LOL!.. maybe. But like Roger said, he gets the Flu shot every year, and has had it twice in 15 years. I've only had 1 flu shot in 53 years, and have gotten it twice in my life. Granted, I am one of these Germaphobes that's constantly washing my hands and being careful, but evidence of breakthrough cases, and adverse events leads me to believe it's a risk vs. reward kinda thing.... and everyone has got to make that up in thier own minds. I don't care if you get 100 booster shots a year. If you believe that's going to protect you, jab away. Some of us just don't think there's enough long term studies to show how it's going to affect you long term, and they are willing to take that risk... Just like the vaxxed are willing to have un-studied Mrna particles injected into thier bodies. It's a choice. You can't mandate this stuff either. It would be like telling all women they have to be sterilized. What ever happened to "my body, my choice"?