Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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I've had Covid last year... It wasn't the worst I've ever felt, but it just lasted sooo long. Like 3 weeks before I felt "normal". Never been vaxxed, and prob won't. Never had the flu shot, but I got it in 2012. THAT.. was the worst I have ever felt. Like "Im gonna die here alone" bad. Nobody was here on the Compound, I was single at the time, but I made it. I hadn't eaten for 3 days.. just sweating and freezing in the bed.. day 4, I woke up and saw a Red Lobster commercial on TV. Took a long hot shower and drove 30 miles away to have the Ultimate Feast. .... I was fucking starving LOL! I just don't think there is enough long term studies to show long term affects on the vax for C-19. I'll take my chances. There's only one that's going to decide when it's my time. Im 53 now... done a lot of shit in my life, traveled and lived across the globe, ... I've seen enough, so.. yeah.. whenever.
Natural immunity is not as good as vaxx immunity and both are not as effective against the delta variant. Natural immunity fades quicker than vaxxed immunity and vaxxed is more effective than natural immunity against delta, even with vaccines boosters will be required for now. Delta is many times more contagious than even the UK or Alpha strain and you get sick much quicker and twice as bad as with the original or alpha variants. Those variants didn't affect kids and young people much, now they are filling the hospitals. Not many seniors though, since 90% are vaxxed, it is the unvaxxed and previously infected who are getting sick.

Delta covid is gonna be Hell on republicans, no wonder many of their leaders are panicking and back peddling, as the hate radio anti vaxxer stars die like flies from covid. Only about half of republicans are vaxxed and it could even affect the election in some places, of those hospitalized with covid 60% have long term health issues. Many are fucked for life and have diminished IQs, even among those who never went to the hospital, then there's covid limp dick...

AS VACCINATIONS stem the tide of severe covid-19 cases in the rich world, attention is turning to the virus’s after-effects. Many people experience symptoms after recovery, such as fatigue, sometimes forcing changes in work and lifestyle. Among the least understood aspects of “long covid” are problems with memory and concentration, often known as “brain fog”.

A joint Anglo-American research team set out to measure covid-19’s effect on mental ability, publishing their results in the Lancet EClinicalMedicine. They teamed up with the BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster, on the Great British Intelligence Test, an online assessment billed to the public as a way to “test your cognitive strengths”. Some 80,000 people signed up.

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AS VACCINATIONS stem the tide of severe covid-19 cases in the rich world, attention is turning to the virus’s after-effects. Many people experience symptoms after recovery, such as fatigue, sometimes forcing changes in work and lifestyle. Among the least understood aspects of “long covid” are problems with memory and concentration, often known as “brain fog”.

A joint Anglo-American research team set out to measure covid-19’s effect on mental ability, publishing their results in the Lancet EClinicalMedicine. They teamed up with the BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster, on the Great British Intelligence Test, an online assessment billed to the public as a way to “test your cognitive strengths”. Some 80,000 people signed up.
I replaced an entire steering system on a 1966 Ford F100 today without any problems.... I'll be fine.
WTF does that even mean?..... like I said, it's my choice, your choice, ... just pick a choice.
There ain't no law that says I can't scare the shit out of you over your choices and try to even save your selfish life. When you get sick you'll end up in the hospital, or someone will drag your ass out of the "compound" to a hospital. BTW, it's not a case of individual rights, but of collective rights and they trump individual rights every time and everywhere. Others are endangered by your behavior and piss poor civic example.
Wait til ya meet delta, it's a whole new ride and it's not a case of if, but when.
Ok.. Im cool with it.

Just the messenger…. In this scorched earth chapter. I would hope humankind sees the best action the one could do for the greater good.
Understand... Ive had it, I don't leave this remote area I live in for days at a time, Im not exposed to hardly anyone. I agree it's not a great situation, but the science is just not there enough for me to take a jab at something developed in a few months.. other vaxx's took years or decade to get it even close.
There ain't no law that says I can't scare the shit out of you over your choices and try to even save your selfish life. When you get sick you'll end up in the hospital, or someone will drag your ass out of the "compound" to a hospital. BTW, it's not a case of individual rights, but of collective rights and they trump individual rights every time and everywhere. Others are endangered by your behavior and piss poor civic example.
I could understand your theory here IF I were a TSA agent, AT&T rep, or other daily exposure to people... but Im not. We order everything we can online, stay here on the 12 acres for days at a time, and when we do go into town, we limit exposure, and take appropriate measures.
Ok.. Im cool with it.

Understand... Ive had it, I don't leave this remote area I live in for days at a time, Im not exposed to hardly anyone. I agree it's not a great situation, but the science is just not there enough for me to take a jab at something developed in a few months.. other vaxx's took years or decade to get it even close.
This vaccine was developed over a decade ago with the Sars epidemic, this virus is it's cousin sarscov2 and it has several new variant that render pervious natural immunity largely ineffective and vaxx immunity less effective, both immunities fade over time. The mRNA Pfizer vaccine just came out of EUA and mRNA technology has been around for a decade or more. There are hundreds of millions of satisfied customers, it's free and has few side effects or risks involved.
This vaccine was developed over a decade ago with the Sars epidemic, this virus is it's cousin sarscov2 and it has several new variant that render pervious natural immunity largely ineffective and vaxx immunity less effective, both immunities fade over time. The mRNA Pfizer vaccine just came out of EUA and mRNA technology has been around for a decade or more. There are hundreds of millions of satisfied customers, it's free and has few side effects or risks involved.
So does Covid.
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