Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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ok, i got distracted a bit, they started studying mrna in the 1960s, moved on to in vitro tests in animals in the 70s, and first tested them on people in the 90s. the corona vaccine is the first large scale use of them...
they've been researched since the 1960s, though, so it still answers your original statement, ( willing to have un-studied Mrna particles injected into thier bodies. )...they've not only been researched, they've been researched quite a bit for over 50 years. it seems that the only real problem with them was that all the applications they were good for already had accepted vaccines that were in production by pharmaceutical companies, who had no desire to develop a product to replace something they were already producing.
with the new use of them, and the associated research, they're now excited about using them to treat hiv, herpes, cancer, and several respiratory viruses...
so, say what you will, i'm entirely comfortable taking the vaccine, and plan to keep on doing it till the virus mutates into a new strain of flu, then i'll probably get a yearly shot for that, and never think about it doing me any harm...because it doesn't.
I mean, I could study rockets for 30 years, but is my first one gonna make it to orbit and back home safely?... maybe???
yeah, hillbillies with tools from home depot are studying mrna....i have a LOT more faith in their results than i have in your skepticism...i'll continue to get the boosters, and you can continue not to...all the same to me.
yeah, hillbillies with tools from home depot are studying mrna....i have a LOT more faith in their results than i have in your skepticism...i'll continue to get the boosters, and you can continue not to...all the same to me.
Ok cool. It's all the same to me too. You a little off tonight? You're usually as angry as your avatar. J/K bro. I hope we all see this under control some day. I got a feeling it's not tho. Unless we get to the end of the Greek Alphabet in variants, and then what are we gonna do??
Ok cool. It's all the same to me too. You a little off tonight? You're usually as angry as your avatar. J/K bro. I hope we all see this under control some day. I got a feeling it's not tho. Unless we get to the end of the Greek Alphabet in variants, and then what are we gonna do??
it's christmas, i'm trying to be in a good mood for my girlfriend...thank her for me not being my at my usual level of "bastardness"..wait till after the first and i'll be back to normal, well, what passes for normal for me...
it will eventually mutate into a less contagious, less transmissible variant, and we'll start to just add mrna to the flu virus to take care of it.
i'm fairly sure that this is far from the first virus like this that has popped up, it's just the first one that has popped up since we've had international travel at this availability, and social media for nutbar assholes to spread lies and disinformation from, so the virus and the stupid bullshit about the virus have both spread like none before. the people who believe the morons on the internet and not the scientist who do the research the morons on the internet are misrepresenting and misquoting have never had this much access to misinformation, and have never had the ability to track and threaten people who are telling the truth like they have's a new world, with a lot of the same old stupid fuckers in it... hooray :-?
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LOL!.. maybe. But like Roger said, he gets the Flu shot every year, and has had it twice in 15 years. I've only had 1 flu shot in 53 years, and have gotten it twice in my life. Granted, I am one of these Germaphobes that's constantly washing my hands and being careful, but evidence of breakthrough cases, and adverse events leads me to believe it's a risk vs. reward kinda thing.... and everyone has got to make that up in thier own minds. I don't care if you get 100 booster shots a year. If you believe that's going to protect you, jab away. Some of us just don't think there's enough long term studies to show how it's going to affect you long term, and they are willing to take that risk... Just like the vaxxed are willing to have un-studied Mrna particles injected into thier bodies. It's a choice. You can't mandate this stuff either. It would be like telling all women they have to be sterilized. What ever happened to "my body, my choice"?

I'm sorry, that's too fucking stupid to respond to.

It's indeed a situation that we didn't have before. The fact is that in all pandemics, there are always affected people who lost many folks and people who got through this quickly without complications. There are different opinions about the efficiency of vaccines and drugs. Recently, I read here about this drug Niclosamide that is newly used in the treatment of Covid. It's the same story as that with hydroxychloroquine. I just hope that scientists will find a drug just as effective as oseltamivir in flu. Peace to everyone
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