Cows ate my weed


Other Mammals is a big category for not including bears.Guessing its deer collisions. Cows are in the top 4. Dogs cause more deaths a year, but I think its people like @UncleBuck who try molesting the dog.
might just be right
Ok so heres what happened today...
The brand inspector calls me ,i tell em the story briefly, he responded very dickishly. I cant take her cows if they wonder on my property its cattle theft of 20 yrs in prison.( this is actually a loophole if thry arnt branded , but he wont admit it) due to fence out" laws started 150 yrs ago. This law protects careless livestock owners. Well he didnt say that..but thats the jist.
So everyone that doesnt want her cows to come over has to put a fence up. I dont have a fence on her side ( yet). This essentailly costs everyone else to protect her property from coming to my property. This is the fence out law" its bs it was set 150yrs ago when there was only 8 people LIVING OUT HERE!!!!