Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

The amount of water not important, I think the water is only there to help from burning the bud and to absorb the water soluable stuff. Having too much better than not enough. And yeah you can throw more in, but 24 hours way too long imo, but won't hurt. I do cold wash ethanol washes now for 30-60 secs lol...
Ok cool, how long would you suggest? I'm open for any suggestions, and I just turned it down to warm from low after 3 hours on that, i'm assuming that is a good idea.
When I used to make butter in this style I would cook it a few hours at the most. You could try 24 hours and compare to lower amount of hours. The longer you cook it the greener your butter is going to be too...
Now that I have it on warm instead of low, would you say it would be a safe bet to take it off and pour it through the strainer after 3-4 hours of the warm setting so that it cooked for a total of 6-7 hours? Or is that too short seeing as how I never had it on high. And this may be a dumb question, but whats the fastest way to figure out the quality of the butter when its cooled, I'm only using a 1/4th oz to a pound of butter, but as long as I dont have to eat an absurd amount of cookies that I plan on making I'm fine.
As far as dosage, you'll just have to experiment... Id start with one average size cookie and wait and hour. Better too little than too much. And 6-7 hours should be plenty of cooking... Although if you did not decarb your weed, cooking it longer may be of benefit, thats why you should always pre-bake your weed, which is not mentioned at all in the first post...
Yeah, I did not decarb it. I didn't see a lot of recipes calling for it but I'm assuming its something more people have been figuring out about over time. If you had any idea, how big of a difference should I expect if I were to take it off in 4 hours (8 hours total) instead of waiting until tomorrow?
I don't think anyone could say lol. Since you didn't decarb, cooking longer is probably the safer bet, worst thing that will happen is you'll get more cloraphil and other bad tasting stuff in your butter. You can clean that up a little by re-melting your cannabutter in fresh water a couple of times.
Alright then, thanks for the help. I'll continue to leave it on "warm" instead of low until sometime tomorrow so that it runs for 18-24 hours. I figure its better to be safe than sorry for my first try with butter.
Started a batch about 4 hours ago. 1 oz trim/popcorn to 1lb unsalted butter. I guess I have a huge crockpot. Butter, trim, and water only filled it about 1/3 the way. Setting is on warm with the lid on. May increase it to low. We'll see.

Been wanting to do this for 2 years. This is my first batch. :hump:

Great dummies guide step by step. Thanks ERO.
Here is the budder. I cooked this on warm in a crockpot for 24 hrs. Let it sit in the fridge for 2 days. I've heard there is suppose to be brown muck on the bottom that I need to scrape off. My came out real clean. Maybe the sitting in the fridge for 2 days caused the muck to settle to the bottom. Dunno. 1oz trim to 1 lb butter.


budder top.JPG


budder bottom.JPG

Cut up

Hi everyone new to the site, going to make my first batch of butter with a friend on monday, thinking of doing 1.5-2lb of butter to 21grams of bud, have a few questions hoping someone can answer,

1) Does it smell alot in a slowcooker? I live in an apartment and am concerned, i was considering putting it on the balcony but then the sun might mess with the temperature??
2) Will 21grams to 2lb work? Or should we stick to 1lb?
3) What setting is best to cook it on and how long? Ive seen so many different opinions, 24hours wont work if its very smelly, i was thinking like 6 max? would that work?

Thanks in advanced for any advice im very excited to try this but dont want to muck it up :P
Well... If it were me...
#1. It stinks alot, if you do it inside use your stove fan, and the sun won't hurt the temp. a bit.
#2. It's up to you I like to get wrecked so I use 2 ozs. to a pound of (real Butter) don't use margarine it won't work.
#3. I set the slow cooker to hi for 2 hours. then I turn it down to LOW for the rest of the time.
the smell is strong..but does not smell like weed at all..i use 2 ounces of trim per lb of butter sometimes 3 ounces of trim per pound..strong butter is better..weak butter is useless
if smell is an issue here is another method i have used and results have been amazing.
a good size pan (like a 5 qt size)
a qt size Mason canning jar w/ two piece lid
one pound butter
one ounce good quality pot

put the pound of butter into the mason jar

put the jar into the pan and put enough water into the pan (not in the jar) to submerse about 3/4 of the jar
under water

sit on stove top burner and adjust heat so that you have a slow bubble low boil

add pot to butter once the butter is melted

put two piece top on jar (not Tight) and let it cook for 3-4 hours

tighten lid three of four times during process and gently swish the mixture, remember to loosen lid a little when done

when cooking is complete remove the two piece lid, drape a small piece of nylon panty hose over the top of the jar and screw the outer part of the lid onto the jar

pour the liquid thru the nylon into a glass container ---put container into fridge---done deal !!
Looks nice recepie man, and nice and easy instructions with pic's! :) its nice that people like you helps other people to make that what they want :P (420)
hey folks read some of the posts here wanted to add my 2 cents... I have been making butter for a long long time back in the day we used comercial kitchen equipment huge stock pots on a commercial stovetop a thermometer a lot of weed and a lot of butter. that was then and this is now.... I always run it through the blender with enough water to get it movin. chop the shit out of it till it looks almost like a green smoothie if the trim is wet I freeze it a day or 2 before I use it. I always come out with scary powerful results.... put me down for 18 hr. the other day and when I woke up I felt soooooooo refreshed and ready to take on the world. I feel the 2 key points are chopping it up in the blender and then the special tool wich I will get too. I don't really measure anything I just eyeball it wich is probably why it comes out too strong somtimes but just little adjustment on the dosage and all is well. so I covered the blender part already next comes the crock pot with an eyeballed amount of butter we will say 2 sticks for this run then pour in the blended trim I then run on hi for 2 hr. then low for 2 hr and now the fun part everyone loves, back in the day when we were dumb and full of cum we would pour it through a cloth then squeeze the butter out with our bare hands burning the shit out of ourselves for the cause. Fast forward 15 years and hey check out this cool new tool I got, you all may have seen it before or heard of it.... A fucking potato ricer.... I use one to squeeze the moisture out of my morning hashbrowns before I cook them but wait, you could squeeze your weed with that thing. If you are really anal about things you could put a coffee filter in the bottoom of it to keep any bitches that squeeze through the lil holes from scuming up the bottom of your butter but I really don't care about that so much. The trim that you blended with a lil water and cooked for four hours comes out a fine dry fiber... it is beutiful and soooo dry but by useing a potato ricer you squeeze every last bit of butter out of the fiber getting the most bang for your butter check it out I highly recomend you pick one up there are bigger ones they are expensive this is the one I have and use
recently back from a trip through space and time. magically transported 18 hr. into the future but I felt refreshed after the long jorney
Hey everyone, thanks for the kind words.

poplars, was that 2oz of bud per lb of butter??? The butter will take it, I've made it that strong before. That being said, if you made a batch of brownies (16 brownies from an 8" pan) using about 1/2 cup of butter, you would travel through space and time after eating one! ahhh... no pain!