of population control. I am Native, and do you know why we are one of the hardest hit? Because they have an obesity epidemic and our pancreas cannot handle food rich in sugar and carbs, so we develop diabetes at 300x the rate of other races. That's why I don't eat sweets or a lot of bread. I already had 2 aunts on that side die from diabetes.
Different ethnic groups have certain genetic propensities, many Asians are lactose intolerant and many east Indians have trouble with the Western (North American) diet. I'm white of European descent and we evolved to eat anything like pigs, but a poor die can catch up to you, some faster than others.

As far as vaccines go, it's the scientists I trust, not the corporate executives, first they know what they are talking about. Second scientists are a diverse group who work for a wide variety of organizations including universities and they have tenure, which is kinda like being a judge, ya can't be fired. Third, scientist are motivated by different things than executives or politicians, they seek knowledge and the others seek money and power. Fourth, science is full of nice people who are in competition in their specific fields and keep each other honest the old fashioned way, they fight it out! Fifth other counties have approved these vaccines too and in my country Health Canada is just as rigorous as the CDC

The AZ vaccine was created with Oxford university and a Swedish company and the vaccine is a nonprofit effort as are some others.
Perhaps this is the best reason to get yourself and family protected from another "white man's disease", global diseases that Europeans gathered from around the globe during the discovery, exploration, exploitation and colonization phase of human history. Have a look at this chart, it's how many times more vulnerable other peoples are to covid19 than yer average white slob. It's from the CDC, so yer tax dollars paid for it, might as well use it.
Risk for COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death By Race/Ethnicity | CDC

Risk for COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death By Race/Ethnicity
Updated Apr. 23, 2021
Race and ethnicity are risk markers for other underlying conditions that impact health
Rate ratios compared to White, Non-Hispanic personsAmerican Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic personsAsian, Non-Hispanic personsBlack or African American, Non-Hispanic personsHispanic or Latino persons
Race and ethnicity are risk markers for other underlying conditions that affect health including socioeconomic status, access to health care, and exposure to the virus related to occupation, e.g., frontline, essential, and critical infrastructure workers.
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Can't argue with your view there, I think it's all the other stuff you write, there is nothing wrong in being cautious, it's just a lot of people hate preaching and to be honest and I know it's bad on my part but all that writing puts me off, I've been there got the t shirt, don't need to hear about Big Pharma, I know what they are doing but hey keep on being rightous brother I mean look at all those others before you, you will be held up as a model thinker, sorry I was typing shit again forgive me it happens when most people type too much I think.
I just wish conversations could stay civil without all the Hyperbole. We don't get to a common ground by dismissing one another. I understand why people are afraid. My friend's mother died from it. A lot of this has been blown out of proportions because the science has not been settled and rarely ever is. Science is a never ending journey and ever changing. We wrecked economies over this. Think about all the people that lost their business. In my Opinion, I know I will get shit for this, but Ron DeSantis Governor of Florida handled it the best. He followed the science. The vulnerable should have been protected, while the rest of us were allowed to keep this economy rolling. I know the argument is "better off poor than dead", but that's not true for many of us. I scratched my way out of poverty and I would rather be dead than lose it. You know who banked? Walmart, Amazon, ...etc.
Money doesn’t help if your mind is poor; strength doesn’t help if your heart is weak; possessions don’t help if your soul is empty.

I worked a good few decades, life happened to me and now I have much less money but feel much more content, I am getting there, without a lot of money.

Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a state of mind.

Both brilliant quotes

Not everyone's truth is okay for another person, always be kind, it's very hard.
I'm aware of that. If it had an 70% kill rate like Ebola, I would jab myself with a vaccine.
Sometimes living is worse than dying. Covid is an endothelialitis which means it is a coagulopathy. We have young people needing lung transplants and stroke rehab. We will have a large percentage of a generation that will be chronically ill, and live shortened lives, because they survived this virus. Worse we have youngsters volunteering to be incubators for variants which will threaten us all.

But you do you. As Lenin said, "Better fewer, but better."
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No thanks. I will consider that vaccine when more adequate testing is done. I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I just want to see long term effects? How hard is that to understand?

That's exactly where I'm at.
Sony can't even get the new Playstation right, and it's on it's 4th "Upgrade" since the original console came out in 1994... so what makes anyone think that they can fix Covid in the first batch of vaccine? When Cancer has been killing off our families for who knows how long, and all I've seen done about it was the healthcare system found ways to make money off of it. No cure.. just ways to prolong it so they can keep billing for treatments.

That's exactly where I'm at.
Sony can't even get the new Playstation right, and it's on it's 4th "Upgrade" since the original console came out in 1994... so what makes anyone think that they can fix Covid in the first batch of vaccine? When Cancer has been killing off our families for who knows how long, and all I've seen done about it was the healthcare system found ways to make money off of it. No cure.. just ways to prolong it so they can keep billing for treatments.
This is a good read ...
"Mask up to keep it up": Preliminary evidence of the association between erectile dysfunction and COVID-19 - PubMed (

"Mask up to keep it up": Preliminary evidence of the association between erectile dysfunction and COVID-19
Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED), as the hallmark of endothelial dysfunction, could be a short- or long-term complication of COVID-19. Additionally, being ED a clinical marker and predictor of non-communicable chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular, subjects with ED could potentially have a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.
Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of ED among subjects with a reported diagnosis of COVID-19 and to measure the association of COVID-19 and ED.
Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence (

Coronavirus Lingers in Penis and Could Cause Impotence
THURSDAY, May 13, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Men now have one more compelling reason to get a COVID-19 vaccine — doctors suspect the new coronavirus could make it hard to perform in the bedroom.

How? Coronavirus infection is already known to damage blood vessels, and vessels that supply blood to the penis appear to be no exception.

Researchers armed with an electron microscope found coronavirus particles in penile tissue samples taken from two former COVID-19 patients who became impotent following their infection, which had occurred six and eight months earlier.

Further study revealed evidence of blood vessel damage in the penises of the COVID-19 patients, compared to two other men with erectile dysfunction who'd never been infected, the researchers reported May 7 in the World Journal of Men's Health.

"We found that the virus affects the blood vessels that supply the penis, causing erectile dysfunction," said senior researcher Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, director of the reproductive urology program at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. "The blood vessels themselves malfunction and are not able to provide enough blood to enter the penis for an erection."

Ramasamy compared this to organ damage in the lungs, kidneys and brain that's been found in COVID-19 patients.

"We think the penis also could be affected in a similar way," Ramasamy said. "We don't think this is a temporary effect. We think this could be permanent."

The new report focused on two recovered COVID-19 patients undergoing penile prosthesis surgery for their erectile dysfunction. Both men had normal erectile function prior to their infections.

One of the men had been severely sick with COVID-19 and spent two weeks in the hospital before he recovered, but otherwise was free from chronic health problems.

The other man had a relatively mild case of COVID-19, but suffered from clogged arteries and high blood pressure before becoming infected.

Both men still had COVID-19 particles in their penile tissue, as well as evidence of endothelial dysfunction — a condition in which the linings of small blood vessels don't function properly and fail to provide adequate blood supply to different parts of the body.
”.. heart inflammation, blood clots and other dangerous side effects ..”

”.. heart inflammation, blood clots and other dangerous side effects ..”

Most everyone that had any issues with heart inflammation after the shot came from ppl with pre existing heart issues or had metabolic disease issues such as type2 diabetes or pre diabetes or just flat out of shape and obese.
”.. heart inflammation, blood clots and other dangerous side effects ..”

Don't look up Asphalt.
”.. heart inflammation, blood clots and other dangerous side effects ..”

You're losing and losing badly, but victory only means you will help to kill those as stupid as yourself. Most people are being vaccinated, just the chickenshits and losers will be left out when the new variants come calling. Someone shit in your ear and it's coming out your mouth.
You're losing and losing badly, but victory only means you will help to kill those as stupid as yourself. Most people are being vaccinated, just the chickenshits and losers will be left out when the new variants come calling. Someone shit in your ear and it's coming out your mouth.
You really can't think for yourself. You depend on the Government to that for you. Just think of all those poor souls trapped in their own country. Truth is in statistical facts. Try reading the graph shown in this yTube at 1:27:30 and try refuting facts.
You really can't think for yourself. You depend on the Government to that for you. Just think of all those poor souls trapped in their own country. Truth is in statistical facts. Try reading the graph shown in this yTube at 1:27:30 and try refuting facts.

Yeah … 2 internet dickweeds putting their tinfoil hats together for the greater cause. Fuck those idiots - they bring ZERO EXPERTISE to the subject.
Thousands of unvaccinated people dying worldwide of Covid daily and the magical thinking anti-vaxxers point to the single digits that have died from the vaccines. Serious side effects are very rare from the vaccines, whereas 60% of people hospitalized with a serious case of covid leaves with some type of permanent organ damage.
You really can't think for yourself. You depend on the Government to that for you. Just think of all those poor souls trapped in their own country. Truth is in statistical facts. Try reading the graph shown in this yTube at 1:27:30 and try refuting facts.
Try listening to experts with letters behind their names that they earned, or who are called doctor, with an MD. I have no time for conspiracy theories and bullshit, take the vaccine or take the consequences of covid, it's not a question of if, but of when. For many it will be the jab or the axe, no debate and no bullshit.
I've had Covid last year... It wasn't the worst I've ever felt, but it just lasted sooo long. Like 3 weeks before I felt "normal". Never been vaxxed, and prob won't. Never had the flu shot, but I got it in 2012. THAT.. was the worst I have ever felt. Like "Im gonna die here alone" bad. Nobody was here on the Compound, I was single at the time, but I made it. I hadn't eaten for 3 days.. just sweating and freezing in the bed.. day 4, I woke up and saw a Red Lobster commercial on TV. Took a long hot shower and drove 30 miles away to have the Ultimate Feast. .... I was fucking starving LOL! I just don't think there is enough long term studies to show long term affects on the vax for C-19. I'll take my chances. There's only one that's going to decide when it's my time. Im 53 now... done a lot of shit in my life, traveled and lived across the globe, ... I've seen enough, so.. yeah.. whenever.
I've had Covid last year... It wasn't the worst I've ever felt, but it just lasted sooo long. Like 3 weeks before I felt "normal". Never been vaxxed, and prob won't. Never had the flu shot, but I got it in 2012. THAT.. was the worst I have ever felt. Like "Im gonna die here alone" bad. Nobody was here on the Compound, I was single at the time, but I made it. I hadn't eaten for 3 days.. just sweating and freezing in the bed.. day 4, I woke up and saw a Red Lobster commercial on TV. Took a long hot shower and drove 30 miles away to have the Ultimate Feast. .... I was fucking starving LOL! I just don't think there is enough long term studies to show long term affects on the vax for C-19. I'll take my chances. There's only one that's going to decide when it's my time. Im 53 now... done a lot of shit in my life, traveled and lived across the globe, ... I've seen enough, so.. yeah.. whenever.
Oh no, you did it now, lol. Here comes the pitchforks and torchs. I've been vaxed with Phizer, but I think everyone should be able to make their own choices. My son hasn't got the shot, and I can't force him. And if you've already had it, you have natural immunity, and I don't think people take that into account enough. I'm afraid to even talk about this kinda stuff here anymore really, lol.

Oh no, you did it now, lol. Here comes the pitchforks and torchs. I've been vaxed with Phizer, but I think everyone should be able to make their own choices. My son hasn't got the shot, and I can't force him. And if you've already had it, you have natural immunity, and I don't think people take that into account enough. I'm afraid to even talk about this kinda stuff here anymore really, lol.

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Bring it!. LOL!.. yeah, I do have antibodies, and am a healthy 53. My Dr. every year says "I don't know how you continue to show blood labs this good" .... genetics baby! Most men my age have an HDL of <40.. the meter that they go off of only goes to 80. (This is your good cholesterol).. I've had consistent reading for years in the 94-111 range. Both grandparents lived to almost 102 years, and I believe I have those genetics. Both siblings have my dads bloodwork (not great), he had a heart attack at 49, and the siblings have always had health problems... my bro has a widowmaker, sister is on all kinds of meds for this that or the other. I don't take anything. Whatever's gonna take me out is gonna take me out. I just live every day like its my last and will do so till I don't wake up.
Bring it!. LOL!.. yeah, I do have antibodies, and am a healthy 53. My Dr. every year says "I don't know how you continue to show blood labs this good" .... genetics baby! Most men my age have an HDL of <40.. the meter that they go off of only goes to 80. (This is your good cholesterol).. I've had consistent reading for years in the 94-111 range. Both grandparents lived to almost 102 years, and I believe I have those genetics. Both siblings have my dads bloodwork (not great), he had a heart attack at 49, and the siblings have always had health problems... my bro has a widowmaker, sister is on all kinds of meds for this that or the other. I don't take anything. Whatever's gonna take me out is gonna take me out. I just live every day like its my last and will do so till I don't wake up.
And now they're coming for you Barbara, lol.

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