Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

I'm slightly afraid of my edibles after what happened last time. I always make em strong but that potato ricer makes a huge differance. it gets alllll the butter out. makes butter strong like bull. well worth it

I need to make a mental note of your post !
I just got a potato ricer for butter making because I got really tired of burning the crap out of my hands.
Thanks for the tip. :cool:
I let my butter leach into the leaf/trim for 10 days ..once a day I heat up and stir...half a cup in a loaf of bananna or pumpkin bread and you can't eat once slice ...have to quarter it.
I think you will be very pleased with it and would like to here your reaction to using a potato ricer... I feel like it made my butter stronger just because you gt it all out of the green but I't could just be that I eyeball the mesurments.... definatly beats burning your hands though, post back after you do a run and let me know what you think. I can't believe it took me this long to stop burning the fuck out of my hands
I need to make a mental note of your post !
I just got a potato ricer for butter making because I got really tired of burning the crap out of my hands.
Thanks for the tip. :cool:
View attachment 2415561View attachment 2415562I got tired of looking for a potato ricer so this is how I be squeezin the budder..
very good idea I used to just turn the hot water on and run my hands under it until it warmed me up enough to cut the shock down a little but potat ricer = good, squeezes so good the plant matter comes out perfectly dry then you can shread a couple potatoes on your large cheese shredder, use the ricer squeeze the excess moisture out if them put em in a hot cast iron with a tblespoon of butter salt and let cook 5-8 min then flip cook 5 more then break up with spachula cook 5 min flip cook 5 min perfect taters and if you put the bacon on a broiling pan under the broiler on low right after you start the taters they will be done roughly around the same time 20 min... the last 5 min if you have a small pan hot with a little dab of butter you can crack an egg then put a lid on it and it all will finish at the same time. mmmmmmmmmmmm potato ricer..........
Sounds like my breakfast but I just peel grate Med. low 5 mins covered flip 5 more mins. done I just salt an pepper and dried onion.
But I don't do the Bacon I just can't let it start again, I mean that calling to have bacon on everything?? I have to go get some fresh air
now and clear my thoughts, god I love bacon, please don't get me started, I think it's too late I'm going for a Bacon cheese burger pizza....
I'm cooking up my first batch thanks to this tread.
Using old frozen trim. I put it through a blender to break it down to the pix in the first post. Put too much in the blender at first and it would clog up the grinder thing.
Lesser amounts it danced around in the blender and all but powered the trim.
I weighed the outcome of 2 bags of trim, almost 4 z's and I only had a pound of butter.
So in the crock it all goes.
Set the crock on high. When the mix was hot for 1.5 hours, turned down to low till tomorrow night when I can deal with straining it.
I have a food mill and will put it through that thing first then strain it through coffee filters.
As for smell, the kitchen smell like slightly over cooked microwaved spinach.
I love canned spinach and butter with some salt!
Gonna make so toll house cookies with the end result.
I hope.....
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 Cup butter, 1 Cup brown sugar, 1 Cup white sugar, 2 eggs well beaten. Cream together butter and sugar then add eggs and beat well. 1 Cup shredded unsweetened coconut, 2 cups flour, 2 cups rolled oats, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. baking powder. Combine all dry ingredients mix well and then add pre mixed wet ingredients. Form into balls place on baking sheet and bake at 350'F for 10-12 minutes
Makes about 25-30 cookies. I freeze any that might be leftover after a week or two. I've eaten them outta the freezer months later and they still have full potency. You can eat them frozen too if you are too impatient for them to thaw.
Does darker budder mean more potency?
I put mine through a food mill today and tried to strain through coffee filters but those didnt work well so I used a fine mesh colander.
Tried to squeeze the spent cakes the best I could but know i missed some.
Gonna try to make some cookies or brownies over the weekend.
anyone got any good /proven recipes? I am getting tired of making banana bread and pumpkin bread.
This thread got huge! Best one I got is make your canna butter from this thread. then melt 3/4 cup canna butter and mix it in with this and follow directions on the box! Easy Peazy! The recipie calls for 3/4 cup oil so if you make oil just use that. I called the company and they said subbing butter for oil is fine! The doubble chocolate hides the shitty weed taste! I hate the taste but can't beat the high!
This thread got huge! Best one I got is make your canna butter from this thread. then melt 3/4 cup canna butter and mix it in with this and follow directions on the box! Easy Peazy! The recipie calls for 3/4 cup oil so if you make oil just use that. I called the company and they said subbing butter for oil is fine! The doubble chocolate hides the shitty weed taste! I hate the taste but can't beat the high!
I find that if you strain the butter good, I personally strain mine through cheesecloth, it doesn't really have much of a weedy taste. To strain easily through cheesecloth is actually pretty simple. Find a bowl large enough to pour all of your mixture into. Get a fine mesh colander and lay a large piece of cheesecloth in it. Pour your weed butter through the cheesecloth then carefully pull up all 4 corners to make a pouch. Use a set of tongs to squeeze the remainder through your cheesecloth. I find twisting as you squeeze speeds up the process. Another super easy option for straining is to get a Nut Milk Bag. They are basically the cheesecloth pouch preformed with a drawstring to close it. Awesome little tool to have in the kitchen for making butter and for making Almond Milk. I love making Almond Milk but that's a whole other topic.
This thread got huge! Best one I got is make your canna butter from this thread. then melt 3/4 cup canna butter and mix it in with this and follow directions on the box! Easy Peazy! The recipie calls for 3/4 cup oil so if you make oil just use that. I called the company and they said subbing butter for oil is fine! The doubble chocolate hides the shitty weed taste! I hate the taste but can't beat the high!

Thanks, did that some years back..turned out pretty good..but I am trying to become better chef and getting away from box ad go from scratch.